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File metadata and controls

60 lines (43 loc) · 1.64 KB

Technical Test


Change directory into the directory that contains docker-compose.yml and start the container with:

docker-compose up

The database will be in a clean state.

Initialize database

Currently, the database is not popuated. The following code is used to initialize the database with some values.

docker-compose exec app sh -c 'source script/'

This will create a User with the following:

username: admin
password: admin

And also populate the database with the data from \app\script\data\

Periodic task

I am unable to integrate this into docker-compose. Thus, had to make do with this solution. On another terminal, run the following code to start the celery periodic task

docker-compose exec app sh
celery -A app beat -q &
celery -A app worker --loglevel=info

Head over to http://localhost:8000/api/doctype-datas/Email/ and the total_docs should increment around every 10s

In this terminal, it will also show the number of files in the /app/media/Files directory every 5s

Unit test

This can be used to run the unit test which mainly only validating on the api responses.

docker-compose exec app sh -c 'python test'


Go to your favourite web browser and key in http://localhost:8000/api/ to view the various end point.


Docker version 18.09.2, build 6247962


docker rm -f technical_assessment_app_1 technical_assessment_db_1 technical_assessment_rabbitmq_1
docker volume rm -f technical_assessment_postgres_data
docker image rm technical_assessment_app:latest technical_assessment_celery_worker:latest postgres rabbitmq