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106 lines (82 loc) · 5.97 KB
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Data Entry

To select or input a date.

When To Use

By clicking the input box, you can select a date from a popup calendar.

import { NzDatePickerModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/date-picker';


Note: Some of nz-date-picker's locale are coming from Angular i18n, that should be provided in the file of app.module.ts.

For example:

import { registerLocaleData } from '@angular/common';
import en from '@angular/common/locales/en';

Note: All input and output date objects are Date, you can manipulate it with date-fns.

Common API

The following APIs are shared by nz-date-picker, nz-range-picker.

Property Description Type Default Global Config
[nzId] input id attribute inside the component string -
[nzAllowClear] Whether to show clear button boolean true -
[nzAutoFocus] get focus when component mounted boolean false -
[nzBackdrop] whether or not the overlay should attach a backdrop boolean false
[nzDefaultPickerValue] default picker date Date | Date[] - -
[nzDisabled] determine whether the nz-date-picker is disabled boolean false -
[nzDisabledDate] specify the date that cannot be selected (current: Date) => boolean - -
[nzDropdownClassName] to customize the className of the popup calendar string - -
[nzFormat] to set the date format, see nzFormat special instructions string -
[nzInputReadOnly] set the readonly attribute of the input tag (avoids virtual keyboard on touch devices) boolean false -
[nzLocale] localization configuration object default -
[nzMode] Set picker mode 'date' | 'week' | 'month' | 'year' 'date'
[nzPlaceHolder] placeholder of date input string | string[] -
[nzPopupStyle] to customize the style of the popup calendar object {} -
[nzRenderExtraFooter] render extra footer in panel TemplateRef | string | (() => TemplateRef | string) -
[nzSize] determine the size of the input box, the height of large and small, are 40px and 24px respectively, while default size is 32px 'large' | 'small' - -
[nzStatus] Set validation status 'error' | 'warning' -
[nzPlacement] The position where the selection box pops up 'bottomLeft' | 'bottomRight' | 'topLeft' | 'topRight' 'bottomLeft'
[nzSuffixIcon] the custom suffix icon string | TemplateRef -
[nzBorderless] remove the border boolean false -
[nzInline] inline mode boolean false -
(nzOnOpenChange) a callback emitter, can be executed whether the popup calendar is popped up or closed EventEmitter<boolean> - -

Common Methods

Name Description
open() open calendar panel
close() close calendar panel


Property Description Type Default
[(ngModel)] Date Date -


Property Description Type Default
[nzDateRender] custom rendering function for date cells (Not support by month-picker/year-picker) - TemplateRef<Date> | string | ((d: Date) => TemplateRef<Date> | string)
[nzDisabledTime] to specify the time that cannot be selected (current: Date) => { nzDisabledHours, nzDisabledMinutes, nzDisabledSeconds } -
[nzShowTime] to provide an additional time selection object | boolean TimePicker Options
[nzShowToday] whether to show 'Today' button boolean true
[nzShowNow] whether to show 'Now' button on panel when nzShowTime is set boolean true
(nzOnOk) callback when click ok button EventEmitter<Date> -


Property Description Type Default
[(ngModel)] Date Date[] -
[nzRanges] preseted ranges for quick selection { [ key: string ]: Date[] } | { [ key: string ]: () => Date[] } -
[nzSeparator] separator string '~'
(nzOnCalendarChange) The start time or the end time of the range change callback EventEmitter<Date[]> -


Property Description Type Default
[nzShowTime] to provide an additional time selection object | boolean TimePicker Options
[nzDisabledTime] to specify the time that cannot be selected (current: Date, partial: 'start' | 'end') => { nzDisabledHours, nzDisabledMinutes, nzDisabledSeconds } -
(nzOnOk) click ok callback EventEmitter<Date[]> -

Currently, supported nz-time-picker parameters in nzShowTime are: nzFormat, nzHourStep, nzMinuteStep, nzSecondStep, nzDisabledHours, nzDisabledMinutes, nzDisabledSeconds, nzHideDisabledOptions, nzDefaultOpenValue, nzAddOn


Why does manual input not take effect after setting nzFormat="dd/MM/yyyy"

You need to use date-fns. Date formatting currently supports two methods: DatePipe (default, syntax reference) and date-fns (see How to format a date using date-fns).NG-ZORRO takes the function provided by date-fns to implement date deserialization after using it.