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Shopify Starter Theme


Install shopify_theme Gem

The Shopify theme gem is a command line tool that lets you make live changes to themes on your Shopify store. If the command line is scary, check out the Desktop Theme Editor app.

install gem: gem install shopify_theme

generate config.yml file (replace values): theme configure api_key password store_url

Or run theme to print them out.


Gulp Assets Build

Includes CoffeeScript, Browserify for CommonJS-style module wrapping, Backbone for structure, Stylus for CSS pre-processing, sourcemaps for CSS and CoffeeScript, Handlebars for templating, live-reload for automatic page-refreshes during development and Mocha + PhantomJS for unit testing.

Project Setup

  • Install Node
  • Node.js Installer
  • Install Gulp globally
  • sudo npm install -g gulp
  • Clone and cd into the repo
  • git clone && cd gulp-frontend-scaffold
  • Then install Gulp task dependencies
  • npm install

Development Tasks

  • For development: gulp dev then navigate to http://localhost:3000 (or IP address).
  • For deploy: grunt build

This concatinates and minifies all CoffeeScripts and SASS and moves the project into 'dist' for production deploy.


Bower is used for client-side package management. Packages installed via bower are then copied over to vendor via grunt bower and each time you run grunt dev.

  • To search for packages
  • bower search {package name}
  • To install a package
  • bower install {package name} --save
  • gulp bower
  • Add the path to the new lib into the concat task in and save

Unit Testing

Mocha is used as the default for unit tests. Via grunt-mocha, unit tests can be run in both the terminal as well as the browser.

  • To execute tests via PhantomJS
  • gulp test
  • To test in browser
  • Run gulp test
  • Navigate to test/html/index.html
  • When running gulp dev, tests are automatically re-run on save of either your source or your spec files and should trigger a reload in the browser.

A Few Notes on Folder Structure

  • Assets like images, audio, webfonts, etc are created in src/assets and will automatically be moved over to the public folder, mirroring the folder structure where they came from.
  • Html in html will be copied over to the public root. The public directory never needs to be touched.
  • Scripts such as CoffeeScript and JavaScript are placed here and compiled over to public via Browserify. For those not familiar, Browserify allows for "CommonJS" style modules to be required inside internal files. Attachments to the global namespace are no longer needed, and dependencies are traced at compile-time. (Example: var MyClass = require('./path/to/MyClass')) See the Browserify website for more information.
  • Styles is where SASS files go, and are compiled over to public on save.
  • Vendor is where are vendor sources go, from both Bower (via bower install {package} and then grunt bower) as well as manually. When changes are made to this directory, the GruntFile concat task should be updated to include the newly added files
  • Tests is where your Mocha tests and their accompanying html are located. When developing, test files are continually evaluated and, if need be, compiled into test/spec/spec-runner.js to be run in the browser.


##Skeleton theme

The Skeleton theme is a simplified Shopify theme, to be used as a "blank slate" starting point for theme designers.


  • Almost no theme settings. Ready to be customized any way you want.
  • Only ~500 lines of CSS including comments.
  • Despite its 500 lines of CSS code, it is responsive and has styled drop-down menus.
  • Include SVG images to style select elements and cart icon.
  • Commented code to teach you Liquid concepts in practice.


Designing a store for a client? Earn 20% revenue through our Partner program.

Getting started

  1. Download the latest version
  2. or clone the git repo: git clone

Basic structure

├── assets
│   └── Javascript, CSS, and theme images
├── config
│   └── custom Theme Settings
├── layout
│   ├── theme.liquid
│   └── optional alternate layouts
├── snippets
│   └── optional custom code snippets
├── templates
│   ├── 404.liquid
│   ├── article.liquid
│   ├── blog.liquid
│   ├── cart.liquid
│   ├── collection.liquid
│   ├── index.liquid
│   ├── page.liquid
│   ├── product.liquid
│   └── search.liquid
│   └── list-collections.liquid

Additional resources