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Releases: NomicFoundation/hardhat


This release adds support for Addressable objects in .withArgs and .equals (thanks @Amxx!)

Hardhat v2.19.3

19 Dec 09:11
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This release adds support for solc 0.8.23. It also includes a temporary informative message about the ongoing 2023 Solidity Survey.


19 Dec 09:10
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Added configurable public client to getContractAt, deployContract and sendDeploymentTransaction (thanks @dkeysil!)


19 Dec 09:09
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Added apiUrl and browserUrl options to Sourcify configuration.

Hardhat v2.19.2

05 Dec 16:53
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This release adds experimental support for ESM in typescript projects.

In addition to that, the hardhat-shorthand tool (hh) now supports scoped tasks.


05 Dec 16:56
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This release fixes an issue with development networks using non-default chain ids.


05 Dec 16:55
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This version updates the Chiado network configuration to use the up to date URLs.


This version adds support for using the Hardhat network helpers on the Anvil network (thanks @tmigone!)

Hardhat v2.19.1

15 Nov 11:26
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This release fixes a couple of issues:

  • A problem in low-traffic chains that resulted in txs using a maxPriorityFeePerGas of 0, which were then rejected by the node.
  • A bug in the compiler downloader that was triggered in big projects that used many different versions of solc.

Besides that, the project initialization now uses the latest version of the Hardhat Toolboxes.


15 Nov 11:24
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@nomicfoundation/hardhat-web3-v4 is a new plugin that lets you use the latest version of the Web3.js library, developed as a collaboration between the Nomic Foundation and ChainSafe.