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Management Sample App for Cloud Foundry

ASP.NET Core sample app illustrating how to use Steeltoe Management Endpoints together with the Pivotal Apps Manager for monitoring and managing your applications on Cloud Foundry.

This application also illustrates how to have application metrics captured and exported to the Metrics Registrar for PCF service so that applications metrics can be viewed in any tool that is able to consume those metrics from the Cloud Foundry Loggregator Firehose. Several tools exist that can do this, including PCF Metrics from Pivotal.

Pre-requisites - CloudFoundry

  1. Installed Pivotal Cloud Foundry
  2. Installed Apps Manager on Cloud Foundry
  3. Installed MySql CloudFoundry service
  4. Optionally install Metrics Registrar for PCF.
  5. Optionally install PCF Metrics.
  6. Install .NET Core SDK

Install the Metrics Registrar CLI Plugin

  1. cf install-plugin -r CF-Community "metric-registrar"

Create MySql Service Instance on CloudFoundry

You must first create an instance of the MySql service in a org/space.

  1. cf target -o myorg -s development
  2. cf create-service p.mysql db-small myMySqlService

Publish App & Push to CloudFoundry

  1. cf target -o myorg -s development
  2. cd samples/Management/src/CloudFoundry
  3. dotnet restore
  4. Publish app to a directory selecting the framework and runtime you want to run on. (e.g. dotnet publish -f netcoreapp3.1 -r linux-x64)
  5. Push the app using the appropriate manifest. (e.g. cf push -f manifest.yml -p bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/linux-x64/publish or cf push -f manifest-windows.yml -p bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/win10-x64/publish)

Note: The provided manifest will create an app named actuator and attempt to bind to the the app to MySql service myMySqlService.

Push to CloudFoundry without Local Publish

This sample is currently used by the Steeltoe team for integration testing across multiple .NET runtimes, by way of the <TargetFrameworks> attribute in the .csproj file. This approach is not supported by buildpacks (how should they determine which runtime you actually want to use?), so that line needs to be changed. There are commented out options in the .csproj available for use.

Running Tasks

Apply entity framework database migration scripts as a Cloud Foundry task

cf run-task actuator "./CloudFoundry runtask=migrate" --name migrate 

What to expect - CloudFoundry

After building and running the app, you should see something like the following in the logs.

To see the logs as you startup and use the app: cf logs actuator

On a Windows cell, you should see something like this during startup:

2017-08-17T08:48:18.97-0600 [CELL/0] OUT Creating container
2017-08-17T08:48:19.51-0600 [STG/0] OUT Successfully destroyed container
2017-08-17T08:48:20.24-0600 [CELL/0] OUT Successfully created container
2017-08-17T08:48:29.33-0600 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Running .\CloudFoundry
2017-08-17T08:48:29.79-0600 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Now listening on:
2017-08-17T08:48:29.79-0600 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Hosting environment: Development
2017-08-17T08:48:29.79-0600 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Content root path: C:\containerizer\B91BBA946E8B925107\user\app
2017-08-17T08:48:29.79-0600 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

You should also see a list of logs from the database migration task similar to following:

   2019-07-04T13:03:45.75-0400 [APP/TASK/af067dc8/0] OUT       The following migrations have been successfully applied:
   2019-07-04T13:03:45.75-0400 [APP/TASK/af067dc8/0] OUT info: Steeltoe.CloudFoundry.Connector.EFCore.MigrateDbContextTask[0]
   2019-07-04T13:03:45.75-0400 [APP/TASK/af067dc8/0] OUT       20190704145149_InitialCreate
   2019-07-04T13:03:45.78-0400 [APP/TASK/af067dc8/0] OUT Exit status 0

Once the app is up and running then you can access the management endpoints exposed by Steeltoe using the Pivotal Apps Manager.

The Steeltoe Management framework exposes Spring Boot Actuator compatible Endpoints which can be used using the Pivotal Apps Manager. By using the Apps Manager, you can view the Apps Health, Build Information (e.g. Git info, etc), and recent Request/Response Traces, as well as manage/change the applications logging levels.

Check out the Apps Manager, Using Spring Boot Actuators for more information.

View Application Metrics in PCF Metrics

If you wish to collect and view applications metrics in PCF Metrics, you must first configure Metrics Registrar in the TAS for VMs tile. There is no separate product tile (unlike the metrics forwarder). Once thats complete custom metrics will be collected and automatically exported to the Metrics Forwarder service.

  1. cf target -o myorg -s development
  2. cf register-metrics-endpoint actuator actuator/metrics
  3. cf restart actuator

To view the metrics you can use the PCF Metrics tool from Pivotal. Follow the instructions in the documentation and pay particular attention to the section on viewing Custom Metrics.

See the Official Steeltoe Management Documentation for a more in-depth walk-through of the samples and more detailed information