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Welcome to the Circuit user manual

Table of contents

Overview of Circuit

Circuit is a social network where you can write posts with 256 characters to specified groups called circles.

Get started with Circuit

We are always welcoming new users! If you are new starting with us, the first thing you've got to do is to sign up, to do that follow the steps in the Sign up section. After that it's easy peasy, because we have a First steps tutorial, just follow them and you're ready to go!

Signing up

If you don't have a Circuit account, you can sign up for one in a few steps:

  1. Go to the Circuit website
  2. Click the "Sign up"-button in the upper left.
  3. Now fill out your email address, a username, a secure password and double-check all entries.
  4. Click the blue "SIGN UP"-button.
  5. Once you sign up, you'll need to confirm your email address. Therefore follow the link in the email you just received.
  6. You are now on the login page. Please enter your username and password.
  7. Finally you can see your profile!

Having troubles?

  • Is your email address used for another account already? It's not possible to use this email address again.
  • Maybe there is already someone using the same username. Try another one!
  • Still not working? Please take a look at the chapter Troubleshoot or contact the Circuit team.

Logging in

If you already have a Circuit account, you can log into your account by clicking the "Login"-button in the upper right.

Forgot your password?

Click the "Forgot password?"-button and enter your email address. The system will send you a message with a link to a password reset site.

Please enter a new password. Now you can login with your new password!

How to post

If you are logged in you can easily write a post in the field "Write something!". For further information what you can do with posts please take a look at Posts below.

How to find people

To find people you want to add, it is really simple. We have this lovely search function that you can find at the top of our navigation bar, and there you can just type the name of the person you want to look for and you'll get it, if it's a user with us!

How to use circles

In your profile you will find a button that is called Manage circles. There you can edit, create, and delete circles. For further information, just keep reading until you get to Circles section.

Glossary of terms

In our network you may be confronted with several new terms:

  • Post: Posts are the heart of Circuit. They are limited to 256 characters and you can write them for all your followers or just for a specified group called circle.
  • Circle: If you post something you can decide which group of people (circle) shall see it. You can easily create, delete and edit circles. Your circles are only important for you. So no other can see how you have grouped your followers.

Further help and contact details

If there are any further questions please first search for answers in this manual. At last you can still contact the Circuit team by writing to the following email address:

Manage your account

Edit your profile

As every social network, you want kinda personalize your own profile! As we are minimalistic, and surely you are too, we have added only the minimal personalizable items as your name, your real name, your e-mail address, and a brief description of you. You can, however, have your password changed or your account deleted if you would wish to. Just follow the instructions below and the job it's done!

Change your password

Do you want to change your password? That's not a problem! Just go to your profile, click on ``Edit profile` and there you will find the area where you can easily change your password! It takes only 1 minute!

Delete your account

Had enough of social networking or you just haven't time enough? Well you can delete your account. Even if we would like to have you forever in our system, we can understand that you want to leave us. To make that, just go to your profile, click on Edit profile, go to Delete account section and click on the big red button.

Once you delete your account, you cannot *ctrl+z* this action. So please think twice before doing this!


General informations

Posts are the heart of Circuit. It is the way you communicate with other users. There are some more options besides posting 256 characters of pure text. You can further answer to people, repost things, mention users or use hashtags.

With the help of our functions you can easily group information contained in your post and group for whom should it be.


Hashtags are the best way to keep information centralized. If you want to highlight some information about your post, you just need to write a # followed by alphanumeric characters, and we'll do the rest!

You can look for all the posts that include that hashtag. To do that, just click on the hashtag you want or in the search field type # and the hashtag name you want to search for.


Mentions is one of the ways you can interact with people. You can let someone know that you want their attention if you write their username with a @ before it and he will get notified that you have mentioned him.


You liked a post of another user? You liked it so much that you want to share it to your feed without stealing it? Just repost it! The reposts are really useful when you find a post that you would like to share with other people without writing it yourself!


You liked a post so much that you would like to have a quick access to it? Well that's what the favorite option is for! Just favorite a post, and keep an eye on it once in a while!

Once you've favorited you can quickly access to them from your profile!


The circles are our way to keep the visibility of your posts as you want to! We have two standard circles: Public and Me. As their name say, they are for either everyone visible or just for you. But that's not everything, you can create your own circles, edit them, and, if you don't want them anymore, you can delete them!

Add people to your circles

There are two ways of doing this.

    1. You can go directly to the profile of the user you want to follow and add them to the circle you would want to. The user will get a notification, when you add him to it.
    1. You can add people while you are editing your circle or creating one. Just type the name of the person you want, select the one you mean and click on save! Done!

Create a circle

To create a circle all you have to do is:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Click on Manage circles.
  3. Write a name for the circle.
  4. Add people to it, writing their names and then select the person you mean.
  5. Click on Save.

Done! You have another circle!

Edit your own circle

To edit any circle you have created, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Click on Manage circles.
  3. Look up for your circle.
  4. Click on the pencil icon.
  5. Edit want you want to (Name of the circle or people in it).
  6. Click on Save.

Done! The circle has been edited!

Delete a circle

To delete one of your circles, it's very easy! Just follow the next steps:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Click on Manage circles.
  3. Look up for your circle.
  4. Click on the trash icon.
  5. Confirm the action.

Pfft! Circle gone!

This cannot be reversed, once you've deleted a circle, you cannot go back in time!


You want to see what's going on in your surroundings? Discover it! So simple it is to search for hashtags, users and posts. Just need to know what you are looking for and we'll take it from there.

Searching for a user?

If you're just looking for a user that has a name you already know, just type @user_name in the search box and it will give you all the users that have a name starting with that name you gave or that it's exactly the name you gave.

Searching for a hot topic?

You've seen a hashtag trending a while ago and you want to see what was all about? No problema amigo, just look for it! All you have to do is to write #hashtag_name in the search field and if your search query matches it, there-you-go!

Searching for posts containing some info?

Not sure if it was a hashtag, a user or just some random info in a post, but you definitely want to get that post? We've got it covered! Write that down what you want to look for and we'll show you everything related to that, there's no need to write anything else!


Your information is as worthy for you as it is for us! We don't want to publish any information that might put in danger your privacy and cleanness of your spam inbox.

What is sensitive is a no way, José for posting it into the internet. We cannot guarantee that kind of privacy.


If you are worried about the security of your account, you shouldn't! You are in good hands. We care about that and we don't let that any intruders mess up with our system.



Do you want to connect with us from an external client? That's cool! We offer two possibilities to do that, via JSON and via HTML. Both of them are made considering the REST architecture styles.


Do you want to handle the info yourself? We are cool with that and we offer you an API that will always give you a JSON response.


If you want to see the information everytime without having to come here and read it again, we have made a general overview JSON Response where you can either look it up on our site or just send a request to

and it will return what you can do.


To login you have to send a GET request to

get the field names and send back a POST request with the required fields. You will get a Token, without it you won't get further.

Send a post

To send a post you need to include in the header the given token as

Authorization: Token <<put_your_token_here>>

You will need as well a post content, an image file or None if you don't want to upload one and very important a circle id. We will give you obviously which are the available circles that you can choose.


As we want to keep our servers spam-free, we've limited the requests that can be made via our API to 5 per minute if you're not logged in and 100 per day if you are a logged in user.


You don't want to worry about handling information and all that boring stuff? We have a solution for you! Use our HTML API! All you have to do to begin is to send a request to

as a form request and you'll get a form! With which all the required info will be sent.


After you send the first request, you'll get a form with a Log in form, fill the spaces and send the next request!

Send a post

All you've got to do is write the information, select your circle and ba-dam-pts your post was sent!


As we want to keep our servers spam-free, we've limited the requests that can be made via our API to 5 per minute if you're not logged in and 100 per day if you are a logged in user.


You want to see the magic under the hood? This is an open source project, so you can go to our GitHub site and see what's actually going on in here. Want to come to visit the silicon chip of our circuit? Come to visit us





We are humans! It can come to times where our circuits get mixed and you see the resulting short circuit. You found a bug in our social network? You can help us out and tell us about it.

To do that:

  1. Go to our GitHub repository.
  2. Open our Issues.
  3. Check if your bug is not already there.
  4. If yes, just write in it that you're experiencing the same problem and suscribe to the thread so we can update you when we've fixed it.
  5. If not, open an issue describing the bug and we'll back to you if we need any more information.


How can I change my profile picture?

We are using Gravatar as the profile picture manager, this enables you to have a centralized profile picture that you can use for a lot of internet sites. For more information visit their page.

To change your profile picture, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to Gravatar.
  2. Register an account with the same e-mail address you've entered for circuit.
  3. Upload your profile picture.

And ta-dam you've got a new profile picture.

How can I change the background image of my profile?

This is very simple. All you have to do is to go to your profile, click on Edit profile, hover over the background image, click on the pencil icon, and upload your new picture!

Who will be able to see my posts?

That's up to you! You can manage the visibility of your posts with your circles. This targets your posts only to the people you want them to see the posts. That means, while you're writing your post, just select a circle and the job is done!

How can I add people to my circles?

You can add people in two ways.

  1. The first one is to go directly to the profile of the person you want to add and just click to the Add and then select the circle you want.
  2. The second one is via your circle manager, that means, to go to your profile, click on Manage circles, then select a circle, and in the text area write the name of the people you want to add!
I've already filled up the sign up form, but I don't get the confirmation email.

Don't panic! You might have already received it, check up your junk email. If it isn't there, get in contact with our team and we will send it to you manually!

Who can see my profile?

Your profile is public, that means everybody can see your profile, only your posts can be private if you would want to.