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WP2: Community Building, Training, Dissemination, Exploitation, and Outreach

Lead Institution: Université Paris-Sud

  • Objectives:

The objective of this work package is to further develop the community at the European scale, foster cross team collaboration, spread the expertise, and engage the greater community to participate in the definition and refinement of the requirements, and the implementation and use of the produced solutions. This includes: • ensuring awareness of the results in the user community; • engaging cross communities discussions to foster scientific collaboration and conjoint development; • spreading the expertise through workshops and training sessions; • providing training for partners inside the project, the community engaging with contributions to the project, and end-users of OpenDreamKit • reviewing emerging technologies, • develop demonstrators, • defining individual exploitation plans; and, • managing existing and new intellectual property.

  • Description:

We will organise regular open workshops (e.g. Sage Days, PARI Days, summer schools, etc.); some of them will be focused on development and coding sprints, and others on training. This is also an occasion to organise cross community workshops like Sage-Jupyter days. Some of the networking activities and internal training will come from short- to long-term mutual visits by participants, to collaborate on specific features. A typical such visit would bring together an JUPYTER developer with a GAP developer for a couple of days to implement a first prototype of a notebook interface to GAP. A number of demonstrators will be developed in the project and disseminated in different ways. We will also participate in the concertation activities, consultations and other meetings and events of the European E-Infrastructure projects. All the code, documents, test and build infrastructure produced as part of the project will be made available as open source. Open access to all publications resulting from the project will be ensured. This work package will complement and lean on a parallel COST network which role is to build and engage a greater community.

See page 36 of the proposal for the full description.