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Migration to 4.0.0 ♻️


Overview 🔭

What has changed?

🎨 Colors

Screenshot 2020-03-27 at 18 30 26

Colours have changed again. Here's a mapping table hopefully easy your pain through the migration:

v3 v4
colors.brand.primary colors.brand
colors.brand.secondary colors.actionPlain
colors.neutral.white colors.white
colors.neutral.nearWhite colors.greyLightest
colors.neutral.light colors.greyLighter
colors.neutral.medium colors.greyLight
colors.neutral.nearDark colors.greyDark
colors.neutral.dark colors.greyDarkest

You can check the documentation for all the updated colour spectrum.

☄️ Buttons

One of the biggest changes on the streamline, our <Button /> component has been massively simplified and got few extra features.

You only now have these 4 states:

  • primary
  • secondary
  • disabled
  • text
  • loading

Check te docs to see the new available states and ask #design or #ui-kit-web if one of your use-cases is not supported.

🚨 Notice:

You should make use of the new state:

<Button loading />

and move away from any custom solution you were using for this.

🅰 Typography


The library no longer imports Open Sans for you. The <Fonts /> component has been removed.

Add a manual link to your root HTML instead:

<link href=";600;700;800&display=swap" rel="stylesheet" />


import { Heading, Text, Link } from '@zopauk/react-components';

These components retain their API, however <Heading />, <Text /> and <Link /> have lost their mb prop, use the new atomic classes instead. Since <Heading />'s mb prop was set to true by default, you should add className="mb-6" to maintain the existing styling. The default for <Text /> and <Link /> was false so you can just find and replace mb prop with className="mb-6".

Font sizes

They have all changed by 1px or 2px difference. The shape of our constants object:

import { typography } from '@zopauk/react-components';

has changed a bit, hopefully TS is of help here...

There's a new heading size available:

<Heading size="display" as="h1" />;

const { display } = typography.sizes.heading;

but it should only be used for editorial pages and not in any existing design.

Line heights

You won't be able to access the lineHeights on it anymore ( they have been inlined in the components instead) and a global line-height: 1.4 has been added to body {} instead.


A new font weight is available: typography.weights.extraBold. However you shouldn't be using this unless you see it in a new design.

🃏 Card

<Card /> has changed into a component which doesn't accept any context anymore but its made out of opinionated parts:

<Card layout="horizontal">
  <Card.Image overlayWith={<a href="/somewhere" target="_blank" />} url="/path/to/img" />
    <Card.Heading>Macaroon bear claw powder</Card.Heading>
    <Card.Text>Ice cream marzipan marshmallow caramels sweet. Bonbon croissant lemon drops marzipan.</Card.Text>
      <Button styling="secondary">Button</Button>

The best idea is to check the documentation to see what you can do with it. In case you were using <Card /> for layout in an onboarding step this might help as a quick fix:

<Card layout="horizontal">
  <Card.Content className="p-3">Step content here</Card.Content>

🦔 Navbar

<Navbar> has been simplified. You will no longer be able to create a custom navbar using left, right and center props and <Navbar.Link> or <Navbar.dropdown> components. Instead you need to pass in an array of links and the navbar will render styles for both mobile and desktop.

Desktop navbar-desktop

Mobile navbar-mobile

You can use a custom component (e.g gatsby link) when rendering links using renderLink prop.

See the documentation for a detailed list of examples

🦥 Footer

Screenshot 2020-05-08 at 17 13 49

The legalOnly prop has been removed and now comes in a white theme instead of dark theme.

🎹 Accordion


The styling has changed but the API is still the same.


All the form logic and hooks have been removed in favor of formik hooks and components.

  • <Form /> -> <Formik />
  • <Form.Form /> -> formik's <Form />

Dot notation has been removed from form components so they have to be imported separately now.

  • <Form.Button /> -> <FormButton />
  • <Form.CheckboxField /> -> <FormCheckboxField />
  • <Form.CheckboxGroupField /> -> <FormCheckboxGroupField />
  • <Form.DropdownField /> -> <FormDropdownField />
  • <Form.DropdownFilteredField /> -> <FormDropdownFilteredField />
  • <Form.RadioGroupField /> -> <FormRadioGroupField />
  • <Form.TextField /> -> <FormTextField />

All of them are compatible with <Formik />'s component


<AlertBox /> has been removed from the library.


  • default gutter is now 12px instead of 16px
  • desktop's container size changed from 1140px to 1224px
  • desktop breakpoint changed from 1200px to 1300px


There have been a few changes to <Spinner /> component to make it more consistent across different apps.

  • backgroundColor, borderWidth, and frontColor props have been removed
  • size props accepts only standard and small strings
  • negative prop has been added to handle color change on dark background


<InputRange /> component is now required to be a controlled input - you have to pass it onChange and value props. Also, a new controls prop has been added to hide/show + and - buttons on the both sides of the slider.


<InputText /> has now two new props endIcon and startIcon. However, this required wrapping the input inside a <div> and passing the className over to this wrapper, and not the input itself as it was before. If you have overwritten the <InputText /> (i.e. styled(InputText)) or any of the form components that use it under the hood (<TextField />, <FormTextField />, <DropdownFilteredField />, or <FormDropdownFilteredField />), you need to tweak the styling a bit.

import styled from 'styled-components';
import { InputText } from ''@zopauk/react-components'

// you need to change this
const CustomInput = styled(InputText)`
  /* custom styles */

// to this
const CustomInput = styled(InputText)`
  input {
    /* custom styles */


All the existing icons have been removed in favor of font awesome icons. We've added an <Icon /> component which is a thin wrapper around <FontAwesomeIcon />. <ZopaIcon /> has been replaced with <Logo /> component.


No changes

Naming conventions

All the types are interfaces no longer have the prefix I or T and this is enforced in eslint.

What we added?

📐 Spacing

v4 introduces a new way of spacing components apart. Using atomic classes there is more granular control over spacing at different breakpoints.

As part of this upgrade the mb property on <Heading />, <Text /> & <Badge /> components has been removed.

Before you had to do:

<Text mb>This is a text element</Text>

Now you can use className to define different margin or padding values

<Text className="mb-6 p-4">This is a text element</Text>

Check the documentation for all the possible combinations.