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Make hasInvalidatedResolution non internal for program and add it wat…
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…chApi (#50776)

* Make stub for hasInvalidatedResolution

* Wire through hasInvalidatedResolutions
Fixes #48057

* Update comment

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sheetalkamat committed Sep 22, 2022
1 parent 645d1cd commit a455955
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Showing 9 changed files with 656 additions and 29 deletions.
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions src/compiler/resolutionCache.ts
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace ts {
removeResolutionsOfFile(filePath: Path): void;
removeResolutionsFromProjectReferenceRedirects(filePath: Path): void;
setFilesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports(filesWithUnresolvedImports: ESMap<Path, readonly string[]>): void;
createHasInvalidatedResolution(forceAllFilesAsInvalidated?: boolean): HasInvalidatedResolution;
createHasInvalidatedResolution(customHasInvalidatedResolution: HasInvalidatedResolution): HasInvalidatedResolution;
hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(): boolean;
isFileWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports(path: Path): boolean;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,17 +300,13 @@ namespace ts {
return !!value && !!value.length;

function createHasInvalidatedResolution(forceAllFilesAsInvalidated?: boolean): HasInvalidatedResolution {
function createHasInvalidatedResolution(customHasInvalidatedResolution: HasInvalidatedResolution): HasInvalidatedResolution {
// Ensure pending resolutions are applied
if (forceAllFilesAsInvalidated) {
// Any file asked would have invalidated resolution
filesWithInvalidatedResolutions = undefined;
return returnTrue;
const collected = filesWithInvalidatedResolutions;
filesWithInvalidatedResolutions = undefined;
return path => (!!collected && collected.has(path)) ||
return path => customHasInvalidatedResolution(path) ||
!!collected?.has(path) ||

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/compiler/types.ts
Expand Up @@ -7215,7 +7215,8 @@ namespace ts {
getEnvironmentVariable?(name: string): string | undefined;
/* @internal */ onReleaseOldSourceFile?(oldSourceFile: SourceFile, oldOptions: CompilerOptions, hasSourceFileByPath: boolean): void;
/* @internal */ onReleaseParsedCommandLine?(configFileName: string, oldResolvedRef: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, optionOptions: CompilerOptions): void;
/* @internal */ hasInvalidatedResolution?: HasInvalidatedResolution;
/** If provided along with custom resolveModuleNames or resolveTypeReferenceDirectives, used to determine if unchanged file path needs to re-resolve modules/type reference directives */
hasInvalidatedResolution?(filePath: Path): boolean;
/* @internal */ hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames?: HasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames;
createHash?(data: string): string;
getParsedCommandLine?(fileName: string): ParsedCommandLine | undefined;
Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/watchPublic.ts
Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ namespace ts {
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames: string[] | undefined, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions, containingSourceFile?: SourceFile): (ResolvedModule | undefined)[];
/** If provided, used to resolve type reference directives, otherwise typescript's default resolution */
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeReferenceDirectiveNames: string[] | readonly FileReference[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions, containingFileMode?: SourceFile["impliedNodeFormat"] | undefined): (ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[];
/** If provided along with custom resolveModuleNames or resolveTypeReferenceDirectives, used to determine if unchanged file path needs to re-resolve modules/type reference directives */
hasInvalidatedResolution?(filePath: Path): boolean;
* Returns the module resolution cache used by a provided `resolveModuleNames` implementation so that any non-name module resolution operations (eg, package.json lookup) can reuse it
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,6 +373,10 @@ namespace ts {
maybeBind(host, host.getModuleResolutionCache) :
(() => resolutionCache.getModuleResolutionCache());
const userProvidedResolution = !!host.resolveModuleNames || !!host.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives;
// All resolutions are invalid if user provided resolutions and didnt supply hasInvalidatedResolution
const customHasInvalidatedResolution = userProvidedResolution ?
maybeBind(host, host.hasInvalidatedResolution) || returnTrue :

builderProgram = readBuilderProgram(compilerOptions, compilerHost) as any as T;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -443,8 +449,7 @@ namespace ts {

// All resolutions are invalid if user provided resolutions
const hasInvalidatedResolution = resolutionCache.createHasInvalidatedResolution(userProvidedResolution);
const hasInvalidatedResolution = resolutionCache.createHasInvalidatedResolution(customHasInvalidatedResolution);
const {
originalReadFile, originalFileExists, originalDirectoryExists,
originalCreateDirectory, originalWriteFile,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/server/project.ts
Expand Up @@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ namespace ts.server {
Debug.assert(!this.isClosed(), "Called update graph worker of closed project");
this.writeLog(`Starting updateGraphWorker: Project: ${this.getProjectName()}`);
const start = timestamp();
this.hasInvalidatedResolution = this.resolutionCache.createHasInvalidatedResolution();
this.hasInvalidatedResolution = this.resolutionCache.createHasInvalidatedResolution(returnFalse);
this.program = this.languageService.getProgram(); // TODO: GH#18217
this.dirty = false;
Expand Down
91 changes: 74 additions & 17 deletions src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts
@@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
namespace ts.tscWatch {
describe("unittests:: tsc-watch:: watchAPI:: tsc-watch with custom module resolution", () => {
const configFileJson: any = {
compilerOptions: { module: "commonjs", resolveJsonModule: true },
files: ["index.ts"]
const mainFile: File = {
path: `${projectRoot}/index.ts`,
content: "import settings from './settings.json';"
const config: File = {
path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
content: JSON.stringify(configFileJson)
const settingsJson: File = {
path: `${projectRoot}/settings.json`,
content: JSON.stringify({ content: "Print this" })

it("verify that module resolution with json extension works when returned without extension", () => {
const configFileJson: any = {
compilerOptions: { module: "commonjs", resolveJsonModule: true },
files: ["index.ts"]
const mainFile: File = {
path: `${projectRoot}/index.ts`,
content: "import settings from './settings.json';"
const config: File = {
path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
content: JSON.stringify(configFileJson)
const settingsJson: File = {
path: `${projectRoot}/settings.json`,
content: JSON.stringify({ content: "Print this" })
const { sys, baseline, oldSnap, cb, getPrograms } = createBaseline(createWatchedSystem(
[libFile, mainFile, config, settingsJson],
{ currentDirectory: projectRoot }),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,6 +49,64 @@ namespace ts.tscWatch {
watchOrSolution: watch

describe("hasInvalidatedResolution", () => {
function verifyWatch(subScenario: string, implementHasInvalidatedResolution: boolean) {
it(subScenario, () => {
const { sys, baseline, oldSnap, cb, getPrograms } = createBaseline(createWatchedSystem({
[`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`]: JSON.stringify({
compilerOptions: { traceResolution: true, extendedDiagnostics: true },
files: ["main.ts"]
[`${projectRoot}/main.ts`]: `import { foo } from "./other";`,
[`${projectRoot}/other.d.ts`]: "export function foo(): void;",
[libFile.path]: libFile.content,
}, { currentDirectory: projectRoot }));
const host = createWatchCompilerHostOfConfigFileForBaseline({
configFileName: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
system: sys,
host.resolveModuleNames = (moduleNames, containingFile, _reusedNames, _redirectedReference, options) => => resolveModuleName(m, containingFile, options, host).resolvedModule);
// Invalidate resolutions only when ts file is created
if (implementHasInvalidatedResolution) host.hasInvalidatedResolution = () => sys.fileExists(`${projectRoot}/other.ts`);
const watch = createWatchProgram(host);
scenario: "watchApi",
commandLineArgs: ["--w"],
changes: [
caption: "write other with same contents",
change: sys => sys.appendFile(`${projectRoot}/other.d.ts`, ""),
timeouts: sys => sys.runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks(),
caption: "change other file",
change: sys => sys.appendFile(`${projectRoot}/other.d.ts`, "export function bar(): void;"),
timeouts: sys => sys.runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks(),
caption: "write other with same contents but write ts file",
change: sys => {
sys.appendFile(`${projectRoot}/other.d.ts`, "");
sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/other.ts`, "export function foo() {}");
timeouts: sys => sys.runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks(),
watchOrSolution: watch
verifyWatch("host implements does not implement hasInvalidatedResolution", /*implementHasInvalidatedResolution*/ false);
verifyWatch("host implements hasInvalidatedResolution", /*implementHasInvalidatedResolution*/ true);

describe("unittests:: tsc-watch:: watchAPI:: tsc-watch expose error count to watch status reporter", () => {
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tests/baselines/reference/api/tsserverlibrary.d.ts
Expand Up @@ -3320,6 +3320,8 @@ declare namespace ts {
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeReferenceDirectiveNames: string[] | readonly FileReference[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions, containingFileMode?: SourceFile["impliedNodeFormat"] | undefined): (ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[];
getEnvironmentVariable?(name: string): string | undefined;
/** If provided along with custom resolveModuleNames or resolveTypeReferenceDirectives, used to determine if unchanged file path needs to re-resolve modules/type reference directives */
hasInvalidatedResolution?(filePath: Path): boolean;
createHash?(data: string): string;
getParsedCommandLine?(fileName: string): ParsedCommandLine | undefined;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5442,6 +5444,8 @@ declare namespace ts {
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames: string[] | undefined, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions, containingSourceFile?: SourceFile): (ResolvedModule | undefined)[];
/** If provided, used to resolve type reference directives, otherwise typescript's default resolution */
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeReferenceDirectiveNames: string[] | readonly FileReference[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions, containingFileMode?: SourceFile["impliedNodeFormat"] | undefined): (ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[];
/** If provided along with custom resolveModuleNames or resolveTypeReferenceDirectives, used to determine if unchanged file path needs to re-resolve modules/type reference directives */
hasInvalidatedResolution?(filePath: Path): boolean;
* Returns the module resolution cache used by a provided `resolveModuleNames` implementation so that any non-name module resolution operations (eg, package.json lookup) can reuse it
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tests/baselines/reference/api/typescript.d.ts
Expand Up @@ -3320,6 +3320,8 @@ declare namespace ts {
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeReferenceDirectiveNames: string[] | readonly FileReference[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions, containingFileMode?: SourceFile["impliedNodeFormat"] | undefined): (ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[];
getEnvironmentVariable?(name: string): string | undefined;
/** If provided along with custom resolveModuleNames or resolveTypeReferenceDirectives, used to determine if unchanged file path needs to re-resolve modules/type reference directives */
hasInvalidatedResolution?(filePath: Path): boolean;
createHash?(data: string): string;
getParsedCommandLine?(fileName: string): ParsedCommandLine | undefined;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5442,6 +5444,8 @@ declare namespace ts {
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames: string[] | undefined, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions, containingSourceFile?: SourceFile): (ResolvedModule | undefined)[];
/** If provided, used to resolve type reference directives, otherwise typescript's default resolution */
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeReferenceDirectiveNames: string[] | readonly FileReference[], containingFile: string, redirectedReference: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, options: CompilerOptions, containingFileMode?: SourceFile["impliedNodeFormat"] | undefined): (ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective | undefined)[];
/** If provided along with custom resolveModuleNames or resolveTypeReferenceDirectives, used to determine if unchanged file path needs to re-resolve modules/type reference directives */
hasInvalidatedResolution?(filePath: Path): boolean;
* Returns the module resolution cache used by a provided `resolveModuleNames` implementation so that any non-name module resolution operations (eg, package.json lookup) can reuse it
Expand Down

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