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Project template for gulp.js + AngularJS 1

What it does

  • Jade files to HTML
  • Stylus files to CSS
  • ES6+ JavaScript files to ES5 Javascript through browserify
    • You are able to use import in your client-side code
  • Uses BrowserSync to serve your static files to localhost:9001 and to automatically reload your browser when files change.
  • Hot-swaps modules with browserify-hmr. See the source for usage.

Getting things up and running

 git clone <your project name>
 cd <your project name>
 npm install
 npm start
 open http://localhost:9001 in your browser

CLI Commands

  • npm install
    • Installs server-side dependencies from npm
  • npm start
    • Compiles your files, starts watching files for changes, serves static files to port 9001
  • npm run build
    • Builds everything

Production build

Minification, uglification and other tasks you're expected to run before deploying your product can be made by running the build command with env variable NODE_ENV set to "production"

NODE_ENV=production npm run build

Development guidelines

Directory structure

public - directory should be dedicated only to compiled/copied files from src - directory. It should be possible to delete directory completely and after npm start or npm run build everything should be as they were before the deletion.

src/components - directory contains AngularJS components (introduced in 1.5) and templates for them.

src/controllers - directory contains controllers for AngularJS scopes and templates that use them. Templates should be included with ng-include.

src/directives - directory contains directives and possible templates for them.

src/models - directory contains models that contain the state of the application.

src/services - directory contains services for sharing information between different scopes, components, directives etc. Used also in communication between a service (backend) and the application.

src/shared - directory contains components, directives etc used commonly in several parts of the application

src/styles - directory contains styles written with Stylus.


All dependencies are meant to be installed with npm.

  • JavaScript-files from node_modules can be require()'d in client-side modules.
  • Third party CSS files should be imported. Stylus has been configured to use node_modules as one of the base directories so you can import file like this: @import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'
  • You can either create a new gulp task for copying other assets from directories mentioned above or use an array as a value for assets sources e.g source: ['./src/assets/**/*.*', 'node_modules/bootstrap/fonts*/*.*'] (notice the asterisk after 'fonts'? It makes gulp copy the whole directory instead of just the files inside of it)

Suggested development tools

  • eslint
    • When used as an editor plugin (for example. SublimeLinter + SublimeLinter-eslint), gives you immediate feedback about your code and can find bugs, potential problem areas, poor coding styles and stylistic issues.


Should I clear the version history after I clone this repository?

I would advice against it. Keeping the version history makes it easier to receive updates from this project.

I want to use CoffeeScript instead of JavaScript

Fork this repository and customize it based on your preferences. Please leave an issue about your fork and we'll add it to the list below.

How about dependency injections?

It might be possible to use ng-annotate for them, however, it is rather simple to use the manual, old-fashioned way which is demonstrated in thetitle-component (src/components/Title). It recommended to use the array notation as it is also recommended in the AngularJS Documentation. This way things also work after minify/uglify.

Known forks of the original Gulp project template

Useful resources