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158 lines (87 loc) · 4.22 KB

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158 lines (87 loc) · 4.22 KB

Upgrade to 2.3

Set minimum PHP requirement to 7.4

You need to update your PHP version.

Add date_month_name_abbr type specifier

New type specifier to get the abbreviation of month name.

SprintfFormatter and ExceptionFormatter became part of Factory

The Factory creates an IntlFormatter instance with every formatter available in the project.

Upgrade to 2.2

Support for PHP 8

Intl-Format is ready for PHP 8.

Support of 0 and space padding characters in PrecisionNumberFormatter

PrecisionNumberFormatter now supports 0 and space padding characters:

  • 3number (spaces)
  • 03number (zeros)

This can be combined with comma values (03.2number).

Support of '(char) padding characters

The only chars that are currently supported are #, -, +. An example would be "%'#2my_specifier".

Support of numeric padding characters

Numeric padding characters are supported now to create type specifiers with a variable numeric number like "%5my_specifier" or in combination with fractional digits like "%5.2my_specifier".

Add date_year_short type specifier

New type specifier to get the short year of a date.

Upgrade to 2.1

Set minimum PHP requirement to 7.3

You need to update your PHP version.

Fix time zone type specifiers

timezone_id, timezone_name and timezone_short are introduced to replace the "timeseries" type specifiers.

Add week_of_year and week_of_month type specifier

New type specifier to get the number of the week of a year and a month.

Upgrade to 2.0

New date type specifiers

The type specifiers date_weekday_abbr, quarter, quarter_abbr and quarter_name got added to Budgegeria\IntlFormat\Formatter\MessageFormatter

[BC-break] Changes in IntlFormat constructor

First argument: Previously an array of instances implementing FormatterInterface, it now can be everything iterable.

Second argument: An instance of MessageParserInterface has to be explicit injected.

Introduce interfaces for IntlFormat / IntlFormat class became final

IntlFormat is now being final. For testing or implementation purposes, use the new interfaces Budgegeria\IntlFormat\IntlFormatInterface and Budgegeria\IntlFormat\FormatterStorageInterface.

Use return type IntlFormatInterface instead IntlFormat in Factory

The Factory uses IntlFormatInterface as return type now.

Upgrade to 1.5

Set minimum PHP requirement to 7.2

You need to update your PHP version.

Upgrade to 1.4

New Formatters added

New Formatter class added:

  • Budgegeria\IntlFormat\Formatter\CurrencySymbolFormatter

Upgrade to 1.3

[Security] Possible ReDoS vulnerability fixed

A possible ReDoS vulnerability in SprintfParser got fixed.

[Bugfix] Argument swapping beyond 9 is now possible

In previous versions it wasn't possible to use argument swapping beyond %9$arg. %10$arg, %11$arg and above are now supported.

[BC-break] TimeZoneFormatter constants are set to private

The constants for the type specifier in TimeZoneFormatter aren't accessible from the outside of the class.

[BC-break] Add return types to methods

In case IntlFormat got extended by a custom class and addFormatter() got overridden, the added void return type has to be added in the custom class too.

Named constructor in MessageFormatter got return types.

Add support for DateTimeImmutable

Because of some incompatibilities to the Intl-extension, DateTimeImmutable wasn't usable in the older versions of Intl-Format. Support was added for Intl-Format 1.3.

Set minimum PHP requirement to 7.1.5

You need to update your PHP version.

Upgrade to 1.2

Drop support for HHVM

The support if HHVM was dropped in this version.

Introduced exception code number

Exceptions of same type have now exception code to differ between use cases.

Add support of fraction digits in "number" type specifier

The "number" type specifier now supports fraction digits with a sprintf-like syntax. This was implemented in class

  • Budgegeria\IntlFormat\Formatter\PrecisionNumberFormatter

Upgrade to 1.1

New Formatters added

New Formatter classes added:

  • Budgegeria\IntlFormat\Formatter\SprintfFormatter
  • Budgegeria\IntlFormat\Formatter\ExceptionFormatter

which are not part of the default Factory method