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Implementing defaultProps with ts 2.0 strict null checks #11640

cwmoo740 opened this issue Sep 30, 2016 · 51 comments

Implementing defaultProps with ts 2.0 strict null checks #11640

cwmoo740 opened this issue Sep 30, 2016 · 51 comments


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Default properties don't seem to function well currently with strictNullChecks enabled. For example:

interface TestProps { x?: number}

class Test extends React.Component<TestProps, null> {

    static defaultProps =  {x: 5};

    render() {
        const x: number = this.props.x;
        return <p>{x}</p>;

Errors with error TS2322: Type 'number | undefined' is not assignable to type 'number' even though this is guaranteed to work at runtime.

Right now defaultProps and Props seem to be treated as the same type always, but they're actually almost never the same type because optional fields in Props should be overwritten by required values in DefaultProps.

What if there were something like...

class ComponentWithDefaultProps<P, D, S> {
    props: P & D & {children?: React.Children};

that is identical to the existing React.Component typing except for the type of props?

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Since the default props are set at runtime, I'm not sure if there's a way to handle this nicely, other than a type assertion. (Of course, you could always just disable strict null checks.)

Here's how you may be able to get around it in your example:

interface TestProps { x?: number}

class Test extends React.Component<TestProps, null> {

    static defaultProps =  {x: 5};

    render() {
        const x: number = (this.props.x as number);
        return <p>{x}</p>;


If there's a more graceful way of handling this, I'd love to hear it.

Disclaimer: I've been using TypeScript for about three days, I'm tired, and probably have no idea what I'm talking about.

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rexk commented Nov 29, 2016

+1000 on updating type definition file to include three generic type definitions.

This used to be fine without ---strictNullChecks, but now, it is definitely going to be a problem for many component classes.

Flow also implements similar class implementation because of nature of strict null type checking.

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Seems like we don't have much options here except of waiting for microsoft/TypeScript#2175 being resolved in order to add third generic.
I don't think that such a (breaking) change (I mean class Component<P, S, D>) can be approved by reviewers.
@johnnyreilly @bbenezech @pzavolinsky do you guys have an opinion on that?

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@R00GER agreed. Changing the definition is too disruptive.

Has anyone considered using Partial?

As in:

    interface ComponentClass<P> {
-        defaultProps?: P;
+        defaultProps?: Partial<P>;

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Don't mind that Partial stuff above.

paranoidjk added a commit to ant-design/ant-design-mobile that referenced this issue Apr 7, 2017
paranoidjk added a commit to ant-design/ant-design-mobile that referenced this issue Apr 7, 2017
paranoidjk added a commit to ant-design/ant-design-mobile that referenced this issue Apr 7, 2017
paranoidjk added a commit to ant-design/ant-design-mobile that referenced this issue Apr 8, 2017
paranoidjk pushed a commit to ant-design/ant-design-mobile that referenced this issue Apr 8, 2017
* upgrade antd-tools for new tslint

* Auto fix tslint errors

* fix: tslint

* fix: strictNullCheck with defaultProps


* fix: tslint-fix
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nishp1 commented Apr 18, 2017

Partial only solves how to declare partial propTypes problem. Inside of render, lastName is still of type string | undefined. To get around it, you have to cast it string using as or ! like shown below. It works, but is not ideal.

interface IUser {
    firstName: string
    lastName?: string
export class User extends React.Component<IUser, {}> {
    public static defaultProps: Partial<IUser> = {
        lastName: 'None',

    public render () {
        const { firstName, lastName } = this.props
        // error

        return (
            <div>{firstName} {lastName}</div>

I've just started using TS. Am I missing anything?

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vsaarinen commented Apr 19, 2017

If anyone has a good solution for types and defaultProps, I'm all ears. We currently do this:

interface Props {
  firstName: string;
  lastName?: string;

interface DefaultProps {
  lastName: string;

type PropsWithDefaults = Props & DefaultProps;

export class User extends React.Component<Props> {
  public static defaultProps: DefaultProps = {
    lastName: 'None',

  public render () {
    const { firstName, lastName } = this.props as PropsWithDefaults;
    return (
      <div>{firstName} {lastName}</div>

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Glinkis commented May 9, 2017

I am currently battling this issue.

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In addition to adding the third type parameter, you'll need the ability to diff props against the defaulted props. Happily as of TS 2.4 this is now possible! See microsoft/TypeScript#12215 (comment)

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Hotell commented Aug 17, 2017

IMHO adding third parameter is a big no no, also Flow team knew that and recently they changed that for greater good. It should be type-checker responsibility to know how to handle these kind of things.

Don't get me wrong, I love Typescript, but since Flow 0.53 I have to say it's superior for React development

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@Hotell Flow does have three type parameters for React.Component - per the Medium article you linked to Flow can infer class type parameters from the subclass annotations - a neat language-level feature TS doesn't support, but not a type-declaration consideration AFAIK.

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Hotell commented Aug 20, 2017


Flow does have three type parameters for React.Component

nope, it used to be that way before 0.53, not anymore :) facebook/flow@20a5d7d#diff-5ca8a047db3f6ee8d65a46bba4471236R29

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@Hotell Ah, sure enough! Thanks for correcting me.

AFAIK there's no way in TS to infer the type of the default props though. Using the three-type-parameter approach we'd likely be able to get correct typing without blocking on upstream changes from the TypeScript team.

Do you know of a way to use the inferred type of a static property without passing typeof MyComponent.defaultProps as a type param?

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Grmiade commented Sep 5, 2017

Any news on this subject? Does someone do a PR to add a third type parameter and use microsoft/TypeScript#12215 (comment)?

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Upvoting issue: same problem

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joostlubach commented Nov 18, 2017

I also ran into this, and I've chosen (until this is properly fixed) to abstain from using static defaultProps and instead use a helper HOC:

File components/helpers/withDefaults.tsx:

import * as React from 'react'

export interface ComponentDefaulter<DP> {
  <P extends {[key in keyof DP]?: any}>(Component: React.ComponentType<P>): React.ComponentType<
    Omit<P, keyof DP> &         // Mandate all properties in P and not in DP
    Partial<Pick<P, keyof DP>>  // Accept all properties from P that are in DP, but use type from P

export default function withDefaults<DP>(defaultProps: DP): ComponentDefaulter<DP> {
  return Component => props => <Component {...defaultProps} {...props}/>

Now I can use:

File components/Button.tsx:

import * as React from 'react'
import withDefaults from './helpers/withDefaults'

export interface ButtonProps {
  label: string
  onPress: () => any

export const defaultProps = {
  onPress: () => undefined

class Button extends React.Component<ButtonProps> {
  // ...

export default withDefaults(defaultProps)(Button)

Three potential downsides (that I can think of):

  1. It requires an HOC, but since this is a quite common paradigm in React world, that seems OK.
  2. You have to declare the props as a generic type parameter, and cannot rely on inference from the props property.
  3. There is no implicit checking of the types of defaultProps, but this can be remedied by specifying export const defaultProps: Partial<ButtonProps> = {...}.

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qiu8310 commented Dec 8, 2017

According to @vsaarinen, I write a base class with props: Props & DefaultProps, so the whole class that extends the base class can directly use this.props without use this.props as PropsWithDefaults.

Like this:

import * as React from 'react'

export class Component<P = {}, S = {}, DP = {}> extends React.Component<P, S> {
  props: Readonly<{ children?: React.ReactNode }> & Readonly<P> & Readonly<DP>

export interface Props {
  firstName: string
  lastName?: string

export interface DefaultProps {
  lastName: string

export class User extends Component<Props, any, DefaultProps> {
  render() {
    const { firstName, lastName } = this.props
    // no error
    return (
      <div>{firstName} {lastName.toUpperCase()}</div>

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Actually @qiu8310 that didnt work fully, Still had issues with call sites screaming about those default props not being optional. Got it to work with a minor adjustment

import * as React from 'react'

export class Component<P = {}, S = {}, DP = {}> extends React.Component<P, S> {
  // Cast the props as something where readonly fields are non optional
  props = this.props as Readonly<{ children?: React.ReactNode }> & Readonly<P> & Readonly<DP>

export interface Props {
  firstName: string
  lastName?: string

export interface DefaultProps {
  lastName: string

export class User extends Component<Props, any, DefaultProps> {
  render() {
    const { firstName, lastName } = this.props
    // no error
    return (
      <div>{firstName} {lastName.toUpperCase()}</div>

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    interface Component<P = {}, S = {}, DP extends Partial<P>=P> extends ComponentLifecycle<P, S> { }
    class Component<P, S, DP extends Partial<P> = P> {
        constructor(props: P & DP, context?: any);

        // We MUST keep setState() as a unified signature because it allows proper checking of the method return type.
        // See:
        // Also, the ` | S` allows intellisense to not be dumbisense
        setState<K extends keyof S>(
            state: ((prevState: Readonly<S>, props: P) => (Pick<S, K> | S | null)) | (Pick<S, K> | S | null),
            callback?: () => void
        ): void;

        forceUpdate(callBack?: () => void): void;
        render(): ReactNode;

        // React.Props<T> is now deprecated, which means that the `children`
        // property is not available on `P` by default, even though you can
        // always pass children as variadic arguments to `createElement`.
        // In the future, if we can define its call signature conditionally
        // on the existence of `children` in `P`, then we should  remove this.
        private __externalProps: Readonly<{ children?: ReactNode }> & Readonly<P>;
        props: Readonly<{ children?: ReactNode }> & Readonly<P> & DP;
        state: Readonly<S>;
        context: any;
        refs: {
            [key: string]: ReactInstance

    class PureComponent<P = {}, S = {}, DP extends Partial<P>=P> extends Component<P, S, P> { }

interface ElementAttributesProperty { __externalProps: {}; }

Look carefully at last line.

With this changes we could have

interface Props {
    a: string
    b?: string
    c?: string

class Comp extends React.Component<Props, {}, typeof Comp.defaultProps> {
    static defaultProps = {
        b: ''

    render() {
        const {a, b, c} = this.props

        let res = a.concat(b)  // ok
        let res1 = a.concat(c) //fail

        return null

const res1= <Comp a=''/> // ok
const res3 = <Comp /> // fail

Which is best we can get if using static defaultProps (ts checker should be changed if we want to omit typeof Comp.defaultProps).
Other options, was already said - HOC, type casts.

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decademoon commented Mar 25, 2018

Here's my (very ugly) attempt based on the idea from

type ExtractProps<T> = T extends React.ComponentType<infer Q> ? Q : never;
type ExtractDefaultProps<T> = T extends { defaultProps?: infer Q } ? Q : never;
type RequiredProps<P, DP> = Pick<P, Exclude<keyof P, keyof DP>>;
type RequiredAndPartialDefaultProps<RP, DP> = Required<RP> & Partial<DP>;

type ComponentTypeWithDefaultProps<T> =
      RequiredProps<ExtractProps<T>, ExtractDefaultProps<T>>,

function withDefaultProps<T extends React.ComponentType<any>>(Comp: T) {
  return Comp as ComponentTypeWithDefaultProps<T>;
interface IProps {
  required: number;
  defaulted: number;

class Foo extends React.Component<IProps> {
  public static defaultProps = {
    defaulted: 0,

// Whichever way you prefer... The former does not require a function call
const FooWithDefaultProps = Foo as ComponentTypeWithDefaultProps<typeof Foo>;
const FooWithDefaultProps = withDefaultProps(Foo);

const f1 = <FooWithDefaultProps />;  // error: missing 'required' prop
const f2 = <FooWithDefaultProps defaulted={0} />;  // error: missing 'required' prop
const f3 = <FooWithDefaultProps required={0} />;  // ok
const f4 = <FooWithDefaultProps required={0} defaulted={0} />;  // ok

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MOZGIII commented Apr 3, 2018

@decademoon, seems like we could just use this solution at @types/react, can we? I mean, if we replace the usual React.ComponentType with your solution.
If that so, maybe you can create a PR?

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@decademoon your definition doesn't handle the case where the non-default props actually include optional fields, i.e.

interface IProps {
  required: number;
  notRequired?: () => void;
  defaulted: number;

class Foo extends React.Component<IProps> {
  public static defaultProps = {
    defaulted: 0,

I got it working in my case by changing your RequiredAndPartialDefaultProps type to not wrap the "RP" with "Required"

type RequiredAndPartialDefaultProps<RP, DP> = RP & Partial<DP>;

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wallzero commented May 8, 2018

I'm surprised there still isn't a proper solution or at least a working HOC on NPM; unless I have missed something.

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goodmind commented May 9, 2018


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Hi everyone. Just wanted to say and if you are still reading this thread: I think @JoshuaToenyes made the most meaningful and helpful explanation. This is definitely not an issue so there's nothing to do with it. Use type assertion in this case.

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@toiletpatrol actually, @decademoon's solution (with my slight amendment) automatically handles default props just fine. It definitely could be merged into the DT definitions for React to provide the feature standard to everyone.

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vkrol commented Jun 1, 2018

@toiletpatrol @RobRendell did you see it microsoft/TypeScript#23812?

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@vkrol I did see that, but I can drop decademoon's implementation in my codebase right now without waiting for releases of new features.

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MOZGIII commented Jun 20, 2018

Another workaround that I'm using for now for tricky cases:

const restWithDefaults = { ...Component.defaultProps, };
return <Component {...restWithDefaults} />;

Nothing wrong with it I guess, so I'm leaving it here as a dirty yet simple workaround.

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Hotell commented Nov 20, 2018

TS 3.2 and react 16.7 typings are fixing this. can we close ?

gowda added a commit to gowda/todos-react that referenced this issue Nov 24, 2018
Handling 'possibly undefined or null' type error for
component's defaultProps:

DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped#11640 (comment)
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feimosi commented Dec 6, 2018

@Hotell how should it be handled eventually? I still can't get this working properly

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cbergmiller commented Feb 5, 2019

To save others some time, here is a link to the release notes of Typescript 3:
Support for defaultProps in JSX

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@cbergmiller I am afraid those are the release notes for TypeScript 3.1 🙃

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still having the same issue with React.FunctionComponent

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mgol commented Feb 26, 2019

@denieler I wouldn't advise using defaultProps with React.FunctionComponent, it's not natural. It's better to use default function parameters:

interface HelloProps {
  name?: string;
  surname?: string;

const HelloComponent: React.FunctionComponent<HelloProps> = ({
  name = 'John',
  surname = 'Smith',
}) => {
  return <div>Hello, {name} {surname}!</div>

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glecetre commented Mar 6, 2019

@mgol How would you define default function parameters if I didn't want to destructure the props?
I can only think of destructuring only the "defaulted" properties like so:

interface HelloProps {
  name?: string;
  surname?: string;

const HelloComponent: React.FunctionComponent<HelloProps> = ({
  name = 'John',
  surname = 'Smith',
}) => {
  return <div>Hello, {name} {surname}! You are {props.age} years old.</div>

But I find it disgraceful to extract only some of the props.

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Glinkis commented Mar 6, 2019

@glecetre You can use:

HelloComponent.defaultProps = {
    name: 'John',
    surname: 'Smith'

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vkrol commented Mar 6, 2019

@Glinkis please, note

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mgol commented Mar 6, 2019

@glecetre Why do you not want to destructure all the props? It's simpler than defining defaultProps & easier to type. Class-based component's props type may bite you if you export to use externally as props that are required may not be required anymore if there's an entry for them in defaultProps. Using defaultProps also seems a little magical while in parameter destructuring it's all JavaScript.

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orta commented Jun 7, 2021

Hi thread, we're moving DefinitelyTyped to use GitHub Discussions for conversations the @types modules in DefinitelyTyped.

To help with the transition, we're closing all issues which haven't had activity in the last 6 months, which includes this issue. If you think closing this issue is a mistake, please pop into the TypeScript Community Discord and mention the issue in the definitely-typed channel.

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