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File metadata and controls

180 lines (140 loc) · 6.68 KB


Slipstream has some implementation decisions that may appear strange or overly-complicated on the surface. My opinion is that these help not only with usability but also test-ability. The test suite is rather compact: it covers a great many cases for the small number of lines in which it is implemented.

The primary design decisions that enable this easy workflow are the hard boundary between the client and connection processes and the disambiguation of messages into events and commands:

Process Architecture

Slipstream starts two processes to run a websocket connection:

  • the client process (modules with use Slipstream)
  • the connection process

The connection process is spawned and killed upon Slipstream.connect/2 and Slipstream.disconnect/1, respectively. It directly interfaces with the WebSocket connection via Mint.WebSocket.

The client process is simply a GenServer that has c:GenServer.handle_info/2 clauses injected to handle slipstream events. The entire purpose of the client process is to provide a clean-feeling interface to the connection process. One could (but is not recommended to-) forego the client process and deal with websockets synchronously with the Slipstream.await_* family of functions.

Events and Commands

Slipstream separates out messages into two categories: events and commands. To some extent, Slipstream follows the Event Sourcing and Command Pattern design patterns with this choice.

One might think to implement the communication between the connection and client processes by using data structures like %Message{} and %Reply{} and %Heartbeat{}, but it's not exactly clear who should send which message to whom. Should the connection process be sending %Message{} to the server, or vice-versa? Could we re-use that data structure for both directions?

Slipstream's Slipstream.Events and Slipstream.Commands data structures keep this boundary clear. The client process sends commands to the connection process when it seeks to change the connection state (join/leave) or push a message. The connection process notifies the client of its status and how the connection changes (whenever it changes meaningfully), with events. Events declare how the connection has changed, which informs the client process of how it should change the state of the t:Slipstream.Socket.t/0 as the connection evolves.

Events are written in the past tense in the form of NounVerbed, as in ThingHappened, while commands are written in the form of VerbNoun, as in DoThing.


Events arrive from the connection process in the format of

{:__slipstream_event__, event_struct}

where event_struct is any struct from Slipstream.Events. And commands are sent to the connection process in the form of:

{:__slipstream_command__, command_struct}

The Slipstream.Signatures file defines two macros that wrap the above patterns. This allows one to both produce and match on a data structure and have confidence that the resulting data structure or match pattern will be an event or command.

This pattern is not very revolutionary: it's really just an extension of DRY into match patterns. It keeps the matches and routing functions clear of dirty implementation details like 'exactly how the data structures are wrapped.'

For example, a HeartbeatAcknowledged event can be produced like so:

alias Slipstream.Events
import Slipstream.Signatures, only: [event: 1]

#=> {:__slipstream_event__, %Slipstream.Events.HeartbeatAcknowledged{}}

And then later-on this data structure can be matched with any sort of clause like so:

alias Slipstream.Events
import Slipstream.Signatures, only: [event: 1]

maybe_event = event(%Events.HeartbeatAcknowledged{})

case maybe_event do
  event(%Events.HeartbeatAcknowledged{} = event) -> {:ok, event}
  _ -> :error
#=> {:ok, %Events.HeartbeatAcknowledged{}}

Since the client and connection process communicate with each other though message sending and, these signature macros keep the messages recognizable and enforce the communication boundary.

I dub this pattern the "signature pattern" (but realize that I am probably not the first to discover it).

The Token Pattern

The t:Slipstream.Socket.t/0 data structure is built to closely resemble the t:Phoenix.Socket.t/0 structure, and feel similar in usage. These are both implementations of a pattern coined by @rrrene: the token pattern.

The idea is fairly straight-forward: instead of passing around only the values each function needs, you pass around a structure which contains all information available and provide a functional API to modify the internals (by producing a new structure). These structures are called "tokens."

The token pattern is particularly useful for writing flexible pipelines. E.g. a piece of code that does something like this:

def do_work(request) do
  |> decode_request()
  |> hydrate_request_with_background_info()
  |> start_computation_measurements()
  |> do_the_computation()
  |> end_computation_measurements()
  |> send_the_result_somewhere()

These functions are all chained together, so it may seem perfectly appropriate to write the functions in a way that each consumes the direct output of the preceding function in the chain. But if we eventually need another do_work/1 clause that handles a different sort of request and say, cuts out the hydrate_request_with_background_info/1 step, we will likely have to refactor at least a few of the functions to properly emit and consume the data they need.

Instead of taking and giving only the information each function needs, each function should pass along a token structure containing all the information in the request:

def do_work(request) do
  %Token{initial_request: request}
  |> decode_request() # returns a new %Token{}
  |> hydrate_request_with_background_info() # returns a new %Token{}

If we need to cut out or add new functions to the pipeline, we are less likely to need to refactor any of the component functions.

The usage of sockets in Slipstream is not so chain-y as the example, but the socket token allows a clean API of functions that each take a socket and some other information and emit a new socket token.

@impl Slipstream
def handle_info({:join, topic}, socket) do
  socket =
    if connected?(socket) and not joined?(socket, topic) do
      join(socket, topic)

  {:noreply, socket}