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File metadata and controls

341 lines (254 loc) · 10.6 KB

What’s new in django-cachalot?


  • Adds Django 2.1 support.


  • Adds support for .union, .intersection & .difference that should have been introduced since 1.5.0
  • Fixes error raised in some rare and undetermined cases, when the cache backend doesn’t yield data as expected


  • Allows specifying a schema name in Model._meta.db_table


  • Adds Django 2.0 support
  • Drops Django 1.10 support
  • Drops Django 1.8 support (1.9 support was dropped in 1.5.0)
  • Adds a check to make sure it is used with a supported Django version
  • Fixes a bug partially breaking django-cachalot when an error occurred during the end of a transaction.atomic block, typically when using deferred constraints


  • Adds Django 1.11 support
  • Adds Python 3.6 support
  • Drops Django 1.9 support (but 1.8 is still supported)
  • Drops Python 3.3 support
  • Adds CACHALOT_DATABASES to specify which databases have django-cachalot enabled (by default, only supported databases are enabled)
  • Stops advising users to dynamically override cachalot settings as it cannot be thread-safe due to Django’s internals
  • Invalidates tables after raw CREATE, ALTER & DROP SQL queries
  • Allows specifying model lookups like auth.User in the API functions (previously, it could only be done in the Django template tag, not in the Jinja2 get_last_invalidation function nor in API functions)
  • Fixes the cache used by CachalotPanel if CACHALOT_CACHE is different from 'default'
  • Uploads a wheel distribution of this package to PyPI starting now, in addition of the source release
  • Improves tests


  • Fixes a circular import occurring when CachalotPanel is used and django-debug-toolbar is before django-cachalot in INSTALLED_APPS
  • Stops checking compatibility for caches other than CACHALOT_CACHE


  • Fixes a bad design: QuerySet.select_for_update was cached, but it’s not correct since it does not lock data in the database once data was cached, leading to the database lock being useless in some cases
  • Stops automatically invalidating other caches than CACHALOT_CACHE for consistency, performance, and usefulness reasons
  • Fixes a minor issue: the post_invalidation signal was sent during transactions when calling the invalidate command
  • Creates a gitter chat room
  • Removes the Slack team. Slack does not allow public chat, this was therefore a bad idea


  • Adds Django 1.10 support
  • Drops Django 1.7 support
  • Drops Python 3.2 support
  • Adds a Jinja2 extension with a cache statement and the get_last_invalidation function
  • Adds a CACHALOT_TIMEOUT setting after dozens of private & public requests, but it’s not really useful
  • Fixes a RuntimeError occurring if a DatabaseCache was used in a project, even if not used by django-cachalot
  • Allows bytes raw queries (except on SQLite where it’s not supposed to work)
  • Creates a Slack team to discuss, easier than using Google Groups


Mandatory update if you’re using django-cachalot 1.2.0.

This version reverts the cache keys hashing change from 1.2.0, as it was leading to a non-shared cache when Python used a random seed for hashing, which is the case by default on Python 3.3, 3.4, & 3.5, and also on 2.7 & 3.2 if you set PYTHONHASHSEED=random.


WARNING: This version is unsafe, it can lead to invalidation errors

  • Adds Django 1.9 support
  • Simplifies and speeds up cache keys hashing
  • Documents how to use django-cachalot with a replica database
  • Adds DummyCache to VALID_CACHE_BACKENDS
  • Updates the comparison with django-cache-machine & django-cacheops by checking features and measuring performance instead of relying on their documentations and a 2-years-ago experience of them


Backwards incompatible changes:

  • Adds Django 1.8 support and drops Django 1.6 & Python 2.6 support
  • Merges the 3 API functions invalidate_all, invalidate_tables, & invalidate_models into a single invalidate function while optimising it

Other additions:

  • Adds a get_last_invalidation function to the API and the equivalent template tag
  • Adds a CACHALOT_ONLY_CACHABLE_TABLES setting in order to make a whitelist of the only table names django-cachalot can cache
  • Caches queries with IP addresses, floats, or decimals in parameters
  • Adds a Django check to ensure the project uses compatible cache and database backends
  • Adds a lot of tests, especially to test django.contrib.postgres
  • Adds a comparison with django-cache-machine and django-cacheops in the documentation


  • Removes a useless extra invalidation during each write operation to the database, leading to a small speedup during data modification and tests
  • The post_invalidation signal was triggered during transactions and was not triggered when using the API or raw write queries: both issues are now fixed
  • Fixes a very unlikely invalidation issue occurring only when an error occurred in a transaction after a transaction of another database nested in the first transaction was committed, like this:

    from django.db import transaction
    assert list(YourModel.objects.using('another_db')) == []
        with transaction.atomic():
            with transaction.atomic('another_db'):
                obj = YourModel.objects.using('another_db').create(name='test')
            raise ZeroDivisionError
    except ZeroDivisionError:
    # Before django-cachalot 1.1.0, this assert was failing.
    assert list(YourModel.objects.using('another_db')) == [obj]


  • Fixes an invalidation issue that could rarely occur when querying on a BinaryField with PostgreSQL, or with some geographic queries (there was a small chance that a same query with different parameters could erroneously give the same result as the previous one)
  • Fixes a Django 1.7 migrations invalidation issue in tests (that was leading to this error half of the time: RuntimeError: Error creating new content types. Please make sure contenttypes is migrated before trying to migrate apps individually.)
  • Optimises tests when using django-cachalot by avoid several useless cache invalidations


  • Fixes an AttributeError occurring when excluding through a many-to-many relation on a child model (using multi-table inheritance)
  • Stops caching queries with random subqueries – for example User.objects.filter(pk__in=User.objects.order_by('?'))
  • Optimises automatic invalidation
  • Adds a note about clock synchronisation


  • Fixes an invalidation issue discovered by Helen Warren that was occurring when updating a ManyToManyField after executing using .exclude on that relation. For example, Permission.objects.all().delete() was not invalidating User.objects.exclude(user_permissions=None)
  • Fixes a UnicodeDecodeError introduced with python-memcached 1.54
  • Adds a post_invalidation signal


Fixes a bug occurring when caching a SQL query using a non-ascii table name.



  • Adds an invalidate_cachalot command to invalidate django-cachalot from a script without having to clear the whole cache
  • Adds the benchmark introduction, conditions & results to the documentation
  • Adds a short guide on how to configure Redis as a LRU cache


  • Fixes a rare invalidation issue occurring when updating a many-to-many table after executing a queryset generating a HAVING SQL statement – for example, User.objects.first().user_permissions.add(Permission.objects.first()) was not invalidating User.objects.annotate(n=Count('user_permissions')).filter(n__gte=1)
  • Fixes an even rarer invalidation issue occurring when updating a many-to-many table after executing a queryset filtering nested subqueries by another subquery through that many-to-many table – for example:

  • Avoids setting useless cache keys by using table names instead of Django-generated table alias



  • Caches all queries implying Queryset.extra
  • Invalidates raw queries
  • Adds a simple API containing: invalidate_tables, invalidate_models, invalidate_all
  • Adds file-based cache support for Django 1.7
  • Adds a setting to choose if random queries must be cached
  • Adds 2 settings to customize how cache keys are generated
  • Adds a django-debug-toolbar panel
  • Adds a benchmark


  • Rewrites invalidation for a better speed & memory performance
  • Fixes a stale cache issue occurring when an invalidation is done exactly during a SQL request on the invalidated table(s)
  • Fixes a stale cache issue occurring after concurrent transactions
  • Uses an infinite timeout


  • Simplifies cachalot_settings and forbids its use or modification


  • Fixes an issue with pip if Django is not yet installed


  • Adds multi-database support
  • Adds invalidation when altering the DB schema using migrate, syncdb, flush, loaddata commands (also invalidates South, if you use it)
  • Small optimizations & simplifications
  • Adds several tests


  • Adds thread-safety
  • Optimizes the amount of cache queries during transaction


  • Adds memcached support


  • Allows settings to be dynamically overridden using cachalot_settings
  • Adds some missing tests


  • Fixes pip install.

0.4.0 (install broken)

  • Adds Travis CI and adds compatibility for:
    • Django 1.6 & 1.7
    • Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, & 3.4
    • locmem & Redis
    • SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL


  • Handles transactions
  • Adds lots of tests for complex cases


  • Adds a test suite
  • Fixes invalidation for data creation/deletion
  • Stops caching on queries defining select or where arguments with QuerySet.extra


Prototype simply caching all SQL queries reading the database and trying to invalidate them when SQL queries modify the database.

Has issues invalidating deletions and creations. Also caches QuerySet.extra queries but can’t reliably invalidate them. No transaction support, no test, no multi-database support, etc.