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Gitops Linkerd Workshop

This contains the steps required to complete the Flagger/Linkerd workshop. Please make sure to review the README doc before starting this workshop.

Getting started

This workshop will contain a lot of contact switching. It is recommended to use multi browsers and terminals to help view changes as they progress through the various stages. Installing a browser extention such as ModHeader is also recommended. This will allow use to modify request headers in the browser and view canary rollout progress in realtime.

Verify deployments

The first thing we need to do is verify all the provided deployments are working correctly and accessable. Navigate to each of the deployment links below and verify they all load correct:

Weave Gitops - (username: admin password: flux)

Linkerd -

Faces -

The faces deployment should be showing all green smiles that fade in and out.


Create failing canary release

Rather then show off a successful deployment first, lets start of by showing a failed deployment.

Update the ERROR_FRACTION value on line #36 in the faces-sync.yaml file to be "75"

- patch: |
    - op: replace
        path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/1
        name: ERROR_FRACTION
        value: "75"
  kind: Deployment

Commit, push and reconcile the change to trigger a new rollout

git add apps/faces/faces-sync.yaml
git push
flux reconcile ks apps --with-source

Don't worry about the resource not ready error. That is due to the Flux dependsOn config and is normal when manually triggering a reconcile.

We are only manually reconciling for demo purposes. You do not need to do this in a production setting

Watch the canary progression

kubectl -n faces get canaries -w

You should see the color, face, and smiley canaries start progressing. In the Linkerd dashboard you should see traffic being routed to the new deployments. In the Faces dashboard you should start seeing error faces. The canaries should progress for a few interations, then the progression should pause, and then the rollout should fail. The Faces dashboard should return to all green faces and Linkerd should stop routing traffic to the new deployments.

The rollout failed because in our faces-canary.yaml file we configured an acceptable failure percentage to be 70

  - name: request-success-rate
      min: 70
    interval: 1m

Create successful canary release

Lets update the ERROR_FRACTION to be at a lower level that is in the canaries acceptable range. Update the ERROR_FRACTION value on line #36 in the faces-sync.yaml file to be "15"

- patch: |
    - op: replace
        path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/1
        name: ERROR_FRACTION
        value: "15"
  kind: Deployment

Repeat the commit, push and reconcile steps from earlier and watch the canary progession again.

You should see the same routing and dashboard changes again, but this time the progession should not pause. The weight should continue until it reaches 50 (our configured maxWeight in the canary definition) before the rollout finishes and all traffic is routed to the new deployment.

Create successful AB release

Now lets create a new release for the faces ui. Before making any changes lets prepare a few browsers so we can view the ui updates in real time. Open 2 browser instances. They can be different of the same browser as long as you can modify the request headers in both. If using Chrome create the 2 instances using different profiles. Otherwise changes to the request headers will impact both instances. In one browser navigate to the Faces dashboard and using ModHeader (or equivalent) add the request header of x-faces-user: foo and reload the page. Repeat this process in the other brower, but this time add a second header value of x-canary: insider. You should now see a light gray background and the user should say foo instead of unknown on both browsers.


With everything setup the way we want now, lets update the background color for foo. Update the COLOR_foo value on line #46 in the faces-sync.yaml file to be lightblue

- patch: |
    - op: add
      path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/env
        - name: ERROR_FRACTION
          value: "0"
        - name: COLOR_foo
          value: lightblue
    kind: Deployment
    name: faces-gui

Commit, push, reconcile, and watch the canaries just like you did earlier. This time you should see the faces-gui start progressing. Once it starts progressing refresh both browsers. The browser with the x-canary header set should display the new background. The other brower should still show the lightgray one. Let the canary rollout finish. You'll notice the the weight value remains at 0 the entire time. This is because in an AB test there is no traffic to gradually shift too. You use header values (or cookies, user agents, etc) to determine who sees which version. With the rollout finished, update both browsers again. They should both have the new light blue background.

Create failing AB release

Now lets force an update to fail. Back in the faces-sync.yaml file, update COLOR_foo to be lightpink and update ERROR_FRACTION to be "75"

- patch: |
    - op: add
      path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/env
        - name: ERROR_FRACTION
          value: "75"
        - name: COLOR_foo
          value: lightpink
    kind: Deployment
    name: faces-gui

Commit, push, reconcile, and watch the canaries the same way as before. Once the faces-gui canary starts progressing refresh both browsers. The browser with the x-canary header set should display the new background. The other brower should still show the old one. This time keep refreshing the browser with the x-canary header set. You should see random errors returned. Let the canary rollout finish. The rollout should fail and they both should still have the old light blue background.