Commit 43c6fd4
File tree
635 files changed
lines changed- src
- server
- testRunner/unittests
- config
- tsserver
- tests/baselines/reference
- config
- commandLineParsing
- parseBuildOptions
- parseCommandLine
- initTSConfig
- Default initialized TSConfig
- Initialized TSConfig with --help
- Initialized TSConfig with --watch
- Initialized TSConfig with advanced options
- Initialized TSConfig with boolean value compiler options
- Initialized TSConfig with enum value compiler options
- Initialized TSConfig with files options
- Initialized TSConfig with incorrect compiler option
- Initialized TSConfig with incorrect compiler option value
- Initialized TSConfig with list compiler options
- Initialized TSConfig with list compiler options with enum value
- showConfig
- Default initialized TSConfig
- Show TSConfig with advanced options
- Show TSConfig with boolean value compiler options
- Show TSConfig with compileOnSave and more
- Show TSConfig with enum value compiler options
- Show TSConfig with files options
- Show TSConfig with incorrect compiler option
- Show TSConfig with incorrect compiler option value
- Show TSConfig with list compiler options
- Show TSConfig with list compiler options with enum value
- Show TSConfig with paths and more
- Show TSConfig with watch options
- Shows tsconfig for single option
- all
- allowJs
- allowSyntheticDefaultImports
- allowUmdGlobalAccess
- allowUnreachableCode
- allowUnusedLabels
- alwaysStrict
- assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies
- baseUrl
- build
- charset
- checkJs
- composite
- declaration
- declarationDir
- declarationMap
- diagnostics
- disableReferencedProjectLoad
- disableSizeLimit
- disableSolutionSearching
- disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect
- downlevelIteration
- emitBOM
- emitDeclarationOnly
- emitDecoratorMetadata
- esModuleInterop
- exactOptionalPropertyTypes
- excludeDirectories
- excludeFiles
- experimentalDecorators
- explainFiles
- extendedDiagnostics
- fallbackPolling
- forceConsistentCasingInFileNames
- generateCpuProfile
- generateTrace
- help
- importHelpers
- importsNotUsedAsValues
- incremental
- init
- inlineSourceMap
- inlineSources
- isolatedModules
- jsx
- jsxFactory
- jsxFragmentFactory
- jsxImportSource
- keyofStringsOnly
- lib
- listEmittedFiles
- listFiles
- listFilesOnly
- locale
- mapRoot
- maxNodeModuleJsDepth
- module
- moduleDetection
- moduleResolution
- moduleSuffixes
- newLine
- noEmit
- noEmitHelpers
- noEmitOnError
- noErrorTruncation
- noFallthroughCasesInSwitch
- noImplicitAny
- noImplicitOverride
- noImplicitReturns
- noImplicitThis
- noImplicitUseStrict
- noLib
- noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature
- noResolve
- noStrictGenericChecks
- noUncheckedIndexedAccess
- noUnusedLocals
- noUnusedParameters
- out
- outDir
- outFile
- paths
- plugins
- preserveConstEnums
- preserveSymlinks
- preserveValueImports
- preserveWatchOutput
- pretty
- reactNamespace
- removeComments
- resolveJsonModule
- rootDir
- rootDirs
- showConfig
- skipDefaultLibCheck
- skipLibCheck
- sourceMap
- sourceRoot
- strict
- strictBindCallApply
- strictFunctionTypes
- strictNullChecks
- strictPropertyInitialization
- stripInternal
- suppressExcessPropertyErrors
- suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors
- synchronousWatchDirectory
- target
- traceResolution
- tsBuildInfoFile
- typeRoots
- types
- useDefineForClassFields
- useUnknownInCatchVariables
- version
- watch
- watchDirectory
- watchFile
- tsconfigParsingWatchOptions
- tsserver
- cachingFileSystemInformation
- configFileSearch
- configuredProjects
- forceConsistentCasingInFileNames
- inferredProjects
- moduleResolution
- moduleSpecifierCache
- openfile/when-file-makes-edits-to-add
- partialSemanticServer
- projectErrors
- projectLanguageServiceStateEvent
- projectReferenceCompileOnSave
- projectReferenceErrors
- projectReferences
- finding-local-reference-doesnt-load-ancestor
- projectReferencesSourcemap
- dependency
- configHasNoReference
- configWithReference
- disabledSourceRef
- dependencyAndUsage
- configHasNoReference
- configWithReference
- disabledSourceRef
- usageProject
- configHasNoReference
- configWithReference
- disabledSourceRef
- projectUpdatedInBackground
- projects
- projectsWithReferences
- resolutionCache
- symLinks
- syntacticServer
- typingsInstaller
- watchEnvironment
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
635 files changed
lines changed+11-11
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1605 | 1605 |
| |
1606 | 1606 |
| |
1607 | 1607 |
| |
| 1608 | + | |
1608 | 1609 |
| |
1609 | 1610 |
| |
1610 | 1611 |
| |
| |||
1619 | 1620 |
| |
1620 | 1621 |
| |
1621 | 1622 |
| |
1622 |
| - | |
1623 |
| - | |
1624 |
| - | |
1625 |
| - | |
1626 |
| - | |
| 1623 | + | |
| 1624 | + | |
| 1625 | + | |
| 1626 | + | |
1627 | 1627 |
| |
1628 |
| - | |
1629 |
| - | |
| 1628 | + | |
| 1629 | + | |
1630 | 1630 |
| |
1631 |
| - | |
1632 |
| - | |
| 1631 | + | |
| 1632 | + | |
1633 | 1633 |
| |
1634 |
| - | |
1635 |
| - | |
| 1634 | + | |
1636 | 1635 |
| |
1637 | 1636 |
| |
1638 | 1637 |
| |
| |||
2521 | 2520 |
| |
2522 | 2521 |
| |
2523 | 2522 |
| |
| 2523 | + | |
2524 | 2524 |
| |
2525 | 2525 |
| |
2526 | 2526 |
| |
Large diffs are not rendered by default.
0 commit comments