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289 lines (225 loc) · 5.63 KB

File metadata and controls

289 lines (225 loc) · 5.63 KB

node compatibility Build Status License


Interface between Intake24 API and Clinical DB

  • CRON-like node.js service
  • CLI to execute tasks directly


Make sure you have latest Node.js LTS and pnpm installed.

MSSQL lib requires ODBC driver headers to be installed:

apt install unixodbc-dev

Install pnpm

pnpm install -g pnpm


Download local project dependencies

pnpm install

Copy .env-template to .env file.

cp .env-template .env

Edit .env file and set up main configuration variables.

Any additional configuration variables (not extracted as ENV variables) can be found in src/config folder.

Tasks setup

Service executes specific tasks based on provided CRON entry and additional task-specific variables.

Task entries for execution are defined in tasks.json file as an array of simple JSON objects.

Copy tasks-template.json to tasks.json file

cp tasks-template.json tasks.json

Edit tasks.json file and set up task definitions as needed.

Task definitions

Currently implemented tasks are:


  • Export Intake24 survey data and imports data into external database (MSSQL engine)
    "name": "EXPORT_SURVEY_DATA",
    "cron": "* * * * *",
    "params": {
        "apiVersion": "v3" | "v4",
        "survey": "demo",
        "exportOffset": 7,
        "exportVersion": "v2"
    "db": {
        "database": "databaseName",
        "tables": {
            "data": "importDataTable",
            "log": "importLogTable"
    "notify": {
        "success": [],
        "error": []


  • Export Intake24 survey stats
    "cron": "* * * * *",
    "params": {},
    "notify": {
        "success": [],
        "error": []


  • read contents of folder with files contains intake24 submission in JSON format
  • output either to csv or database
    "cron": false,
    "params": {
        "localeId": "en_GB",
        "dir": "/path/to/submission/files",
        "output": "csv" | "database"
    "db": {
        "database": "databaseName",
        "tables": {
            "data": "importDataTable",
            "log": "importLogTable"
    "notify": {
      "success": [],
      "error": []


  • Run pg_dump for system or foods database and transfer to local / network location.
  • Make sure you got pg_dump binaries installed, e.g. for ubuntu: apt-get install postgresql-client.
    "name": "DB_DUMP_TO_LOCAL",
    "cron": "* * * * *",
    "params": {
        "instance": "instance-name",
        "dialect": "mariadb" | "mysql" | "postgres",
        "database": string | string[],
        "basePath": "/destination/path",
        "appendPath"?: "hourly",
        "maxAge"?: "30d"
    "notify": {
        "success": [],
        "error": []


  • Run pg_dump for system or foods database and upload to sftp.
  • Make sure you got pg_dump binaries installed, e.g. for ubuntu: apt-get install postgresql-client.
    "name": "DB_DUMP_TO_SFTP",
    "cron": "* * * * *",
    "params": {
        "instance": "instance-name",
        "dialect": "mariadb" | "mysql" | "postgres",
        "database": string | string[],
        "maxAge"?: "30d",
        "sftp": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 22,
            "username": "sftp-username",
            "password": "sftp-password",
            "dir": "remote/dir/path"
    "notify": {
        "success": [],
        "error": []


  • First (display) name synchronization from external database (MSSQL) into Intake24 instance
    "cron": "* * * * *",
    "params": {
        "dbVersion": "v3 | v4",
        "survey": "demo"
    "db": {
        "database": "databaseName"
    "notify": {
        "success": [],
        "error": []


  • Upload external questionnaire URLs from external database (MSSQL) into the Intake24
  "name": "UPLOAD_PAQ_LINKS",
  "cron": "* * * * *",
  "params": {
    "dbVersion": "v3 | v4",
    "survey": "demo"
  "db": {
    "database": "databaseName"
  "notify": {
    "success": [],
    "error": []


Development environment

Start server with hot-reloading

pnpm dev

Production environment

Build application

pnpm build

Launch application

pnpm start


  • install as service (systemd service example - intake24-tasks.service)
  • use node.js process manager like pm2


Execute task (by index)

  • Execute specific task in tasks.json based on index.
pnpm cli --task-index <index>
  • Execute specific task without build.
pnpm cli:dev --task-index <index>


Ansible role is provided as part of intake24 deployment repository