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291 lines (219 loc) · 19.3 KB


This is a roll-up of all release notes in order of release

This release is a new major version due to some API deprecation / removal. Beyond that the API is effectively unchanged and should continue to work unless you used undocumented features that were just removed :)

Breaking changes

  • Removed msngr.asyncify
  • Removed

Misc changes

  • Cleaned up dead code in build and testing scripts
  • msngr.min.js size decrease from 11.7kb to 11.1kb
  • Changed npm test behavior to no longer rebuild (only runs tests)
  • Added npm run clean to clean the current build
  • Added package-lock.json for better, reproducible builds

This release is a re-focusing on what makes msngr.js great. It removes the mache cache, the global configuration object and the universal networking to focus only on messaging and processing of messages. Additional, internal refactoring was also done to further shrink the filesize to a gzipped size of roughly 3kb.

Breaking changes

  • Removed msngr.mache
  • Removed global config instance of mache
  • Removed
  • Removed msngr.deDupeArray

Misc changes

  • Refacored multiple files to consolidate logic and reduce file size further

Mostly some house cleaning

Misc changes

  • Removed Simex logo (it's defunct)
  • Updated travis to target latest node release
  • Reworked middleware into message source
  • Updated dev dependencies

Minor, non-breaking API additions

What's new?

  • Updated middleware signature to add an additional parameter to the handler that includes the calling message object

Misc changes

  • Changed build targets
  • Tweaks to documentation

Version 5.1.0 brings some minor improvements and changes

What's new?

  • Added msngr.parallel() and msngr.series(). These are handy for asynchronous patterns and already existed, internally, to msngr.js. This simply exposes them but in a more simplified way.

Misc changes

  • should now work in cases where Promise is pollyfilled.
  • Fixed issue in mache where calling .data property would set a transaction to the baseline dataset

Minor updates to documentation to include better msngr.js logo placement, simex logo and simex sponsorship.

Version 5.0 brings in some major changes, the first LTS version and huge improvements over previous versions.

What's new?

  • A new way to validate is here!,...) allows any amount of parameters to validate. The object returned with provides multiple ways to checking the type(s) of objects supplied through familiar properties. For instance:"My String").string; // Returns true"    ").empty; // Returns true; // Returns false"one", "another", "weee").string; // Returns true
  • A new way to setup middleware now exists and replaces the previous options.
  • A new, prop, default) method was added for accessing deep properties, safely.

Breaking changes

  • All previously used type, existence and empty checking methods are now removed in favor of the new way.
  • msngr(msg).subscribers has been renamed to msngr(msg).handlers to better reflect the msngr terminology.
  • msngr(msg).options has been axed in favor of the new middleware concept outlined in the above section.
  • Options have been removed entirely along with their specific implementations. This has been replaced by a middleware setup with currently no default middlewares.
  • msngr.merge() now has different, better behavior. No longer tries to merge strings and has a very strict set of rules easy to see in the source code. msngr.copy() was changed in a very similar way

Misc changes

  • Highly revised documentation. This is still ongoing.
  • Vastly refactored

Fixed an issue with msngr.copy() where values within arrays were not deep copied.

This update brings an additional benchmark for mache and a bug fix where mache's getDeep() would fail to return false boolean values.

Version 4.0 brings along many performance improvements (20% faster! ha!), API changes, new features and some deprecations.

What's new?

  • msngr.uuid() This method returns a valid UUID and was simply renamed from the original which has now changed (see breaking changes below)
  • msngr.asyncify() This method takes a function that operates and returns a synchronous result and adds a .async() method on top of it so it can be used asynchronously.
  • msngr.mache() This creates a new merge cache. Data can be cached into it with all objects always being merged. It also provides a way to revert changes on an individual basis or it can be used in a transaction! Neat, huh?

Breaking changes

  • no longer returns a UUID. Instead it returns a higher performance but unique ID. This is used mostly internally to msngr.
  • msngr.warnings is no longer a property. It was never used and I don't like the idea of adding logging inside of a library. Could revisit it in the future if there is any demands.
  • msngr.config() still exists but is now powered by a msngr.mache() instance so its API has changed accordingly.

Misc changes

  • Moved test resources to yet another dedicated folder (this time just test)
  • Upgraded all development dependencies to latest versions
  • Removed documentation for msngr.getDomPath(); unless the element contains an ID this method is unreliable but I want to later improve upon it so for now it's considered part of the "private API" aka don't use it.
  • Re-ordered the files that are included in the build process and made them explicit instead of wildcards so I can explicitly tune them to the correct ordering.
  • Ugh, forgot to add new bower and npm ignores for the test-resources directory so there are added here
  • Minor fix to hyperlinks in
  • Fixed a bug in msngr.querySelectorAllWithEq() where more than one :eq() would create an invalid selector
  • Revised msngr.getDomPath() to properly return a DOM path instead of just adding an ID. If an ID exists that is simply returned as the selector
  • Revised msngr.findElement() / msngr.findElements() to use querySelectorAllWithEq() for consistency
  • Moved test resources to a dedicated folder for neatness
  • Heavily revised README
  • Added CHANGELOG for tracking release information
  • Revised package.json to better suit the current capabilities
  • Makes message topics, categories and subcategories case insensitive
  • Adds sending of headers in
  • Added property getters for topic, category and subcategory onto the message object itself
  • Added memory object benchmarks

Well that was fast!

  • Removed deep copying attempts for all payloads (this was a terrible idea anyway)
  • Tweaked documentation

The wait is over as version 3.0.0 has arrived! Okay, a little overblown but this version has good stuff in it including optimizations that speed up message handling 2x to 5x depending on environment! Since msngr follows semantic versioning 3.x has breaking changes from 2.x which are outlined in these release notes.

What's new?

  • A new interface that provides a single, unified way of hitting HTTP and HTTPS endpoints. This means it works in both the web browser and node.js.
var request ="");
    path: "/search",
    query: {
        term: "dogs"
}, function(error, result) {
  • msngr.config() provides an easy way to specify configurations for different parts of msngr. For instance some of the defaults for are simply configuration items that a developer can then override. The same goes for the channel used in the cross-window option. More details in the documentation.

  • msngr.copy() provides a way to deep copy objects. Any type of object it doesn't understand to deep copy is simply returned as is (so it's a quasi deep copy but it's difficult to get better than that while also being useful).

  • msngr.immediate() provides the fastest way possible, in the currently running environment, to execute a method asynchronously. This is a huge performance boost as previously msngr was using setTimeout which was slow in node.js and supremely slow in the browser.

  • isBrowser() provides a check to determine if we're operating in a web browser of not.

Breaking changes (improvements++)

  • msngr().on() now sends the callback 3 parameters: payload, message, async. In 2.x msngr sent two (payload, async).

  • msngr.options() is now gone; there are no more global options as this made options being applied too implicit.

  • msngr.executer().execute() method has been removed as it only executed the first item of the supplied methods without being explicit about it. Implicit behavior for the lose.

  • msngr.executer() no longer takes the params of methods, payload, context. Now it accepts either an array of just functions or an array of objects with each object following the format of: { method: function() {}, params: [], context: this }. This allows executer to be more flexible with supplying n number of parameters to each method of which the params can all be different (and executer simply appends its async method as the last parameter of each function call just like before)

  • Creating options now works a lot nicer; instead of directly modifying the internal object you, instead, call a method and supply it with the necessary parameters. No more worrying about messing up the internal structure :). It now looks like this:

msngr.extend(function(external, internal) {
    internal.option("my-option", function(message, payload, options, async) {
        // code here
  • msngr.hasWildCard() is now gone. It wasn't being used and was a hold out from 1.0.


  •'s legacy fallback now uses instead of Date.getTime().

  • msngr now has benchmarks! To execute run npm run benchmark. This will execute benchmarks in node.js as well as update two html files that allow benchmarks to be run in the browser. Note: the browser benchmarks currently do not automatically run like the unit tests; this will be rectified in a future, minor release.

Added subscribers count property

This release rewrites the memory indexer internal to msngr which was necessary for a bug fix.

  • Fixed issue where subscribing to less message pieces than which is emitted would not call the handler
  • Added a deduping method for arrays and relevant documentation

This is a fairly minor release just addressing some much needed items

  • Executer object is now exposed and let's you run n number of functions in parallel similar to async.js (this was written and originally kept internal to avoid bringing in additional dependencies; now that it's pretty solid figured it should be exposed as a utility)
  • Minor source code clean-up with beautifier
  • Removed grunt-cli global dependency

Added ignore to bower.json which should improve the bower install experience :) Also updated dev dependencies

Added a .npmignore file

  • Updated API to use subcategory instead of dataType. Didn't change the major version as this, while a fundamental change, won't break any existing code.
  • Updated dev dependencies
  • Added node v4 as a build target in travisci

Fixes minor build issue that was found during 2.1.0 due to a new issue in the mocha-phantomjs module. This has zero affect on using msngr.js itself just in building and testing.

Added support for setting global options that get applied to all messages

Fixed issue where merging arrays did not deduplicate them when some values were shared.

The 2.0 release is finally here. There are many breaking API changes and lots of new features!

  • Now create messages via msngr("Topic", "Category", "DataType"); which then returns a message object you can then handle and emit.
  • Persist data so future handler additions receive the same message.
  • Use option("cross-window") to allow your messages to cross tabs and windows within your web browser for the same domain (useful for multiple instances of a single web application).
  • All utilities now moved to directly top level
  • More utilities added that allow you to test multiple things at once. Example: msngr.isString("me"); and msngr.areStrings("me", "yup", "weee");.
  • EXTENSIVE documentation including the full exposed API, messaging patterns, browser features, how to extend and hack msngr.js and even rules about contributions.
  • Added support for msngr.drop(message, handler) / msngr.drop(topic, category, dataType, handler) to allow individual handlers to be targeted versus a scorch-the-Earth removal as before. (Fixes #24)
  • Added more code coverage for accidental omissions.
  • Added multiple utility methods; is() does single checking and as() will check all arguments to ensure same type. The odd man out is the addition of msngr.utils.exist() and exists(); exist for single and exists for multiple.
  • Dev dependency updates
  • Added unit tests to run against minified file to ensure good minfication.
  • Several APIs have been broken from previous releases due to them being < 1.0.0. This is the 1.0.0 release so further breakage won't occur until possible, future, major revisions.
    • msngr.on replaces msngr.receive
    • multiple methods now allow the creation of message objects via parameters versus always using a JavaScript object
  • Far more unit test coverage
  • Far better documentation with examples
  • Actions are now a thing; actions allow messages to be extended by anyone and provide ways of intercepting, preventing and modifying message payloads
  • Binding works far better, implicit ID handling is gone and the use of selectors is now exclusive
  • Multitude of bugs fixed with unit tests added covering them

This is the first beta of msngr.js! Significant improvements are included in this release including:

  • Major refactoring to eliminate a lot of code and to make the codebase easier to maintain
  • Full unit test coverage of important msngr.js APIs
  • Improved delegate indexing to allow better and faster message matching
  • Revised documentation to make jumping into msngr.js easier

Resolved issue with DOM binding and unbinding.

  • Replaced internal indexer to index fields versus the original table-scan-like query it previously did; this means performance will not deteriorate as user of msngr increases except in the case of using partials (which will be revisited before GA).

  • Revised unit testing strategy to place unit tests within each testing target's directory.

  • Removed stress testing as it gave false indicators at best and failed at worst. Will be revisited before GA.

This release has breaking changes!

  • Revised API to use emit instead of send, register instead of receiver and unregister instead of remove for consistency.
  • Revised unit testing strategy to support testing client-side binders directly through node using phantomjs; travis now runs all unit tests, where possible, in the node and browser contexts.
  • Added domain support for emitting and routing; routers are now required to include a domain property that will either be "local", "remote" or "localAndRemote". emitters will not be required to use them and will default to "local". This will provide support in the upcoming releases for targeting different types of routers.
  • Simplified multiple aspects of the code by dropping interfaces and reorganizing.

This is the first release of a fairly functional msngr.js library. It is not yet recommended for production use.

This release includes:

  • The addition of binders to support binding elements and their events to specific messages.
  • Addition of stress testing using benchmark.js.
  • Revised build process that generates appropriate spec runner html file for client side testing along with continuing the node side of testing.
  • Revised unit tests to use chai instead of node's assert.

Initial capability to send and receive messages with optional wildcards and extendable router interface.