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Microsoft Azure Container Networking

Azure VNET CNI Plugins

azure-vnet CNI plugin implements the CNI network plugin interface.

azure-vnet-ipam CNI plugin implements the CNI IPAM plugin interface.

The plugins are available on both Linux and Windows platforms.

The network and IPAM plugins are designed to work together. The IPAM plugin can also be used by 3rd party software to manage IP addresses from Azure VNET space.

This page describes how to setup the CNI plugins manually on Azure IaaS VMs. If you are planning to deploy an ACS cluster, see ACS instead.


To install or update, copy the plugin package from the release share to your Azure VM and extract the contents to the CNI directories.

You can also do this by running the (Linux) or install-cni-plugin.ps1 (Windows) scripts provided in the scripts directory of this repository.

$ scripts/ [version]
PS> scripts\install-cni-plugin.ps1 [version]


To see the version of CNI running on your vm, run the following command:


/opt/cni/bin/azure-vnet --version 


C:\k\azurecni\bin\azure-vnet.exe --version

The plugin package comes with a simple network configuration file that works out of the box. See the network configuration section below for customization options.


Plugins can also be built directly from the source code in this repository.

make azure-vnet
make azure-vnet-ipam
make azure-cni-plugins

The first two commands build an individual plugin, whereas the third one builds both and generates a tar archive. The binaries are placed in the output directory.

Network Configuration

Network configuration for CNI plugins is described in JSON format. The default location for configuration files is /etc/cni/net.d for Linux and c:\k\azurecni\ for Windows.

  "cniVersion": "0.2.0",
  "name": "azure",
  "type": "azure-vnet",
  "master": "eth0",
  "bridge": "azure0",
  "logLevel": "info",
  "ipam": {
    "type": "azure-vnet-ipam",
    "environment": "azure"

The following fields are well-known and have the following meaning:

Network plugin

  • cniVersion: Azure plugins currently support versions 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 of the CNI spec. Support for new spec versions will be added shortly after each CNI release.
  • name: Name of the network. This property can be set to any unique value.
  • type: Name of the network plugin. This property should always be set to azure-vnet.
  • mode: Operational mode. This field is optional. See the operational modes for more details.
  • master: Name of the host network interface that will be used to connect containers to a VNET. This field is optional. If omitted, the plugin will automatically pick a suitable host network interface. Typically, the primary host interface name is "Ethernet" on Windows and "eth0" on Linux.
  • bridge: Name of the bridge that will be used to connect containers to a VNET. This field is optional. If omitted, the plugin will automatically pick a unique name based on the master interface index.
  • logLevel: Log verbosity. Valid values are info and debug. This field is optional. If omitted, the plugin will log at info level.

IPAM plugin

  • type: Name of the IPAM plugin. This property should always be set to azure-vnet-ipam.
  • environment: Name of the environment. Valid values are azure for Azure and mas for Microsoft Azure Stack. This field is optional. The default value is azure.

You can create multiple network configuration files to connect containers to multiple networks.

Network configuration files are processed in lexical order during container creation, and in the reverse-lexical order during container deletion.

Dynamic Plugin specific fields (Capabilities / Runtime Configuration)

Plugins can request that the runtime insert dynamic configuration by explicitly listing their capabilities in the network configuration. Dynamic information (i.e. data that a runtime fills out) should be placed in a runtimeConfig section. See the Capabilities section for more information about well known capabilities .

azure-vnet CNI plugin currently supports following capabilities.

Capability Purpose Spec and Example Supported Platform
portMappings Pass mapping from ports on the host to ports in the container network namespace. A list of portmapping entries.
{ "hostPort": 8080, "containerPort": 80, "protocol": "tcp" },
{ "hostPort": 8000, "containerPort": 8001, "protocol": "udp" }
dns Dynamically configure dns according to runtime Dictionary containing a list of servers (string entries), a list of searches (string entries), a list of options (string entries).
"searches" : [ "", "" ]
"servers": [ "", "" ]


Logs generated by azure-vnet plugin are available in /var/log/azure-vnet.log on Linux and c:\k\azure-vnet.log on Windows.

Logs generated by azure-vnet-ipam plugin are available in /var/log/azure-vnet.log on Linux and c:\k\azure-vnet-ipam.log on Windows.

Upgrading CNI on existing kubernetes cluster deployed using acs-engine

  1. ssh into a master node
$ ssh username@masternodeipaddress
  1. Cordon the agent nodes using below command
$ kubectl get nodes -o name | cut -d / -f 2 |  xargs -I{} -n1 kubectl cordon  {}
  1. Upgrade all nodes one by one to v1.0.11 using the below command
$ kubectl get nodes -o name | cut -d / -f 2 | xargs -I{}  -n1 ssh -tt {} -t 'wget -O /tmp/; chmod 755 /tmp/; ls -l /tmp/; sudo /tmp/ v1.0.11; echo 'upgraded node ' {}; echo 'sleeping for 5 seconds before moving on to next node... press ctrl-c if you want to abort';  sleep 5'
  1. Uncordon all agent nodes using below command
$ kubectl get nodes -o name | cut -d / -f 2 |  xargs -I{} -n1 kubectl uncordon  {}

Using CNI in Non-AKS Environment (Linux)

Outbound Connectivity from pods

If you have deployed kubernetes cluster via other sources(not using aks/aks-engine), you have to add following iptable command to allow outbound(internet) connectivity from pod

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -m addrtype ! --dst-type local ! -d <vnet_address_space> -j MASQUERADE

IP Forwarding Setting

  1. IP Forwarding has to be enabled in VM. Check by running this cmd:
sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward

If it returns 1, then ip forwarding is enabled else turn on ip forwarding by running

sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

or by editing /etc/sysctl.conf to persist even after reboot.

  1. If default policy of FORWARD chain in filter table is ACCEPT ignore this step. You can find this by running cmd:
sudo iptables -t filter -L FORWARD

1st line of ouptut should show default policy for that chain. If its DROP, add the following cmd:

sudo iptables -t filter -I FORWARD 1 -j ACCEPT