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Setup Rust Action

Setup a Rust environment with the right toolchain and build caching. 🧰

- name: Set up Rust
  uses: Systemcluster/actions@setup-rust-v0
    channel: stable
    components: rustfmt,clippy
    targets: wasm32-unknown-unknown,x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
      - cargo-nextest
      - cargo-insta
    sccache: true


  • Installs Rust detecting the desired toolchain by reading the RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN environment variable, rust-toolchain.toml and rust-toolchain files, or by manual specification
  • Caches the Cargo registry and build artifacts to speed up build and dependency installation
  • Installs sccache and sets up GitHub Actions integration
  • Adds problem matchers for rustc, rustfmt and runtime panics



Name Type Description Default Required
channel String Version of Rust to install. Can be a channel like stable, beta, nightly, or a specific version like 1.54.0 or nightly-2021-08-01. Read from the RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN environment variable, rust-toolchain or rust-toolchain.toml file, and falling back to stable.
components String[] List of components to install. Can be a list of component names like rustfmt, clippy, or rust-src. Read from the rust-toolchain.toml file.
targets String[] List of targets to install. Can be a list of target names like wasm32-unknown-unknown, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, or x86_64-apple-darwin. Read from the rust-toolchain.toml file.
profile String Profile to install. Can be minimal, default, or complete. Read from the rust-toolchain.toml file and falling back to minimal.
binaries String[] List of binaries to install. Can be a list of binary names like cargo-nextest or specific versions like cargo-insta@1.32.0.
directory String Directory containing the Rust project. Used for detecting Rust version and configuration and for caching build artifacts. .
sccache Boolean Whether to set up sccache with GitHub Actions integration. true
cache Boolean Whether to cache and restore the Cargo registry and the build artifacts in the target directory. true
cache-profile String The build profile to cache. Can be debug, release, or any custom profile. If not specified, all profiles are cached. Requires cache to be true.
cache-sweep Boolean Whether to run cargo sweep before saving the cache. Requires cache to be true. false
cache-key-job Boolean Whether to consider the Job ID when generating the cache key. Set to true to prevent sharing the cache across jobs. Requires cache to be true. false
cache-key-env String[] List of environment variables to consider when generating the cache key. Requires cache to be true.


Name Type Description
rust-version String Version of Rust that was installed.
rust-version-hash String Commit hash of the Rust version that was installed.
cache-hit Boolean Whether the Cargo registry and build artifact cache was restored.


Rust toolchain

Toolchain channel

The desired Rust toolchain channel is detected in the following order:

  1. Using the channel input if specified
  2. Read from the RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN environment variable if present
  3. Read from a rust-toolchain.toml if present in directory
  4. Read from a rust-toolchain file if present in directory
  5. Falling back to stable

The chosen toolchain is installed with rustup and set as the default toolchain.

Toolchain components, targets, and profile

The desired toolchain components, targets, and profile are detected in the following order:

  1. Using the components, targets, and profile inputs if specified
  2. Read from the rust-toolchain.toml file if present in directory
  3. Falling back to the minimal profile and no components or targets

Both targets and components can alternatively be specified as a single string with values separated by , or ;, for example x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu;wasm32-unknown-unknown or rustfmt,clippy.

If targets and components are specified in multiple places, the lists are merged.


Binaries are installed with cargo-binstall. cargo-cache and cargo-sweep are installed by default when cache is true.

If binaries is empty and both cache and sccache are false, the installation of cargo-binstall is skipped.


When the cache input is true, the Cargo store and build artifacts are cached and restored using actions/cache.

The cache key is generated based on the following inputs:

  • The Cargo.lock files in directory and all subdirectories
  • The dependencies and workspace.dependencies fields in Cargo.toml files in directory and all subdirectories
  • The GITHUB_JOB environment variable if cache-key-job is true
  • The environment variables specified in cache-key-env
  • The os.platform() and os.arch() of the runner

In case of a cache key miss, a cache matching the os.platform() and os.arch() of the runner is restored.

The following directories are cached:

  • The Cargo registry (~/.cargo/registry)
  • The build artifacts (target)
    • Before caching, the target directory is cleaned with cargo sweep --installed if cache-sweep is true, and the examples and incremental directories as well as all dep-info files (*.d) are removed
    • If cache-profile is specified, all other profile directories are removed


When the sccache input is true, sccache is installed and set up with GitHub Actions integration by setting the following environment variables:

  • ACTIONS_CACHE_URL is set to the cache URL provided to the action
  • ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN is set to the token provided to the action
  • SCCACHE_PATH is set to the path to the sccache binary
  • SCCACHE_GHA_ENABLED is set to true
  • RUSTC_WRAPPER is set to sccache