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119 lines (88 loc) · 2.67 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (88 loc) · 2.67 KB

Contributing to GRGate

Local development

For local development, you can use ngrok to receive GitHub webhook events.

Start ngrok and forward requests to port 8080:

$ ngrok http 8080

Create a new webhook from the GitHub organization or repository settings page.

Use the following settings:

  • set the payload URL to your ngrok endpoint, ie:
  • content type: application/json
  • select individual events:
    • Check runs
    • Check suites
    • Releases
    • Statuses

Run the server locally:

$ go run main.go serve

If you create/update a status check or create a draft release, you should see GRGate processing the triggering repository.

Build binary

$ make build
$ ./grgate --help


$ make build-docker
$ docker run --ti -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/config.yaml:/etc/grgate/config.yaml


golangci-lint is used to lint the project, make sure to have the binary installed on your machine.

$ make lint

You can let golangci-lint automatically fix linting issue using the following command:

$ golangci-lint run --fix


Run unit tests:

$ make test

gomock mocking framework is used to generate mocks, you can regenerate all mocks by using the following command:

$ go install
$ make mocks

Integration tests

Run integration tests against all platforms. The tests create temporary repositories and run a series of tests against them.


Create a Gitlab personnal access token with the following scopes:

  • api
  • read_api
  • write_repository

Create a GitHub App with the following permissions:

  • administration read/write
  • checks read/write
  • commit statuses read/write
  • contents read/write
  • issues read/write
  • metadata read-only

Run integration tests

$ export GITHUB_APP_ID=<github app id>
$ export GITHUB_AUTHOR=<github author, usually username[bot]>
$ export GITHUB_INSTALLATION_ID=<github installation id>
$ export GITHUB_OWNER=<github repository owner>
$ export GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH=<github private key path>
$ export GITLAB_AUTHOR=<gitlab author, usually owner>
$ export GITLAB_OWNER=<gitlab repository owner>
$ export GITLAB_TOKEN=<gitlab api token>
$ make integration


GoReleaser is used to generate all the necessary binaries and attach them together with the changelog to the GitHub release. To release, create a tag then wait for GitHub Actions to publish the release.