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File metadata and controls

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Minify for Symfony!

This bundle makes it easy to use Minify with Symfony's AssetMapper Component (no Node required!).

  • Automatically downloads the correct Minify binary;
  • Adds a minify:run command to build & watch for changes;
  • Transparently swaps in the minified assets.


Install the bundle & initialize your app with two commands:

$ composer require wgg/minify-bundle


To use the minified assets tun the command:

$ php bin/console minify:run --watch

That's it! This will watch for changes to your assets/ directory and automatically minify the files when needed. If you refresh the page, the final asset files will already contain the minified content.

Symfony CLI

If using the Symfony CLI, you can add build command as a worker to be started whenever you run symfony server:start:

# .symfony.local.yaml
    # ...

        cmd: ['symfony', 'console', 'minify:run', '--watch']
        watch: ['assets']


If running symfony server:start as a daemon, you can run symfony server:log to tail the output of the worker.

How Does It Work?

The first time you run the Minify command, the bundle will download the correct Minify binary for your system into a var/minify/ directory.

When you run minify:run, that binary is used to minify your assets. Finally, when the contents of an asset is requested, the bundle swaps the contents of that file with the contents of the minified version. Nice!


When you deploy, run the minify:run command before the asset-map:compile command so the minifed files area available:

$ php bin/console minify:run
$ php bin/console asset-map:compile


To see the full config from this bundle, run:

$ php bin/console config:dump wgg_minify

Minify assets options

# config/packages/wgg_minify.yaml
    # The directory where the assets can be found
    # assets_directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/assets'

    # Extensions to minify
    # extensions: ['js', 'css']

    # Paths to exclude from minification (paths are relative to assets_directory)
    # excluded_paths: ['vendor']

Usage with StimulusBundle

If you plan to use StimulusBundle Lazy Controllers feature, then you must add the stimulusFetch comment as follows (note the exclamation mark):

import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus';

/*! stimulusFetch: 'lazy' */
export default class extends Controller {
    // ...

Minify binary removes all comments, except the ones that are marked with an exclamation mark. The bundle default configuration converts these comments back to normal comments, so the StimulusBundle can generate the Lazy Controllers as intended.

This feature can be turned of in the configuration:

# config/packages/wgg_minify.yaml
    # Disable converting comments
    convert_comments: false

Using a Different Binary

To instruct the bundle to use a custom binary, set the binary option:

# config/packages/wgg_minify.yaml
    binary: 'path_to/minify'

Using a Different Binary Version

By default the latest standalone Minify binary gets downloaded. However, if you want to use a different version, you can specify the version to use, set binary_version option:

# config/packages/wgg_minify.yaml
    binary_version: 'v2.0.0'

The minify:run command will download and use the specified version.