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Contributing to YesBot

We are super grateful that you want to join us in making YesBot the best bot the Discord server can have! Be it issues, pull requests or general ideas and discussion, we are looking forward to seeing it.

This document contains some guidelines for contributing so make sure to read through it to make things easier.


If you found a problem in YesBot and would like to let us know about it, head to the issues and see if the issue you found has already been reported. If you found a match, just upvote it with the 👍 reaction.

If you couldn't find anything that looks like your problem, create a new one containing the following information:

  • Clear and descriptive title ("Bot doesn't work" is not helpful)
  • Description of the issue with the following:
    • What you did
    • What you thought would happen
    • What did happen
  • If you are able to reproduce this problem repeatedly and reliably, include step by step instructions on how to recreate the issue

Pull Requests (PRs)

We are happy if you want to add something to the bot! To help make things easier, please follow this advice:

Working on issues

When working on an issue, please send a comment under that issue, so everyone knows about it and someone else doesn't accidentally start working on the same thing you have almost finished. We will assign you so that it's clear to everyone.

The other way around: It probably doesn't make a lot of sense to start working on an issue that already has someone assigned. If you have doubts, that the assigned person is going to finish the task, let us know and we will see if we transfer the issue to you!


This codebase uses Prettier for consistent formatting. Before submitting a PR for the bot, please check for linting issues using

yarn run lint

then fix potential errors and warnings you might find. Quite a few can be fixed automatically using

yarn run lint:fix

Merge conflicts

If your pull request cannot be merged due to a merge conflict, have patience. We will get to it and resolve them! Please don't solve them yourself as it might make the git history a little more chaotic.


This section of the document includes information on what to consider while developing YesBot.

Project structure

The bot's main code is contained in the src directory which contains several subdirectories:

  • collections - Files containing static data that the bot uses for certain tasks
  • common - Shared code for various things
  • events - Event handlers for a few events discord.js exposes; the rest of these should eventually be moved to programs
  • event-distribution - Core of YesBot that ties most commands together using a decorator
  • programs - Code containing logic for all the commands and features of the bot.

It also contains a couple single files:

  • index.ts - Creates and exports the discord.js Client used in the entire application. This is the entry point for the bot.
  • load-cron.ts - Here periodic tasks are created that run in certain intervals
  • log.ts - Defines a simple logger that can be used anywhere in YesBot
  • prisma.ts - Simple setup of the Prisma database connection


To work on the bot you need the following:

  • Node 16.6.0 or newer
  • A PostgreSQL server with a database called yesbot, username yesbot and password (you guessed it) yesbot
    • (recommended) You can use Docker with Docker Compose and the docker-compose.yml in this repository to launch one in one command
    • Download and install PostgreSQL on your host system, then create and configure a database following the requirements above
  • A Discord server created from this template
  • A Discord application with a bot token (get started at
    • After creating a Discord application click on (Bot → Add Bot).
    • In the Bot tabs on your newly created Discord application, this is where you will find your Bot token to be used later on in .env
  • Developer mode in Discord enabled (Settings → Appearance → Advanced → Developer Mode) to be able to copy IDs from servers, channels, messages, and everything else that has an ID

Local instance

To allow your bot to run, you have to invite the bot into the server you created:

  1. Select your application with the bot token here.
  2. Select Bot in the left menu
  3. Under "Privileged Gateway Intents", make sure all three (Presence, Server Members and Message Content) are enabled.
  4. Click OAuth2 in the left menu
  5. In the list of scopes, select bot
  6. In the list of bot permissions (shows up after step 3), select Administrator
  7. Copy and open the URL created in the scopes section
  8. Select the server created from the template and click Continue, then Authorize (you might also need to complete a Captcha)

Now the bot is on your server and can do things once started. We will get to that next. For the following steps, you will need the code on your computer, so:

  1. Fork the repository to your user

  2. Clone the repo and change the directory to the project for all future commands:

git clone
cd yesbot-ts

Run the database

Skip this step if you have a postgres server with a database yesbot with credentials yesbot:yesbot running.

Run the following command in the root directory of the project to start a docker container with the database:

docker-compose up postgres
# or docker-compose up -d postgres
# if you want to reuse your terminal; in this case you can shut down the container with docker-compose down in the same directory

Ensure that you have Docker running and no other connections on Port 5432 as this is where YesBot connects to.

Set up the bot

  1. Install the dependencies:

     yarn install
  2. Create an .env in the root directory and copy the .env.example. Change the values to match your test server. BOT_TOKEN, GUILD_ID, CLIENT_ID and OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ID have to be set for the bot to successfully start up.

  3. Set up the tables in the database

    yarn prisma migrate dev
  4. Generate GraphQL files (even if you are not working on the website, this is required for the code to compile)

    yarn codegen
  5. Start the bot

    yarn run start

The bot should now start up, connect to the database and send a ready message in the channel you specified in the .env file.