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109 lines (71 loc) · 3.24 KB

File metadata and controls

109 lines (71 loc) · 3.24 KB


You want to contribute to this repo? Nice! You are the best! Here is a guide on how to work with it and what to expect.


First things first, clone the repo and ...


For this repository the package manager pnpm is used as a drop-in replacement for npm. Here you can find a guide on installing pnpm on your machine: getting started with pnpm.

Generate reference data

To generate reference values in C++ please ensure that g++ is setup correctly (check by running g++ --version in your terminal).

The following command will generate reference values into a JSON file in src/reference/cpp/results.json that will be picked-up by the tests to match results against the C++ implementation. This will ensure that the JavaScript implementation produces the same values as the C++ one.

pnpm build:reference:code

Run tests

# Run tests
pnpm test

# Run production tests
pnpm test:prod

# Test if the application is tree shakable
pnpm test:treeshaking

Tests can also be executed in a browser of your choice. To generate the browser tests run:

pnpm build:tests

This will generate the necessary tests files compatible for the browser in compiled_tests/. After that you can open the src/__tests__/browser.html in a browser to view the tests.

Format and lint the code

# Lint the application
pnpm lint

# Check the formatting, enforced by prettier
pnpm format:check

# Format the code with prettier
pnpm format

Build the library

To build the project run:

pnpm build

to generate a minified version of the library under lib/.

View local library documentation

You can serve the documentation locally or via your local network by running:

pnpm docs:local

This will use JSDoc to generate the documentation.

Commit changes

This repo is Commitizen-friendly! (read more in the official commitizen documentation)

Checkout a new branch, there is no naming convention for branches, only for commits. Add your changes and run pnpx git-cz (or pnpm commit) to start the commitizen cli to create a proper commit message.

Push the changes with your feature branch and create a "Pull Request" on GitHub.

Recommended workflow for release

  1. Make changes
  2. Commit those changes with pnpx git-cz (or pnpm commit)
  3. Create a new release with pnpm release
  4. Push your release git push --follow-tags origin main
  5. Publish: NPM_CONFIG_OTP=XXXXXX npm publish (replace XXXXXX with a valid 2FA token)
  6. Done!

For more information on building a release see