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Testing the PowerShell Beautifier

The easiest way to test

Back up your file first to a temp location (can't say this enough) or use the DestinationPath parameter:

Edit-DTWBeautifyScript -SourcePath C:\temp\Before.ps1 -DestinationPath c:\temp\After.ps1

Once you have a before and after file, diff them to see what changed. If you are new to file comparison tools and are looking for a recommendation, check out ExamDiff.

What works? What doesn't? What could be better? Let me know! Also, if you can contribute some full scripts to CompleteFiles (see below), that would be helpful.

Using the test scripts - high level

In the test folder are some test before/after .ps1 files along with script to test and compare them.

  1. In the 1_Input_Bad folder are a bunch of .ps1 files that have known formatting or upper/lower casing issues. (Things fixed by the beautifier.) These issues are broken out into separate files and folders.
  2. In the 3_Output_Correct folder are the same .ps1 files with the same basic content but all of the issues have been corrected.
  3. The Invoke-DTWBeautifyScriptTests.ps1 runs the tests:
    1. It loops through the files under 1_Input_Bad;
    2. It runs the beautifier using the file from 1_Input_Bad as SourcePath and with a DestinationPath located under a new folder 2_Output_Test but with the same file name.
    3. It then compares the new 2_Output_Test file with the corresponding file under 3_Output_Correct.
    4. If the files are the same, cool, it worked. If they are different if runs a diff and shows the results.

Two more things to know about Invoke-DTWBeautifyScriptTests.ps1

If you are running the test script repeatedly without changing beautifier code, use option -SkipModuleReload

If you are running Invoke-DTWBeautifyScriptTests.ps1 over and over without making any code changes to the beautifier itself then specify parameter -SkipModuleReload. By default Invoke-DTWBeautifyScriptTests.ps1 force reloads PowerShell-Beautifier.psd1 each time to make sure you are using the latest code. However if you are only testing some changes under 1_Input_Bad and 3_Output_Correct, there's no need to reload the module. Using -SkipModuleReload will make it run much faster.

.\Invoke-DTWBeautifyScriptTests.ps1 -SkipModuleReload

If you want to specify a custom diff utility, set the path in a global variable $DTW_PS_Beautifier_DiffViewer

By default, if the file from 2_Output_Test is different from the one in 3_Output_Correct, it will output the differences in the same PowerShell window using Compare-Object. If you want to use a different diff util (either command-line or windows-based), fill in the full path to the utility in a global variable $DTW_PS_Beautifier_DiffViewer. Please don't set this value in the script itself (in case you accidentally commit it); you can set this value in the shell or your profile before running the script. For example:

$DTW_PS_Beautifier_DiffViewer = 'C:\Program Files\ExamDiff Pro\ExamDiff.exe'

<this time something doesn't match so it opens the two files in ExamDiff>

... then make some test script changes ...
<this time something doesn't match so it opens the two files in ExamDiff>

... then make some test script changes ...
<this time everything matches so no diff viewer opens>

Contributing to the test scripts

First and foremost - ignore folder FileEncoding and file Whitespace\Indentation.ps1 for now - more on those later. These are the folders:

Folder Name Description
Case Content with upper/lower case issues, broken down by Commands (cmdlets), Members (methods), ParameterAttributes (like Mandatory or ValueFromPipeline), Parameters (i.e. -Path) and Types ([string] or [System.Text.Encoding])
CompleteFiles Complete, realistic files with real script. We need more examples - please contribute.
FileEncoding Very simple PS files with same content but different file encodings and a BOM or no BOM. Please don't modify these files.
Rename Examples of commands getting renamed/replaced (i.e. dir -> Get-Childitem)
Whitespace Whitespace changes. WithinLine has examples of bad whitespace between tokens; Indentation has indentation (tabs vs. spaces) tests. Ignore Indentation for now; see below.

FileEncoding folder

See the FAQ section about the byte order mark. Basically these files exist to confirm the encoding detection and BOM adding functionality works correctly. It should be unnecessary to modify these files.

Whitespace\Indentation test

Whitespace\Indentation.ps1 is processed differently from the other files. It is run three times, each time specifying a different indent text step: 2 spaces, 4 spaces, and tabs. For each of these different indentation tests, the output test result files are compared with these existing output correct files in folder 3_Output_Correct\Whitespace:

  • Indentation_2space.ps1
  • Indentation_4space.ps1
  • Indentation_tab.ps1.

Want more info?

Please review the source for Invoke-DTWBeautifyScriptTests.ps1.