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87 lines (69 loc) · 4.61 KB

File metadata and controls

87 lines (69 loc) · 4.61 KB
category type cols title cover
Data Entry

Double column transfer choice box.

When To Use

Transfer the elements between two columns intuitively and efficiently.

The left column is considered the 'source', and the right column is considered the 'target'. One or more elements can be selected from either column, one click on the proper 'direction' button, and the transfer is done. As you can see in the API description, these names are reflected in.

import { NzTransferModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/transfer';



Property Description Type Default
[nzDataSource] Used for setting the data source. Except for the elements whose keys are direction: 'right' prop, or using nzTargetKeys prop. TransferItem[] []
[nzDisabled] Whether the transfer is disabled boolean false
[nzTitles] A set of titles that are sorted from left to right. string[] ['', '']
[nzOperations] A set of operations that are sorted from bottom to top. string[] ['', '']
[nzListStyle] A custom CSS style used for rendering the transfer columns. equals to ngStyle object -
[nzItemUnit] single unit string 'item'
[nzItemsUnit] multiple unit string 'items'
[nzRenderList] Customize render list, please refer to the case. Array<TemplateRef<void> | null> [null, null]
[nzRender] The function to generate the item shown on a column. please refer to the case. TemplateRef<void> -
[nzFooter] A function used for rendering the footer. please refer to the case. TemplateRef<void> -
[nzShowSearch] Whether a search box is shown on each column. boolean false
[nzFilterOption] A function to determine whether an item should be shown in a search result list (inputValue: string, item: TransferItem) => boolean -
[nzSearchPlaceholder] The hint text of the search box. string 'Search here'
[nzNotFoundContent] Text to display when a column is empty. string 'The list is empty'
[nzCanMove] A function to determine what items should be moved (by default all checked items are moved). please refer to the case. (arg: TransferCanMove) => Observable<TransferItem[]> -
[nzSelectedKeys] A set of keys of selected items. string[] -
[nzTargetKeys] A set of keys of elements that are listed on the right column. string[] -
(nzChange) A callback function that is executed when the transfer between columns is complete. EventEmitter<TransferChange> -
(nzSearchChange) A callback function which is executed when search field are changed EventEmitter<TransferSearchChange> -
(nzSelectChange) A callback function which is executed when selected items are changed. EventEmitter<TransferSearchChange> -


Property Description Type Default
title Used to display and search keyword string -
direction Used for setting the data source. Except the elements whose keys are direction: 'right' prop. 'left' | 'right' -
disabled specifies whether the checkbox is disabled boolean false
checked specifies whether the checkbox is selected boolean false


Property Description Type Default
direction data direction 'left' | 'right' -
list Used for setting the source data. TransferItem[] []


Property Description Type Default
from data direction 'left' | 'right' -
to data direction 'left' | 'right' -
list Used for setting the source data. TransferItem[] []


Property Description Type Default
direction data direction 'left' | 'right' -
value Search keyword string -


Property Description Type Default
direction List render direction 'left' | 'right' -
disabled Disable list or not boolean -
items Filtered items TransferItem[] -
onItemSelect Select item (item: TransferItem) => void -
onItemSelectAll Select a group of items (selected: boolean) => void -