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281 lines (222 loc) · 9.18 KB

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281 lines (222 loc) · 9.18 KB



Windows users

Use reflex/bin/reflex.exe from the command line or add a Custom Build Step in MSVC++ as follows:

  1. select the project name in Solution Explorer then Property Pages from the View menu (see also custom-build steps in Visual Studio);

  2. add an extra path to the reflex/include folder in the Include Directories under VC++ Directories, which should look like $(VC_IncludePath);$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath);C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\reflex\include (this assumes the reflex source package is in your Documents folder).

  3. enter "C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\reflex\bin\reflex.exe" −−header-file "C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\mylexer.l" in the Command Line property under Custom Build Step (this assumes mylexer.l is in your Documents folder);

  4. enter lex.yy.h lex.yy.cpp in the Outputs property;

  5. specify Execute Before as PreBuildEvent.

If you are using specific reflex options such as --flex then add these in step 3.

Before compiling your program with MSVC++, drag the folders reflex/lib and reflex/unicode to the Source Files in the Solution Explorer panel of your project. Next, run reflex.exe simply by compiling your project (which may fail, but that is OK for now as long as we executed the custom build step to run reflex.exe). Drag the generated lex.yy.h and lex.yy.cpp files to the Source Files. Now you are all set!

In addition, the reflex/vs directory contains batch scripts to build projects with MS Visual Studio C++.

Unix/Linux and macOS

On Linux and macOS systems you can use homebrew to install RE/flex with brew install re-flex.

Otherwise, you have two options: 1) quick install or 2) configure and make.

Quick install

For a quick clean build assuming your environment is pretty much standard:

$ sh
$ sh

This compiles the reflex tool and installs it locally in reflex/bin. You can add this location to your $PATH variable to enable the new reflex command:

export PATH=$PATH:/reflex_install_path/bin

The libreflex.a and libraries are saved locally in lib. Link against one of these libraries when you use the RE/flex regex engine in your code. The RE/flex header files are locally located in include/reflex.

To install the man page, the header files in /usr/local/include/reflex, the library in /usr/local/lib and the reflex command in /usr/local/bin:

$ sudo sh

Configure and make

The configure script accepts configuration and installation options. To view these options, run:

$ ./configure --help

Run configure and make:

$ ./configure && make

To build the examples also:

$ ./configure --enable-examples && make

After this successfully completes, you can optionally run make install to install the reflex command and libreflex library:

$ sudo make install

Unfortunately, cloning from Git does not preserve timestamps which means that you may run into "WARNING: 'aclocal-1.15' is missing on your system." To work around this problem, run:

$ autoreconf -fi
$ ./configure && make

Optional libraries to install

  • To use Boost.Regex as a regex engine with the RE/flex library and scanner generator, install Boost and link your code against -lboost_regex.

  • To use PCRE2 as a regex engine with the RE/flex library and scanner generator, install PCRE2 and link your code against -lpcre2-8.

  • To visualize the FSM graphs generated with reflex option --graphs-file, install Graphviz dot.

Improved Vim syntax highlighting for Flex and RE/flex

Copy the lex.vim file to ~/.vim/syntax/lex.vim to enjoy improved syntax highlighting for Flex and RE/flex.


The examples require the Bison tool to demonstrate scanning with parsing using the reflex --bison and --bison-bridge options.

To build the examples, first build the reflex tool and then execute:

$ cd examples
$ make

If libboost_regex could not be found, then edit lib/Make to change the installation location of Boost so that boost/regex.hpp and libboost_regex can be properly located, for example:

INCBOOST = /opt/local/include
LIBBOOST = /opt/local/lib/libboost_regex-mt.dylib


To view the documentation visit manual or open doc/html/index.html in a browser.

The documentation is generated by Doxygen from doc/ and several source code files. To generate the documentation:

$ make doc/html


The RE/flex distribution directory tree should at a minimum contain the following files:

|__ bin/
|   |__ reflex.exe            Windows executable reflex
|__ doc/
|   |__ Doxyfile
|   |__             URLs to online documentation
|   |__ footer.html
|   |__ header.html
|   |__ reflex-logo.png
|   |__ html/
|   |   |__ index.html        HTML documentation (also online)
|   |__ man/
|       |__ reflex.1          man page
|__ examples/
|   |__ Make                  quick-build Make(file)
|   |__           automake file
|   |__           automake file
|   |__              quick build examples
|   |__ ...
|__ fuzzy/                    fuzzy (approximate) pattern matcher
|   |__
|   |__ Makefile
|   |__ fuzzymatcher.h        FuzzyMatcher class for fast fuzzy matching
|   |__ ftest.cpp             FuzzyMatcher testing
|__ include/                  reflex header files to install
|   |__ reflex/
|       |__ abslexer.h
|       |__ absmatcher.h
|       |__ bits.h
|       |__ boostmatcher.h
|       |__ convert.h
|       |__ debug.h
|       |__ error.h
|       |__ flexlexer.h
|       |__ input.h
|       |__ matcher.h
|       |__ pattern.h
|       |__ pcre2matcher.h
|       |__ posix.h
|       |__ ranges.h
|       |__ setop.h
|       |__ stdmatcher.h
|       |__ timer.h
|       |__ traits.h
|       |__ unicode.h
|       |__ utf8.h
|__ lib/                      reflex library files to install
|   |__ Make                  quick-build Make(file)
|   |__           automake file
|   |__           automake file
|   |__ convert.cpp
|   |__ debug.cpp
|   |__ error.cpp
|   |__ input.cpp
|   |__ matcher.cpp
|   |__ pattern.cpp
|   |__ posix.cpp
|   |__ unicode.cpp
|   |__ utf8.cpp
|__ src/                      reflex command-line tool
|   |__ Make                  quick-build Make(file)
|   |__           automake file
|   |__           automake file
|   |__ reflex.cpp
|   |__ reflex.h
|__ tests/
|   |__ Make                  quick-build Make(file)
|   |__           automake file
|   |__           automake file
|   |__ rtest.cpp
|   |__ ...
|__ unicode/
|   |__ Make                  quick-build Make(file)
|   |__ Blocks.txt            Unicode source file
|   |__ Scripts.txt           Unicode source file
|   |__ UnicodeData.txt       Unicode source file
|   |__ block_scripts.l       convert Blocks.txt to block_scripts.cpp
|   |__ block_scripts.cpp
|   |__ language_scripts.l    convert Scripts.txt to language_scripts.cpp
|   |__ language_scripts.cpp
|   |__ letter_scripts.l      convert UnicodeData.txt to letter_scripts.cpp
|   |__ letter_scripts.cpp
|__ vs/                       Visual Studio batch scripts
|   |__ ...
|__                this file
|__ LICENSE.txt               BSD-3 license
|__                 README to get started, changelog
|__           about contributing
|__        when contributing
|__               automake file
|__               automake file
|__             quick build and install
|__                  quick build (local build)
|__                  quick cleanup
|__ configure                 ./configure && make
|__ lex.vim                   improved Flex and RE/flex Vim syntax file

License and copyright

RE/flex by Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. Copyright (c) 2016-2020, All rights reserved.

RE/flex is distributed under the BSD-3 license LICENSE.txt. Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the BSD-3 license.