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Setup Node Action

Setup a Node.js environment with the right package manager and package caching. 🧰

- name: Set up Node.js
  uses: Systemcluster/actions@setup-node-v0
    node-version: lts
    package-manager: pnpm
    install: true
    update: true
    cache: true


  • Installs Node.js detecting the desired version by reading the NODE_VERSION environment variable, .nvmrc and .node-version files, and the engines.node field in package.json
  • Installs the right package manager by checking for existing lock files and the packageManager field in package.json
  • Installs dependencies using the installed package manager
  • Caches the package manager store to speed up dependency installation
  • Adds problem matchers for eslint and tsc



Name Type Description Default Required
node-version String Version of Node.js to install. Can be a specific version like 18.x, 16.20.x or a version tag like lts or latest. Read from the NODE_VERSION environment variable, .nvmrc and .node-version files, the engines.node field in package.json, and falling back to lts.
package-manager String Package manager to install. Can be a name like pnpm or a name and version like npm@9. Read from the packageManager field in package.json if present, detected from a lockfile if available, and falling back to npm.
directory String Directory containing the Node project. Used for detecting node version and package manager configuration. .
install Boolean Whether to install Node project dependencies. false
cache Boolean Whether to cache and restore the Node package manager store. true
cache-key-job Boolean Whether to consider the Job ID when generating the cache key. Set to true to prevent sharing the cache across jobs. Requires cache to be true. false
cache-key-env String[] List of environment variables to consider when generating the cache key. Requires cache to be true.


Name Type Description
node-version String Version of Node.js that was installed.
package-manager String Name of the package manager that was installed.
cache-hit Boolean Whether the Node package manager store cache was restored.

Additionally, the PATH environment variable is updated to include the Node.js installation directory, and the NODE_VERSION environment variable is set to the installed Node.js version.


Node.js version

The desired Node.js version is detected in the following order:

  1. Using the node-version input if specified
  2. Read from the NODE_VERSION environment variable if present
  3. Read from a .nvmrc file if present in directory or any parent directory
  4. Read from a .node-version file if present in directory or any parent directory
  5. Read from the engines.node field in if present in the package.json in directory or any parent directory
  6. Falling back to lts

The detected version is then resolved to a specific version using node-version-alias.

Package manager

The desired package manager is detected in the following order:

  1. Using the package-manager input if specified
  2. Read from the packageManager field in the package.json in directory if present
  3. Inferred from a lockfile if present in directory or any parent directory
  4. Read from the packageManager field if present in the package.json in any parent directory
  5. Falling back to npm

Lockfiles checked for inferring the package manager include package-lock.json, npm-shrinkwrap.json, yarn.lock, and pnpm-lock.yaml.


When the cache input is true, the package manager store is cached and restored using actions/cache.

The package manager store is resolved via the following commands:

  • npm config get cache for npm
  • pnpm store path for pnpm
  • yarn cache dir for yarn@1
  • yarn config get cache-folder for yarn@>1

The cache key is generated based on the following inputs:

  • The dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies fields in the package.json in directory and all subdirectories
  • The package manager-specific lockfiles in directory and all subdirectories
  • The GITHUB_JOB environment variable if cache-key-job is true
  • The environment variables specified in cache-key-env
  • The os.platform() and os.arch() of the runner

In case of a cache key miss, a cache matching the os.platform() and os.arch() of the runner is restored.

The package manager cache is always pruned before the cache is saved.