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78 lines (59 loc) · 2.91 KB

Upgrade to a major Angular Version

  1. Go to and Search for the most recent tag that uses the angular version desired (TAG)

  2. Once you found the tag, run the following command: npx create-nx-workspace@{TAG} sam-layouts --preset=angular --appName=sam-layouts --style=scss --linter=eslint --nx-cloud=no

  3. Generate initial library code nx g @nrwl/angular:library --name=layouts --importPath=@gsa-sam/layouts --publishable

  4. Add Storybook npm install --save-dev @nrwl/storybook@{TAG} (Same tag version as above)

  5. Generate Storybook Configuration files nx g @nrwl/angular:storybook-configuration sam-layouts

  • ✔ Configure a Cypress e2e app to run against the storybook instance? (Y/n) · n
  • ✔ Automatically generate *.stories.ts files for components declared in this project? (Y/n) · n
  • ✔ Automatically generate *.spec.ts files in the generated Cypress e2e app? (Y/n) · n
  1. Add library stories to storybook config (/apps/sam-layouts/.storybook/main.js -> stories array) '../../../libs/layouts/src/lib/**/*.stories.mdx', '../../../libs/layouts/src/lib/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'

  2. Include library files in storybook tsconfig include array ../../../libs/layouts/src/**/*

  3. In a different location clone sam-layouts repo git clone

  4. Run the migration and fix possible issues in the recently cloned repo nx migrate @nrwl/workspace@{TAG} nx migrate --run-migrations

  5. Replace the following from the cloned repo to the new nx workspace

  • libs/layouts/src/lib
  • libs/layouts/package.json
  • libs/layouts/src/index.ts
  1. Install GSA-SAM dependencies in the new nx workspace All these dependencies should be already be working in the angular version desired
  • @gsa-sam/components
  • @gsa-sam/ngx-uswds-icons
  • @gsa-sam/sam-formly
  • @gsa-sam/sam-material-extensions
  • @gsa-sam/sam-styles
  1. Go to and Search for the most recent tag that uses the angular version desired (MATERIAL TAG)

  2. Install Angular Material dependencies in the new workspace

  • @angular/material@{MATERIAL TAG}
  • @angular/cdk@{MATERIAL TAG}
  1. Install other dependencies
  • lodash-es
  • @ckeditor/ckeditor5-angular
  • @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic
  • ngx-toastr <== (check for same angular version)
  1. Disable "strict", "strictTemplates" and "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature" from sam-layouts/libs/layouts/tsconfig.js and sam-layouts/apps/sam-layouts/tsconfig.js

  2. Enable sam-styles copy /sam-layouts/blob/master/apps/sam-layouts/src/styles.scss

  3. Copy the img folder located in the 'assets' directory

  4. Set up compodoc for storybook on nx

  5. Change output directory for documentation to 'docs'

  6. Test everything nx run layouts:build:production nx storybook sam-layouts nx build-storybook sam-layouts