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Releases: FineUploader/fine-uploader

Overhaul of TypeScript definitions now allowing proper module import

27 Jul 02:46
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This release only affects TypeScript users as the TypeScript definitions file has now been updated to support module import in TypeScript and Angular 2 based projects.
Documentation has been updated to demonstrate this release at

See #1840 to learn more about changes to TypeScript definitions file

Hotfix: Multi-part upload to S3 fails on Edge >= 15 with 403 Forbidden

27 Jun 03:31
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This issue/fix only affects Fine Uploader S3.

Reported in #1852 and fixed in #1859.

Removed Open Collective from package.json/

30 May 04:49
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No code changes - see 5.14.3 release for the most recent code changes.

Hotfix: Update TypeScript definitions S3/Azure properties with default values to be optional

24 May 04:57
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Details in #1830. Also updated w/ Open Collective sponsorship details.

Hotfix: onStatusChange called to early for canned/initial files

06 Apr 04:03
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onStatusChange is called w/ a status of qq.status.UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL for initial/canned files before internal state for the file is completely updated. This change introduces an update that makes it easy for internal users of the upload-data service to defer the status change broadcast until all processing and state updates are complete.


Hotfix: qq(element).clearText() missing TypeScript return value defintion

23 Feb 15:52
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Fixed in #1759. Just an update to the TypeScript definition file. Non-TypeScript users are not affected at all by this release.

TypeScript support, setStatus via API, cleanup large Blobs in memory

17 Feb 05:11
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TypeScript support

A comprehensive TypeScript definition file that covers the entire API is not included in the build output. TypeScript users will now be able to benefit from type-checking when working with Fine Uploader in a TypeScript environment. The package.json file has been updated appropriately so TypeScript should be able to discover the definition file without issue. If you are already using the definitions on DefinitelyTyped, please switch to the definitions bundled with the library as the DefinitelyTyped records will be removed/deprecated in the near future. See #1719 for more details on implementation of this integration.

New API method - setStatus(id, newStatus)

Initially, only qq.status.DELETED and qq.status.DELETE_FAILED are supported. All other statuses will throw a qq.Error. This can be used to mark a file as deleted, or to indicate that a delete attempt failed if you are using delete file logic outside of Fine Uploader's control. This will update the UI by removing the file if you are using Fine Uploader UI as well.

For example:

// marks file with ID of 3 as deleted
uploader.setStatus(3, qq.status.DELETED)

Docs at


New API method - removeFileRef(id)

Documented at

This allows you to free any memory associated with a client-side generated Blob. This is something you might want to do after the file has been successfully uploaded. For example:

var uploader = new qq.FineUploaderBasic({
    request: {
        endpoint: '/my/upload/endpoint'
    callbacks: {
        onComplete: function(id, name, response) {
           if (response.success && this.getFile(id).inMemoryBlob) {

// elsewhere
var someBlobCreatedClientSide = createBlob(...)
someBlobCreatedClientSide.inMemoryBlob = true


re: #1711


  • The Makefile was updated to ensure builds execute correctly in a Windows/Cygwin environment. More details in #1698.

TypeScript definition files + Windows build fix

13 Feb 02:59
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A comprehensive TypeScript definition file that covers the entire API is not included in the build output. TypeScript users will now be able to benefit from type-checking when working with Fine Uploader in a TypeScript environment. The package.json file has been updated appropriately so TypeScript should be able to discover the definition file without issue. If you are already using the definitions on DefinitelyTyped, please switch to the definitions bundled with the library as the DefinitelyTyped records will be removed/deprecated in the near future. See #1719 for more details on implementation of this integration.

Also, the Makefile was updated to ensure builds execute correctly in a Windows/Cygwin environment. More details in #1698.

setStatus API method

02 Feb 03:08
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setStatus API method Pre-release

Docs at

Initially, only qq.status.DELETED and qq.status.DELETE_FAILED are supported. All other statuses will throw a qq.Error. This can be used to mark a file as deleted, or to indicate that a delete attempt failed if you are using delete file logic outside of Fine Uploader's control. This will update the UI by removing the file if you are using Fine Uploader UI as well.

For example:

// marks file with ID of 3 as deleted
uploader.setStatus(3, qq.status.DELETED)


Added removeFileRef method

30 Jan 05:35
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Documented at

This allows you to free any memory associated with a client-side generated Blob. This is something you might want to do after the file has been successfully uploaded. For example:

var uploader = new qq.FineUploaderBasic({
    request: {
        endpoint: '/my/upload/endpoint'
    callbacks: {
        onComplete: function(id, name, response) {
           if (response.success && this.getFile(id).inMemoryBlob) {

// elsewhere
var someBlobCreatedClientSide = createBlob(...)
someBlobCreatedClientSide.inMemoryBlob = true


re: #1711