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Programming Rust

File metadata and controls

1396 lines (1353 loc) · 61.1 KB

2. A Tour Of Rust

  • if a function body ends with an expression which is not followed by a semicolon, that's a function return value
    fn demo() -> i32 { 1 }
  • block surrounded by curly braces can function as an expression and the last expression without semicolon can be treated as its value
    let x = { 1 };

Fundamental Types

  • soundness type system
    • type system is sound implies all of the type-checked programs are correct (i.e. no false negative).
    • type system is complete implies all of the correct programs can be accepted by type-checked (i.e. no false positive).
    • soundness vs completeness: soundness means a program passed type check is valid (run without any errors) while completeness means a valid program can be type-checked.
  • isize/usize has the same size of an address on the machine (32 or 64 bits).
  • char is unicode character, 32 bits wide.
  • if an integer literal lacks a type suffix, its type is determined when there is a clue (stored in a variable of a particular type, passed to a function, or return to a function ...). If there are multiple possibilities, i32 will be picked (same for f64).
    println!("{}", (-4).abs());
    doesn't compile since Rust doesn't know which integer type a value belongs to, default i32 applies only if the type is still ambiguous after all method calls have been resolved which is too late here.
  • integer downcast from N to M bits (N >> M) is doing the truncation of N - M most significant bits.
  • signed integer overflow is undefined in C/C++, Rust introduces Checked, Wrapping, Saturating and Overflowing to handle in the way you want. By default, doing that will cause panic in debug build and modulo wrap in release build.
  • function returns no value has type of () (unit type)
    fn foo(x: i32, y: i32);
    fn foo(x: i32, y: i32) -> ();
  • Rust permits an extra trailing comma in function arguments, arrays, struct, enum definition ... and it has no meaning
    (&str, i32, ) == (&str, i32)
  • Rust borrow rules: you either have any number of immutable references or only one mutable reference at a given time (lifetime of references)
  • Slices &[T] are always passed by reference and are converted automatically from vector and array
    let v: Vec<f64> = vec![0.0,  0.707,  1.0,  0.707];
    let a: [f64; 4] =     [0.0, -0.707, -1.0, -0.707];
    let sv: &[f64] = &v;
    let sa: &[f64] = &a;
  • C/C++ doesn't support multiline string while Rust does.
    println!("hello world, Rust
      the weather is good today");
    the output will include newline and space at the beginning of the second line

4. Ownership and Moves

  • there are two popular ways (using garbage collection or explicitly allocate/free) to manage memory while running. Rust uses a different approach, memory is managed through ownership which the compiler checks at compile-time.
  • ownership rules:
    • each value in Rust has a variable called the owner.
    • there can be only one owner at a time.
    • when the owner goes out of scope, the value is dropped.
  • for most types (except Copy trait), operations like assigning a value to a variable, passing it to a function, or returning it from a function don't copy the value, move is used.
    let s = vec!["udon", "ramen", "soba"];
    let t = s;
    println!("{:?}", t); // cannot use s, since value is moved to u
  • if you move a value into a variable that was already initialized, the prior value is dropped.
    let mut s = String::from("hello");
    s = String::from("world"); // string hello is dropped
    let mut s = String::from("hello");
    let t = s;
    s = String::from("world"); // nothing is dropped here
  • if there is a possibility a value is moved, it is considered moved
    fn foo(c: u32) {
      let x = vec![10, 20, 30];
      if c > 10 {
      baz(x); // error: x is uninitialized here since x might be moved in if
  • any type that needs to do something special when a value is dropped cannot be Copy (whole value is on stack)

5. References

  • if there is an immutable reference, the owner cannot modify its value. If there is a mutable reference, owner cannot be used (until the mutable reference goes away).
  • to a function:
    • pass by value <-> move the ownership
    • pass by reference <-> borrow from the owner
  • . operator performs a lot of magic to convert types including auto-reference, auto-dereference ...
  • Once C++ reference has been initialized, there is no way to change while in Rust reference can be changed.
    let x = 10;
    let y = 20;
    let mut z = &x;
    z = &y;
  • reference to references.
    struct Point { x: i32, y: i32 }
    let point = Point { x: 1000, y: 729 };
    let r: &Point = &point;
    let rr: &&Point = &r;
    let rrr: &&&Point = &rr;
  • comparing references performs on their final target. Using std::ptr:eq, if you want to compare their addresses
    let x = 10;
    let y = 10;
    let rx = &x;
    let ry = &y;
    let rrx = &rx;
    let rry = &ry;
    assert!(rrx <= rry);
    assert!(rrx == rry);
    assert!(!std::ptr::eq(rx, ry));
  • references are never null. You can reference to the value of any sort of expression.
    let x = &1000; // anonymous variable is created to hold a value
  • every reference (to be correct, variable) has a lifetime which is used by Rust to prevent a dangling pointer.
    let x;
      let y = 10;
      x = &y; // lifetime of &y from this point to end of block
    println!("{}", x); // error
  • you can explicity specify lifetime in function parameters and return.
    fn foo<'a, 'b>(x: &'a i32, y: &'b i32) -> &'a i32 {}
  • each kind of reference affects what we can do with other values in the same ownership tree. tree

6. Expressions

  • Rust is expression language (most statements in C are expressions in Rust).
  • value of the block is the last expression without a semicolon.
      let x = 10;
      x  // value of this block
  • if without else must always return () and all blocks of if expression must produce values of the same type (similar to match).
    let suggested_pet =
      if with_wings { Pet::Buzzard } else { Pet::Hyena };  // ok
    let favorite_number =
        if user.is_hobbit() { "eleventy-one" } else { 9 };  // error
    let best_sports_team =
        if is_hockey_season() { "Predators" };  // error
  • fn is declared inside a block, its scope is the entire block (outside cannot see it) and it cannot access local variables.
  • a condition (in if, while ...) must be an expression of bool (Rust doesn't implicitly convert to bool).
  • loops are also expressions in Rust (while, for produces ()). break can be used with label and value while continue only can be used with a label
    let foo = 'outer: loop {
      break 'outer 10;
  • unlike C, Rust differentitate between () (unit type) and ! (never returns).
  • a..b is end-exclusive range (not include b) while a..=b is end-inclusive range.
  • unlike C, % can be used on floating-point numbers
    let x = 12.5 % 10; // 2.5
  • values of type bool, char or, C-like enum may be cast to any integer type. The opposite direction is not allowed for example cannot cast u16 to char because some u16 values cannot be presented in char (0xd800). We can use a standard method std::char::from_u32() which returns Option<char>

7. Error Handling

  • There are two kinds of error handling: panic and Result.
  • panic is safe (catch before it happens), it doesn't violate any of Rust's safety rules since stack (including heap segments linked to variables) is cleanup -> there is no dangling pointer. Panic is like RuntimeException in C++.
  • second panic happens during the cleanup of the first panic causes fatal -> thread is aborted. You can also config panic behavior like -C panic=abort (abort in the first panic).
  • there is a shortcut for handling Result (like unwrap/expect) and error propagation (?).

8. Crates and Modules

  • There are two kinds of crate: binary or library. You can either specify or let Rust figure it out by looking at src/ or src/
  • program can mix crates written in different editions since edition only affects how source code is construed.
  • modules can be nested and be specified with pub(super)/pub(in <path>) to make them visible to a specific parent or its descendants.
  • a path (similar to filesystem) can take two forms:
    • absolute path starts a crate root like crate.
    • relative path starts from a current module like self/super.
    mod front_of_house {
      pub mod hosting {
          pub fn add_to_waitlist() {}
    pub fn eat_at_restaurant() {
        // Absolute path
        // Relative path
  • struct's fields, even private fields, are accessible in the module and its submodules where the struct is declared. Outside the module, only public fields are accessible.
  • const is similar to C #define, static is similar to C static
    pub const FOO: i32 = 10;
    pub static BAZ: &str = "hello world";
  • tests are ordinary functions marked with the #[test] attribute. You can either use assert! family macros to validate or return Result<(), E>.
  • tests are compiled conditionally, cargo build skips the testing code.
  • there are 3 styles of testings:
    • unit testing lives right alongside your code.
    • integration testing, files (each file is compiled as a separate crate) in tests directory.
    • documentation testing, code block in your document. rustdoc stores each code sample in a separate file, adding boilerplate code to produce programs. You disable if needed via no_run/ignore.
    /// Return true if two ranges overlap.
    ///     assert_eq!(ranges::overlap(0..7, 3..10), true);
    ///     assert_eq!(ranges::overlap(1..5, 101..105), false);
    /// If either range is empty, they don't count as overlapping.
    ///     assert_eq!(ranges::overlap(0..0, 0..10), false);
    ---- // temporary file 1
    use ranges;
    fn main() {
        assert_eq!(ranges::overlap(0..7, 3..10), true);
        assert_eq!(ranges::overlap(1..5, 101..105), false);
    ---- // temporary file 2
    use ranges;
    fn main() {
        assert_eq!(ranges::overlap(0..0, 0..10), false);
  • cargo uses semantic versioning, lock mechanism, and workspace (probably like yarn).

8. Structs

  • There are 3 kinds of struct types: named-field, tuple-like and unit-like.
  • struct and its fields are private by default. Visibility is for different modules, creating a struct value requires all the struct's fields are visible.
    mod Foo {
      pub struct Point {
          pub x: i32,
          y: i32,         // private
    pub struct Distance {
        meter: i32,
    fn main() {
        let p = Foo::Point { x: 10, y: 20 }; // y is private, not visible since Point and main belong to different modules
        let d = Distance { meter: 100 };     // meter is private, Distance and main belong to the same module
  • not like the spread operator in javascript, .. in rust only takes fields (move) not mentioned.
    struct Point {
      x: i32,
      y: i32,
    let p1 = Point { x: 10, y: 20 };
    let p2 = Point { x: 15, ..p1 }; // p2 = { 15, 20 }
  • tuple-like struct is good for newtypes since you get stricter type checking.
    struct Ascii(Vec<u8>);
  • values of unit-like struct occupy no memory and no generated code.
  • struct fields' values might be not stored in the order they are in struct (you can specify layout like #[repr(C)]).
  • a method's self argument can also be a Box<Self>, Rc<Self>, or Arc<Self> (same for &self and &mut self).
    struct Queue {}
    impl Queue {
      pub fn push(&mut self, c: char) {}
    let mut q = Queue {};
    let mut bq = Box::new(Queue {});
  • there are associated functions and consts.
    impl Queue {
      const ZERO: Queue = Queue {};
      const NAME: &str = "Queue";
      pub fn new() -> Queue {
        Queue {}
  • generic struct is similar to c++ template, so you can specialize if needed.
  • when you need mutable data inside an immutable value, there are Cell<T> and RefCell<T>.

10. Enums and Patterns

  • enum is similar to Haskell's algebraic data types.
  • enum without data is similar to C enum (default and following values). You can cast enum to integer, but integer to enum is not allowed.
    enum Status {
      Pending = 10,
    println!("{}", Status::Completed as i32); // 11
  • there are 3 kinds of enum variants, echoing 3 kinds of struct. All constructions and fields share the same visibility of the enum.
    enum RelationshipStatus {
      ItsExtremelyComplicated {
          car: DifferentialEquation,
          cdr: EarlyModernistPoem,
  • enum with data is stored as a small integer tag, plus enough memory to hold all the fields the largest variant. enum
  • there are special cases, Rust can eliminate the tag field. For example, Option<T> when T is a reference (Box or smart pointer types), since T is cannot be null, so None can be represented as 0, Some for pointers.
  • pattern matching supports various types: literal, variable, tuple, struct, array, reference ...
    match get_account(id) {
      Some(Account { name, language, ..}) => something // match name, language and ignore other fields
  • matching a non copyable value moves the value.
    match account {
      Account { name, language, .. } => {
          ui.greet(&name, &language);
          ui.show_settings(&account);  // error: borrow of moved value: `account`
    // borrow instead
    match account {
      Account { ref name, ref language, .. } => {
          ui.greet(name, language);
          ui.show_settings(&account);  // ok
  • there are two kind of patterns:
    • irrefutable pattern always matches, let and for only accept this pattern.
    • refutable pattern might not match.

11. Traits and Generics

  • traits is inspired by Haskell's typeclass, while generics is similar to C++ template (generate machine code for each type T that you use).
  • to use traits methods for a type, you have to explicitly import that traits.
  • C# interface, a value of type T is a reference to any object that implements T, the same for Rust.
    use std::io::Write;
    let mut buf: Vec<u8> = vec![];
    let writer: dyn Write = buf;  // error: `Write` does not have a constant size
    let writer: &dyn Write = &buf;  // ok
    let writer: &mut dyn Write = &mut buf;  // ok, creating fat pointer (trait object) contains a pointer to data and a pointer to vtable
    trait object
  • unlike C++, the vtable pointer is stored as part of the struct, Rust uses flat pointers so a struct can implement dozens of traits without containing dozens of vtable pointers -> a method call will be dynamic dispatching.
  • references and smart pointers (Box, Rc ...) are converted to trait objects when needed.
  • difference between generic and trait
    • generic generates machine code for each type you use (easy to optimize and better speed).
    • trait object uses dynamic dispatch.
    fn say_hello(out: &mut dyn Write)     // plain
    fn say_hello<W: Write>(out: &mut W)   // generic
    fn say_hello(out: &mut dyn Write)     // trait
  • everything defined in a trait impl must be a feature of trait (if you need a helper method, defining in impl of that type).
    trait Visible {
      fn draw(&self, canvas: &mut Canvas);
      fn hit_test(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool;
    impl Visible for Broom {
      fn draw(&self, canvas: &mut Canvas) {
          for y in self.broomstick_range() {
              canvas.write_at(self.x, y, '|');
          canvas.write_at(self.x, self.y, 'M');
      fn hit_test(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool {
          self.x == x
          && self.y - self.height - 1 <= y
          && y <= self.y
    impl Broom {
      fn broomstick_range(&self) -> Range<i32> {
          self.y - self.height - 1 .. self.y
  • when implementing a trait, either the trait or the type must be local in the current crate (orphan rule) to ensure that other people's code cannot break yours and vice versa.
  • a trait that uses Self is incompatible with trait objects
    pub trait Spliceable {
      fn splice(&self, other: &Self) -> Self; // requires self and other are the same type
    impl Spliceable for CherryTree {
      fn splice(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
    impl Spliceable for Mammoth {
      fn splice(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
    fn splice_anything(left: &dyn Spliceable, right: &dyn Spliceable) {
      let combo = left.splice(right); // error since Rust doesn't know at compile type if `left and `right` are the same type as required.
    // if we replace with the trait below, it will works.
    pub trait MegaSpliceable {
      fn splice(&self, other: &dyn MegaSpliceable) -> Box<dyn MegaSpliceable>;
  • trait can include type-associated functions. If you want to use &dyn StringSet (trait object), you have to add the bounding and those bounding functions are excluded.
    trait StringSet {
      fn new() -> Self;
      fn contains(&self, string: &str) -> bool;
      fn new() -> Self          // for trait object usage since it is not included -> only can use contains
          where Self: Sized;
  • associated types trait defines one specific related type for each implementation.
    pub trait Iterator {
      type Item;
      fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
    impl Iterator for Args {
      type Item = String;
      fn next(&mut self) -> Option<String> {
  • generic type get a special dispensation, you can implement a foreign trait for a foreign type, as long as one of the trait's type parameters is defined in the local crate.
    struct Meters(u32);
    impl Add<Meters> for Millimeters {            // Milimeters is the 3rd crate
      type Output = Millimeters;
      fn add(self, other: Meters) -> Millimeters {
        Millimeters(self.0 + (other.0 * 1000))
  • associated trait consts can be declared without giving a value, then implementors of that trait can define those.
    trait Greet {
      const GREETING: &'static str = "Hello";
      const ZERO: Self;
    impl Greet for f32 {
      const ZERO: f32 = 0.0;

12. Operator Overloading

  • arithmetic expressions are shorthand for method calls like a + b -> a.add(b) (add belongs std::ops::Add).
    trait Add<Rhs = Self> {
      type Output;
      fn add(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
    assert_eq!(10.add(20), 10 + 20); // ok
  • std::cmp::PartialEq contains 2 methods. Since ne method has a default definition, you only need to define eq.
    trait PartialEq<Rhs = Self>
        Rhs: ?Sized,
        fn eq(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool;
        fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool {
  • math equivalence relation imposes three requirements below. PartialEq is used for the == operator's built-in trait because == doesn't meet the third one like NaN is not equal to NaN. There is Eq trait that represents all.
    • x == y -> y == x.
    • x == y and y == z -> x == z.
    • x == x.
  • among all primitive types, only comparisons between floating-point values return None (NaN with anything else returns None).
  • std::cmp::PartialOrd contains 5 methods but 4 methods have default definition. The only you have to implement is partial_cmp.
    trait PartialOrd<Rhs = Self>: PartialEq<Rhs>
        Rhs: ?Sized,
        fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Rhs) -> Option<Ordering>; // None means self and other are unordered with each other (like NaN)
        fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { ... }
        fn le(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { ... }
        fn gt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { ... }
        fn ge(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { ... }
    enum Ordering {
      Less,       // self < other
      Equal,      // self == other
      Greater,    // self > other
  • depends on the expression (like borrowing), Rust translates to either std::ops::Index or std::ops::IndexMut.
    let mut m = HashMap::new();
    assert_eq!(m["十"], 10);
    assert_eq!(m["千"], 1000);
    // ->
    assert_eq!(*m.index("十"), 10);
    assert_eq!(*m.index("千"), 1000);
    let mut desserts = vec!["Howalon".to_string(), "Soan papdi".to_string()];
    desserts[0].push_str(" (fictional)");
    desserts[1].push_str(" (real)");
    // ->
    (*desserts.index_mut(0)).push_str(" (fictional)");
    (*desserts.index_mut(1)).push_str(" (real)");
  • not all operators can be overloaded like ?, =, &&, ||, function call operator ...

13. Utility Traits

  • There are 3 categories of traits
    • Language extension traits: integrate your own types closely to the language like Drop, Deref ...
    • Marker traits: express constaints to bound generic type variables like Sized and Copy.
    • Public vocabulary traits like Default, Borrow ...
  • Drop trait which is analogous to C++ destructor is called (dropping in stack, heap and system resources) when a value's owner goes away (out of scope, end of expression statement, truncate a vector ...). Usually, it is handled automatically but you can define it needed.
    struct Appellation {
      name: String,
      nicknames: Vec<String>
    impl Drop for Appellation {
      fn drop(&mut self) {
          print!("Dropping {}",;
          if !self.nicknames.is_empty() {
              print!(" (AKA {})", self.nicknames.join(", "));
  • Copy trait is for types whose values can be duplicated simply by copying bits (on stack) while Clone trait is always explicit and may or may not expensive.
  • std::ops::Deref/DerefMut traits specify how deferencing operators * and . behave. They are designed for implementating smart pointers like Box, Rc, Arc ...
    trait Deref {
      type Target: ?Sized;
      fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target;
    trait DerefMut: Deref {
        fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target;
  • Since deref takes &Self reference and returns a &Self::Target reference, references can be converted to the latter. Rust will apply several deref coercions in succession if necessary.
    struct Selector<T> {
      /// Elements available in this `Selector`.
      elements: Vec<T>,
      /// The index of the "current" element in `elements`. A `Selector`
      /// behaves like a pointer to the current element.
      current: usize
    impl<T> Deref for Selector<T> {
      type Target = T;
      fn deref(&self) -> &T {
    let mut s = Selector { elements: vec!['x', 'y', 'z'],
                         current: 2 };
    // Because `Selector` implements `Deref`, we can use the `*` operator to
    // refer to its current element.
    assert_eq!(*s, 'z');
    // Assert that 'z' is alphabetic, using a method of `char` directly on a
    // `Selector`, via deref coercion.
    // Change the 'z' to a 'w', by assigning to the `Selector`'s referent.
    *s = 'w';
    // ---------
    assert_eq!(s.elements, ['x', 'y', 'w']);
    let s = Selector { elements: vec!["good", "bad", "ugly"],
                     current: 2 };
    fn show_it(thing: &str) { println!("{}", thing); }
    // type of &s is &Selector<&str>, due to Deref<Target=str> -> show_it(s.deref())
    // if you change show_it to generic function, it doesn't work since Rust doesn't try deref coercions to satisfy type variable bounds
  • AsRef<T>/AsMut<T> is used to make functions more flexiable in the argument types they accept
    fn open<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<File>
    let dot_emacs = std::fs::File::open("/home/jimb/.emacs")?;
    open wants &Path (filesystem path type). By using AsRef<Path>, open accepts anything it can borrow a &Path from, in that case str. Rust rewrite like std::fs::File::open("/home/jimb/.emacs".as_ref())?
  • std::borrow::Borrow trait is similar to AsRef1, except it imposes more restrictions: a type should implement Borrow<T> when a &T hashes and compares the same way as the value it's borrowed from.
  • std::convert::From/Into are infalliable trait and take ownership of their argument, transform it, and return ownership of the conversion. Into is generally used to make your function's arguments are flexiable while From serves as a generic constructor for producing an instance of type from another value.
    use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
    fn ping<A>(address: A) -> std::io::Result<bool>
        where A: Into<Ipv4Addr>
        let ipv4_address = address.into();
    println!("{:?}", ping(Ipv4Addr::new(23, 21, 68, 141))); // pass an Ipv4Addr
    println!("{:?}", ping([66, 146, 219, 98]));             // pass a [u8; 4]
    println!("{:?}", ping(0xd076eb94_u32));                 // pass a u32
    let addr1 = Ipv4Addr::from([66, 146, 219, 98]);
    let addr2 = Ipv4Addr::from(0xd076eb94_u32);
  • TryFrom/TryInto are fallible cousins of From/Into which including expressive error handling.
    let smaller: i32 = huge_number.try_into().unwrap_or(i32::MAX);

14. Closures

  • There are two ways for closures to get data from enclosing scopes: move or borrowing.
    let color = String::from("green");
    // A closure to print `color` which immediately borrows (`&`) `color` and
    // stores the borrow and closure in the `print` variable. It will remain
    // borrowed until `print` is used the last time.
    // `println!` only requires arguments by immutable reference so it doesn't
    // impose anything more restrictive.
    let print = || println!("`color`: {}", color);
    // Call the closure using the borrow.
    // using move to specify a closure will steal color
    let print_move = move || { println!("{}", color); };
    let color1 = color; // error since color ownership is already moved to print_move
  • all functions and most closures (others are implemented FnOnce and FnMut) are implemented automatically Fn trait. Every closure has an ad hoc type created by the compiler, no two closures have exactly the same type.
    fn(&City) -> bool    // fn type (functions only)
    Fn(&City) -> bool    // Fn trait (both functions and closures)
  • there are three kinds of closure traits below. Without specifing move, closure prefer capturing variables by reference and only go lower (by mutable reference -> by value) when required.
    • Fn for functions and closures which you can call multiple times without restriction.
    • FnMut for closures which you can call multiple time if closure itself is declared mut.
    • FnOnce for closures which you can call once, if the caller owns the closure.
  • in memory, closure looks like a small structure containing references to the variables or values it uses. closure
  • rules for Copy and Clone on closures are like for regular struct mentioned above
    • non-move closure only hold shared references which are Clone/Copy supports Clone/Copy.
    let y = 10;
    let add_y = |x| x + y;
    let copy_of_add_y = add_y;                // This closure is `Copy`, so...
    assert_eq!(add_y(copy_of_add_y(22)), 42); // ... we can call both.
    • non-move closure mutates references in its body doesn't support Clone/Copy.
    let mut x = 0;
    let mut add_to_x = |n| { x += n; x };
    let copy_of_add_to_x = add_to_x;         // this moves, rather than copies
    assert_eq!(add_to_x(copy_of_add_to_x(1)), 2); // error: use of moved value
    • move closure, everything captured is either Copy -> Copy or Clone -> Clone.
    let mut greeting = String::from("Hello, ");
    let greet = move |name| {
        println!("{}", greeting);
    greet.clone()("Alfred"); // Hello, Alfred
    greet.clone()("Bruce");  // Hello, Bruce
    greeting is moved to greet, and when greet (is a structure) is cloned, greeting is cloned as well -> two copies of greeting which are modified separately when the clones of greet are called.

15. Iterators

  • an iterator is any value that implements the std::iter::Iterator trait and any type that implements IntoIterator is an iterable.
    trait Iterator {
        type Item;
        fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
        ... // many default methods
    trait IntoIterator where Self::IntoIter: Iterator<Item=Self::Item> {
      type Item;                  // type of iterator produces
      type IntoIter: Iterator;    // type of iterator value
      fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter;
  • under the hood, every for loop is just shorthand for calls to IntoIterator and Iterator methods
    let v = vec!["antimony", "arsenic", "aluminum", "selenium"];
    // for
    for element in &v {
        println!("{}", element);
    // sugar syntax for while
    let mut iterator = (&v).into_iter();
    while let Some(element) = {
        println!("{}", element);
  • into_iter returns iterator which yields values, immutable references or mutable references is context dependent. While iter and iter_mut return iterator which yields &T and &mut T, respectively.
  • iterator adapter is the concept that consumes on iterator and build a new one with useful behaviors. There are two important points:
    • simply calling an adapter on an iterator doesn't consume any items, just returns a new iterator. In a chain of adapters, the only way to make any work actually get done is to call next on the final iterator (output is lazy evaluation, each value is constructed via next call)
    ["earth", "water", "air", "fire"]
      .iter().map(|elt| println!("{}", elt)); // nothing happens until you actually demand a value via .next method
    • adapter is zero-overhead abstraction, for example applying map, filter ... to an iterator will specialize their code
    let text = "  ponies  \n   giraffes\niguanas  \nsquid".to_string();
    let v: Vec<&str> = text.lines()
        .filter(|s| *s != "iguanas")
    // ->
    let mut v = Vec::new();
    for line in text.lines() {
      let line = line.trim();
      if line != "iguanas" {
  • adapters take ownership of the underlying iterator. Using by_ref, you can borrow a mutable reference to the iterator
    let message = "To: jimb\r\n\
                 From: id\r\n\
                 Oooooh, donuts!!\r\n";
    let mut lines = message.lines();
    for header in lines.by_ref().take_while(|l| !l.is_empty()) {  // lines iterator changes its internal position to 3
        println!("{}" , header);
    for body in lines {         // same iterator -> lines iterator continues consuming with internal position 3
        println!("{}" , body);
  • the standard library provides a blanket implementation of IntoIterator for every type that implements Iterator (iterator and iterable are the same type)
    struct I32Range {
      start: i32,
      end: i32
    impl Iterator for I32Range {
      type Item = i32;
      fn next(&mut self) -> Option<i32> {
          let result = Some(self.start);
          self.start += 1;
    for k in (I32Range { start: 0, end: 14 }) {   // works
    for other cases, you can create another structure to keep track current progress.
    enum BinaryTree<T> {
    struct TreeNode<T> {
        element: T,
        left: BinaryTree<T>,
        right: BinaryTree<T>
    struct TreeIter<'a, T> {
      unvisited: Vec<&'a TreeNode<T>>
    impl<T> BinaryTree<T> {
      fn iter(&self) -> TreeIter<T> {
          let mut iter = TreeIter { unvisited: Vec::new() };

16. Collections

  • Rust's collections are different comparing to other languages' collections:
    • move and borrowing are everywhere to void deep-coping values, for example Vec<T>::push(item) takes its argument by value not reference.
    • doesn't have invalidation errors when a collection is resized (program is holding a pointer to data inside it).
  • collections interal structures VecDeque Hashmap BTreeMap
  • both HashMap and BTreeMap have a corresponding Entry type to eliminate redudant map lookups.
    // Do we already have a record for this student?
    if !student_map.contains_key(name) {
        // No: create one.
        student_map.insert(name.to_string(), Student::new());
    // Now a record definitely exists.
    let record = student_map.get_mut(name).unwrap();
    // ->
    let record = student_map.entry(name.to_string()).or_insert_with(Student::new); // lookup only once and use for subsequent operations
  • Sets are collections of values arranged for fast membership testing and never contains multiple copies of the same value. Internally, a set is like a map with only keys. In fact, HashSet<T> and BTreeSet<T> are thin wrappers around HashMap<T, ()> and BTreeMap<T, ()>.
    let b1 = large_vector.contains(&"needle");    // slow, checks every element
    let b2 = large_hash_set.contains(&"needle");  // fast, hash lookup

17. Strings and Text

  • String and str types represent text using UTF-8 encoding form. UTF-8
  • there are two restrictions on well-formed UTF-8 sequences (first bytes and following bytes are always distinct):
    • only the shortest encoding for any given code point is considered well-formed.
    • exclude encode numbers from 0xd800-0xdfff and > 0x10ffff.
  • Unicode stores characters in order in which they would normally be written or read.
    assert_eq!("ערב טוב".chars().next(), Some('ע'));
  • use byte offset in the midst of some UTF-8 characters encoding -> the method panics since it causes ill-formed UTF-8.
    let full = "xin chào";
    println!("Result {}", full[7..]); // panic
  • String is implemented as a wrapper around Vec<u8>, it encourages to build strings from begin to end by appending small pieces like the way vector works.
    let s1 = String::from("tic");
    let s2 = String::from("tac");
    let s = s1 + &s2;      // s1 is moved and s2 is appended to s1
    // s1.add(&s2);
  • iterate over a slice iterate slice
  • if a type implements Display, the standard library automatically implements the std::str::ToString trait for it.
  • there are two main ways to get the bytes representing text:
    • slice.as_bytes() is borrow bytes as &[u8] and it is immutable reference -> its bytes will remain well-formed.
    • slice.into_bytes() take ownership of string and returns a Vec<u8>, since string no longer exists -> no need for bytes to be in well-formed.
  • Unicode has two ways to represent the text:
    • composed form, for example thé == [t, h, é] where é is a single Unicode character.
    • decomposed form, for example thé == [t, h, e, \u{301] where 0x301 adds an acute accent to character it follows.

18. Input and Output

  • input and output are organized around three traits Read, BufRead and Write:
    • Read for byte-oriented input (readers).
    • BufRead for buffered readers. They support all methods of Read plus methods for reading lines of text and so forth. buffer
    • Writer for both byte-oriented and UTF-8 output (writers). io
  • OpenOptions is advanced usage when File doesn't fit your requirement
    use std::fs::OpenOptions;
    let log = OpenOptions::new()
        .append(true)  // if file exists, add to the end
    let file = OpenOptions::new()
        .create_new(true)  // fail if file exists
  • operating system doesn't force filenames to be valid Unicode. You have to use OsStr/OsString and Path for filenames since str/String only accept well-formed Unicode.
    $ echo "hello world" > ô.txt                                            // valid
    $ echo "O brave new world, that has such filenames in't" > $'\xf4'.txt  // invalid
  • use Path for both absolute and relative paths, OsStr for an individual component of a path. Path is exactly like OsStr, it just adds many handy filename-related methods.
    str OsStr Path
    Unsized type, always passed by reference Yes Yes Yes
    Can contain any Unicode text Yes Yes Yes
    Looks just like UTF-8, normally Yes Yes Yes
    Can contain non-Unicode data No Yes Yes
    Text processing methods Yes No Yes
    Filename-related methods No No No
    Owned, growable, heap-allocated equivalent String OsString PathBuf
    Convert to owned type .to_string() .to_os_string() .to_path_buf()
  • there are standard libaries, like std::os::unix::fs::symlink, which are only available on certain platforms and you can conditional compile for those.
    use std::os::unix::fs::symlink;
    /// Stub implementation of `symlink` for platforms that don't provide it.
    fn symlink<P: AsRef<Path>, Q: AsRef<Path>>(src: P, _dst: Q)
        -> std::io::Result<()>

19. Concurrency

  • fork-join parallelism for handling completely independent tasks at the same time. fork
    • you can use atomic reference counting like Arc to share data between threads.
      fn process_files(filenames: Vec<String>) -> io::Result<()> {
      fn process_files_in_parallel(filenames: Vec<String>, glossary: Arc<GigabyteMap>) -> io::Result<()>
          const NTHREADS: usize = 8;
          let worklists = split_vec_into_chunks(filenames, NTHREADS);
          for worklist in worklists {
              // This call to .clone() only clones the Arc and bumps the
              // reference count. It does not clone the GigabyteMap.
              let glossary_for_child = glossary.clone();
                  spawn(move || process_files(worklist, &glossary_for_child))
    • unlike java and c# (exceptions in child thread are dumped to terminal and forgotten) and c++ (abort the process), in Rust errors are Result values (data) instead of exceptions (control flow) which are passed back to parent thread.
  • channel is one-way pipe (thread-safe queue) for sending values (while Unix pipe for sending bytes) from one thread to another and data is moved between from sender to receiver. Channel is implemented via std::sync::mpsc stands for multiproduce and single-consumer. channel
    • internally, Rust uses different queue implementation when using channel. When a channel is created, special "one-shot" queue implementation. Second value is sent, different queue implementation is used and if you clone sender, another queue implementation is used.
    • there is the case when sending values faster than receiving, you can use synchronous channel which specifies how many values can be hold.
      let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(1000);
    • under the hood, thread safety (no data races and undefined behaviors) is based on two builtin traits std::marker::Send (for move) and std::marker::Sync (for non-mut references). marker if Rc<String> is Sync and both threads happen to clone the Rc at the same time -> data races in shared reference count. Rc data race
    • OffThreadExt allows us to unify iterator pipelines and thread pipelines.
        .errors_to(error_sender)   // filter out error results
        .off_thread()              // spawn a thread for the above work
        .off_thread()              // spawn another thread for stage 2
      // ----
      impl<T> OffThreadExt for T
      where T: Iterator + Send + 'static,
            T::Item: Send + 'static
          /// Transform this iterator into an off-thread iterator: the
          /// `next()` calls happen on a separate worker thread, so the
          /// iterator and the body of your loop run concurrently.
          fn off_thread(self) -> mpsc::IntoIter<Self::Item> {
              // Create a channel to transfer items from the worker thread.
              let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(1024);
              // Move this iterator to a new worker thread and run it there.
              thread::spawn(move || {
                  for item in self {
                      if sender.send(item).is_err() {
              // Return an iterator that pulls values from the channel.
  • mutex is used to force multiple threads to take turns when accessing certain data. In Rust mutex and data are combined into one form Mutex<T> (in C++, mutex type and data are separated).
    class FernEmpireApp {
        // List of players waiting to join a game. Protected by `mutex`.
        vector<PlayerId> waitingList;
        // Lock to acquire before reading or writing `waitingList`.
        Mutex mutex;
    /// All threads have shared access to this big context struct.
    struct FernEmpireApp {
        waiting_list: Mutex<WaitingList>,
    impl FernEmpireApp {
      /// Add a player to the waiting list for the next game.
      /// Start a new game immediately if enough players are waiting.
      fn join_waiting_list(&self, player: PlayerId) {
          // Lock the mutex and gain access to the data inside.
          // The scope of `guard` is a critical section.
          let mut guard = self.waiting_list.lock().unwrap();
          if guard.len() == GAME_SIZE {
              let players = guard.split_off(0);
    • we don't need &mut self in join_waitting_list because Mutex is the lock which provides exclusive (mut) access to the data inside, even though many threads may have share (non-mut) access to the Mutex.
    • if a thread panics while holding a Mutex, the Mutex is marked as poisoned. Any subsequent attempt to lock will get an error result. You can still lock and access the data inside poisoned mutex with fully enforced via std::sync::PoisonError.
    • RwLock provides read/write locking methods read (non-mut access) and write (mut access).
    • CondVar has .wait() and .notify_all(), .wait() blocks until other threads call .notify_all().
    • Rust provides atomic types which are similar to C++ atomics.
    let cancel_flag = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
    let worker_cancel_flag = cancel_flag.clone();
    let worker_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
      for pixel in animation.pixels_mut() {
          render(pixel); // ray-tracing - this takes a few microseconds
          if worker_cancel_flag.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
              return None;
    // Cancel rendering., Ordering::SeqCst);
    // Discard the result, which is probably `None`.
    • for global variables, we either use atmoic types (numbers and boolean) or custom types with two restrictions:
      • the variable must be thread safety Sync and non-mut (workaround to use Mutex, RwLock and atomic types to modify).
      • static initializer can only call functions which are marked as const (smiliar to C++ constexpr).
      const fn mono_to_rgba(level: u8) -> Color {
          Color {
              red: level,
              green: level,
              blue: level,
              alpha: 0xFF
      const WHITE: Color = mono_to_rgba(255);
      const BLACK: Color = mono_to_rgba(000);
      static HOSTNAME: Mutex<String> = Mutex::new(String::new()); // error Mutex::new is not const
      lazy_static! {  // lazy_static crate which allows you to use any expression you like to initialize
          static ref HOSTNAME: Mutex<String> = Mutex::new(String::new());

20. Asynchronous Programming

  • asynchronous operations are supported via a trait std::future::Future.
    trait Future {
        type Output;
        // For now, read `Pin<&mut Self>` as `&mut Self`.
        fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output>;
    enum Poll<T> { Ready(T), Pending }
  • once a future has returned Poll::Ready, it may assume it will never be polled again. Overpolling could cause either returning Poll::Pending, panic or hang.
  • future returned by an async function wraps up all the information the function body need to run (function's arguments, space for its local variables). Similar to closure's type, future's type is generated automatically by the compiler.
  • polling is designed carefully, it only happens when there is something somewhere return Ready or making progress toward the goal.
    // synchronous
    fn cheapo_request(host: &str, port: u16, path: &str) -> std::io::Result<String>
        let mut socket = net::TcpStream::connect((host, port))?;
        // construct get request and send via tcp
        let request = format!("GET {} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {}\r\n\r\n", path, host);
        // get response
        let mut response = String::new();
        socket.read_to_string(&mut response)?;
        // return data
    // asynchronous
    async fn cheapo_request(host: &str, port: u16, path: &str) -> std::io::Result<String>
        let mut socket = net::TcpStream::connect((host, port)).await?;
        // construct get request and send via tcp
        let request = format!("GET {} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {}\r\n\r\n", path, host);
        // get response
        let mut response = String::new();
        socket.read_to_string(&mut response).await?;
        // return data
    // first polling executes at top of body till the first await, the next polling will start at what it is paused
      // Note: this is pseudocode, not valid Rust
      let connect_future = TcpStream::connect(...);
      match connect_future.poll(cx) {
          Poll::Ready(value) => value,
          Poll::Pending => {
              // Arrange for the next `poll` of `cheapo_request`'s
              // future to resume execution at 'retry_point.
              return Poll::Pending;
    fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
      use async_std::task;
      let response = task::block_on(cheapo_request("", 80, "/"))?;
      println!("{}", response);
  • one important difference between async tasks and threads: switching from one async task to another happens only at await expressions while operating system can suspend thread at any point.
  • using async block (like closure, it can be use with/without move), you can do some computation immediately, when the function is called before creating the returned future.
    fn cheapo_request(host: &str, port: u16, path: &str) -> impl Future<Output = io::Result<String>> + 'static
        let host = host.to_string();
        let path = path.to_string();
        async move {
            ... use &*host, port, and path ...
  • async_std::task::spawn to spawn a future onto a pool of worker threads delicated to polling. Unlike spawn_local which has to be waited for you to call block_on, as soon as one of thread from thread polls is free, it will try polling it.
  • difference with spawn_local which only executes in the same thread, for spawn an async call may begin execution on one thread, block on await and get resumed in a different thread -> future must implement the Send marker trait.
    async fn reluctant() -> String {
      let string = Rc::new("ref-counted string".to_string());
      format!("Your splendid string: {}", string) // error, string's type Rc<String> is not implemented Send trait you could use Arc instead
  • async tasks are cooperative scheduling, so poll method should always return asap. For long computation, you could either return pending manually or use spawn_blocking to run a future on a standlone/separated thread.
    while computation_not_done() {
      ... do one medium-sized step of computation ...
      async_std::task::yield_now().await; // first time, it returns Poll::Pending
                                          // second time, it returns Poll::Ready
  • to represent incomplete computations, C# calls them "tasks", Javascript calls them "promises" and Rust calls them "future". In Javascript and C#, an async function begins running as soon as it is called and there is a global event loop to resume when needed. In Rust, it is polled (only run when passing to) by an executor (block_on, spawn or spawn_local).
  • an executor like block_on polls a future, it must pass in a callback called waker and future decides to invoke when needed. A handwritten implementation of Future looks like below. Conceptually, an executor polls the future and goes to sleep, then the future invokes the waker, so the executor wakes up and polls the future again. Communication is done via passing context around.
    struct MyPrimitiveFuture {
        waker: Option<Waker>,
    impl Future for MyPrimitiveFuture {
        type Output = ...;
        fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<...> {
            if ... future is ready ... {
                return Poll::Ready(final_value);
            // Save the waker for later.
            self.waker = Some(cx.waker().clone());
    // somewhere
    // If we have a waker, invoke it, and clear `self.waker`.
    if let Some(waker) = self.waker.take() {

21. Macros

  • unlike C++, Rust macro are hygenic, must produce syntactically correct code and are always marked with an exclamation point when calling.
  • a macro defined with macro_rules! works entirely by pattern matching (macro's body is just a series of rules). macro
  • you can use square brackets, curly braces and parentheses around the pattern or the template. By convention, parentheses when calling assert_eq!, square backets for vec! and curly braces for macro_rules!.
    assert_eq!(gcd(6, 10), 2);
    assert_eq![gcd(6, 10), 2];
    assert_eq!{gcd(6, 10), 2};
    // ----
    macro_rules! assert_eq {
      ($left:expr, $right:expr) {
        match (&$left, &$right) {
          (left_val, right_val) => {
            if !(*left_val == *right_val) {
    • $left:expr and $right:expr are fragments and both have the type of expr.
    • $left is replaced with gcd(6, 10) and $right is replaced with 2.
    • pattern matching left_val and right_val for later usage because we only want $left and $right to evaluate once, for example assert_eq!(letters.pop(), Some('z')).
    • borrow reference &$left and &right since we don't want to move the value out of variables.
      fn main() {
        let s = "a rose".to_string();
        bad_assert_eq!(s, "a rose");
        println!("confirmed: {} is a rose", s);  // error: use of moved value "s"
  • to debug macro, we can either
    • check the expand version of your code via rustc -Z unstable-options --pretty expanded.
    • use log_syntax!() macro to print its arguments to terminal at the compile time.
    • insert trace_macros!(true); somewhere in your code, from that point, each time macro is expanded, it will print the macro name and arguments.
  • json macro example
    macro_rules! json {
      (null) => {
      ([ $( $element:tt ),* ]) => {
          Json::Array(vec![ $( json!($element) ),* ])
      ({ $($key:tt : $value:tt),* }) => {
          let mut fields = Box::new(HashMap::new());
          $( fields.insert($key.to_string(), json!($value)); )*
      ( $other:tt ) => {
          Json::from($other)  // Handle Boolean/number/string
  • local variables and arguments in macro like fields will be renamed. This feature was implemented firstly in Scheme macros called hygiene.
    let fields = "Fields, W.C.";
    let role = json!({
      "name": "Larson E. Whipsnade",
      "actor": fields
    // ->
    let fields = "Fields, W.C.";
    let role = {
      let mut __fields = Box::new(HashMap::new());
      __fields.insert("name".to_string(), Json::from("Larson E. Whipsnade"));
      __fields.insert("actor".to_string(), Json::from(fields));
  • if you want to use caller's identifiers, you have to pass them to macro.
    macro_rules! setup_req {
      ($req:ident, $server_socket:ident) => {
        let $req = ServerRequest::new($server_socket.session());
    fn handle_http_request(server_socket: &ServerSocket) {
      setup_req!(req, server_socket);
      ... // code that uses `req`
  • since macros are expanded early in compilation, before Rust knows the full module structure of your project, special annotation is used
    • #[macro_use] to export macros from children to their parent module.
    • #[macro_export] to export macros automatically and can be referred by path.
  • beside declarative macros above, Rust also provides procedural macros which act like functions. Procedural macros accept code as an input, operate on that code, and produce code as ouput.
    pub fn some_name(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    • There are 3 kinds of procedural macros: custom derive, attribute-like, and function-like.

22. Unsafe Code

  • unsafe draws human attention (explicity write unsafe annotation) to code whose safety Rust cannot guarantee.
  • unsafe block unlocks five additional options
    • call unsafe functions.
    • dereference raw pointers. Safe code can pass raw pointers around, compare them, and create them by conversion but only unsafe code can use them to access memory.
    • access the fields of union.
    • access mutable static variables.
    • access functions and variables declared through Rust's foreign function interface.
    pub struct Ascii(
      // This must hold only well-formed ASCII text:
      // bytes from `0` to `0x7f`.
    impl Ascii {
      /// Create an `Ascii` from the ASCII text in `bytes`. Return a
      /// `NotAsciiError` error if `bytes` contains any non-ASCII
      /// characters.
      pub fn from_bytes(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Ascii, NotAsciiError> {
        if bytes.iter().any(|&byte| !byte.is_ascii()) {
            return Err(NotAsciiError(bytes));
    // When conversion fails, we give back the vector we couldn't convert.
    // This should implement `std::error::Error`; omitted for brevity.
    #[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    pub struct NotAsciiError(pub Vec<u8>);
    // Safe, efficient conversion, implemented using unsafe code.
    impl From<Ascii> for String {
      fn from(ascii: Ascii) -> String {
        // If this module has no bugs, this is safe, because
        // well-formed ASCII text is also well-formed UTF-8.
        unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(ascii.0) }
  • the body of unsafe function is automatically considered an unsafe block and it can only be called within unsafe blocks.
    // This must be placed inside the `my_ascii` module.
    impl Ascii {
      pub unsafe fn from_bytes_unchecked(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Ascii {
    // Imagine that this vector is the result of some complicated process
    // that we expected to produce ASCII. Something went wrong!
    let bytes = vec![0xf7, 0xbf, 0xbf, 0xbf];
    let ascii = unsafe {
        // This unsafe function's contract is violated
        // when `bytes` holds non-ASCII bytes.
    let bogus: String = ascii.into();
    // `bogus` now holds ill-formed UTF-8. Parsing its first character produces
    // a `char` that is not a valid Unicode code point. That's undefined
    // behavior, so the language doesn't say how this assertion should behave.
    assert_eq!(bogus.chars().next().unwrap() as u32, 0x1fffff);   // panic
  • Send/Sync (marker traits) are the classic examples of unsafe traits. They have contracts: Send requires implementers to be safe to move to another thread, and Sync requires them to be safe to share among threads via shared references. Implementing Send for an inappropriate type, for example, would make Mutex no longer safe from data races.
  • Rust raw pointers are equivalent to C/C++ pointers. There are two kind of raw pointers (no plain *T): *mut T (permits modifing its referent) and *const T (only permits reading its referent).
    • raw pointers must be dereference explicitily for example (*raw).field.
    • unlike + operator in C/C++, in Rust + doesn't handle raw pointers, you can perform arithmetic via their offset/wrapping_offset, add/wrapping_add, and sub/wrapping_sub methods.
    • raw pointer to an unsized type is a fat pointer for example *const [u8] pointer includes a length + the address, trait object like *mut dyn Write pointer carries a vtable.
    • sometime, you need to break up a complex conversion into a series of simpler steps.
    &vec![42_u8] as *const String;  // error: invalid conversion
    &vec![42_u8] as *const Vec<u8> as *const String;  // permitted
  • A value of any Sized type occupies a constant number of bytes in memory while for unsized types, the size and alignment depend on the value at hand.
    assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<i64>(), 8);
    assert_eq!(std::mem::align_of::<(i32, i32)>(), 4);
    // Fat pointers to slices carry their referent's length.
    let slice: &[i32] = &[1, 3, 9, 27, 81];
    assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of_val(slice), 20);
    let text: &str = "alligator";
    assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of_val(text), 9);
    use std::fmt::Display;
    let unremarkable: &dyn Display = &193_u8;
    let remarkable: &dyn Display = &0.0072973525664;
    // These return the size/alignment of the value the
    // trait object points to, not those of the trait object
    // itself. This information comes from the vtable the
    // trait object refers to.
    assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of_val(unremarkable), 1);
    assert_eq!(std::mem::align_of_val(remarkable), 8);
  • it is undefined behaviour to use offset to produce a pointer beyond the start or end of the array even if you never dereference it since the arthmetic in offset might overflow an isize value (address space).
  • a move and copy have the same effect on memory. Only difference after a move, the source is no longer treated as live while copy both source and destination are live. Rust tracks which local variables are live at compile time to prevent you from using not live values. In practice, move usually doesn't do anything to source. move
  • constructing a union or assigning to its fields is safe, reading from any field of a union is always unsafe.
    let mut one = FloatOrInt { i: 1 };
    assert_eq!(unsafe { one.i }, 0x00_00_00_01);
    one.f = 1.0;
  • there is no guarantee that any fields of union start at a specific place unless adding an attribute to tell compiler how to lay out the data in memory.
    #[repr(C)]            // gurantee all fields start a offset 0
    union SignExtractor {
      value: i64,
      bytes: [u8; 8]
  • unions cannot tell how to drop their contents, all their fields must be Copy. There is a workaround via std::mem::ManuallyDrop.

23. Foreign Functions

  • for Rust's struct types compatible with C's structs, you can use #[repr(C)]. #[repr(C)] only affects the layout of struct itself, not its individual fields. To match with C struct, each field must use C-like type
    pub struct git_error {
      pub message: *const c_char,
      pub klass: c_int
  • to use functions provided by a particular library, you can place a #[link] atop the extern block.
    use std::os::raw::c_int;
    #[link(name = "git2")]
    extern {
      pub fn git_libgit2_init() -> c_int;
        pub fn git_libgit2_shutdown() -> c_int;
    fn main() {
      unsafe {
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