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File metadata and controls

87 lines (65 loc) · 7.03 KB



YaSQL+ is an alternative for yasql.

Yasql is an official CLI client for YashanDB designed and developed by SICS(Shenzhen Institute of Computing Sciences).

YaSQL+ has some features for better experience, but not shipped with latest YashanDB feature compared with yasql.

This project is still in developing.


  • Syntax highlighting
  • Command history/search/completion
  • Vim key bindings
  • Display wide content in page program (Such as more/less)
  • Multiline input
  • Smart completion for Keywords/Table/View/Column
  • Alias command



You could install YaSQL+ via source.

git clone
cd yasqlplus
cargo install --path .

Or download prebuilt binaries.

Currently YaSQL+ supports only linux because c driver is provided by YashanDB for linux only.


Use YaSQL+ as an interactive shell.

~ yasqlplus
SQL > conn sys/Cod-2022
sys@ > -- prompt will show connection
sys@ > select * from v$instance;
│ STATUS │ VERSION                                    │ STARTUP_TIME               │ HOST_NAME         │ DATA_HOME                       │ INSTANCE_NUMBER │ INSTANCE_NAME │ PARALLEL │ INSTANCE_ROLE │ IN_REFORM │
│ OPEN   │ Personal Edition Release x86_64 │ 2023-12-15 21:30:11.008174 │ ----------------- │ /home/yasha/yashandb/yasdb_data │ 1               │ yasdb         │ false    │ MASTER_ROLE   │ NO        │
1 row(s) fetched
sys@ > desc v$instance;
│ display_size │ name            │ size │ type_     │ nullable │ precision │ scale │ char_size │ display_char_size │
│ 12           │ STATUS          │ 12   │ VARCHAR   │ true     │ 0         │ 0     │ 12        │ 12                │
│ 64           │ VERSION         │ 64   │ VARCHAR   │ true     │ 0         │ 0     │ 64        │ 64                │
│ 64           │ STARTUP_TIME    │ 8    │ TIMESTAMP │ true     │ 38        │ 128   │ 8         │ 64                │
│ 256          │ HOST_NAME       │ 256  │ VARCHAR   │ true     │ 0         │ 0     │ 256       │ 256               │
│ 256          │ DATA_HOME       │ 256  │ VARCHAR   │ true     │ 0         │ 0     │ 256       │ 256               │
│ 11           │ INSTANCE_NUMBER │ 4    │ INTEGER   │ true     │ 38        │ 128   │ 4         │ 11                │
│ 64           │ INSTANCE_NAME   │ 64   │ VARCHAR   │ true     │ 0         │ 0     │ 64        │ 64                │
│ 5            │ PARALLEL        │ 1    │ BOOL      │ true     │ 38        │ 128   │ 1         │ 5                 │
│ 64           │ INSTANCE_ROLE   │ 64   │ VARCHAR   │ true     │ 0         │ 0     │ 64        │ 64                │
│ 8            │ IN_REFORM       │ 8    │ VARCHAR   │ true     │ 0         │ 0     │ 8         │ 8                 │
sys@ > -- Ctrl + C to interrupt input
sys@ > -- Ctrl + D to exit yasqlplus
sys@ >~


  • To save result to file, you could redirect stdout to a file, like echo 'SELECT * FROM dba_Tables limit 1;' | yasqlplus sys/Cod-2022 > output
  • To disable show wide content in less you could pipe out to cat like this echo 'SELECT * FROM dba_Tables limit 1;' | yasqlplus sys/Cod-2022 | cat.


Some features are not supported now (No related public API found), such as:

  • Logon response server version (Output YashanDB Server Personal Edition Release x86_64 - X86 64bit Linux when connected)
  • Server output response (set serverout off)