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Quartz scheduler

Quartz.NET scheduler

How to use

1. Create project with Quartz jobs

  1. Create class library project which will contains all needed Quartz jobs.
  2. Install package Scheduler.Quartz.
  3. Create your custom Quartz jobs (for example, ExampleJob).
  4. Inherit this job:
    1. from abstract class LoggableJob or LoggableJobAsync from Scheduler.Quartz.Abstract namespace;
    2. or just from IJob interface of Quartz namespace.
  5. Implement logic of job.

2. Add Quartz scheduler to .NET Core app (GenericHost/WebHost)

  1. Install appropriate IOC-container - all possible IOC-container are listed here
  2. Install packages:
    1. Scheduler.Quartz
    2. Scheduler.Quartz.Ioc.ServiceProvider
    3. Quartz.Plugings - only if your Quartz configured from *.xml file ("file configured scheduler")
  3. In your Startup class add the Quartz scheduler:
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        // ...
        services.AddQuartz(new QuartzSchedulerOptions()
            ConfigSource = ConfigSource.File,
            // Or            
            // ConfigSource = ConfigSource.InMemory,
            // For in memory configured Quartz scheduler specify type of implementation of ISchedulerRunnerFactory:
            // InMemorySchedulerFactoryType = typeof(MemorySchedulerFactory),
            // Specify type of your 1 custom Qartz job for automatically
            // registering all jobs from type's assembly. 
            // Otherwise you need register your custom jobs manually.
            OneOfCustomQuartzJobsType = typeof(ExampleLogJob)
  4. Create implementation of IHostedService (read more about hosted services on MS docs) and inject the ISchedulerRunnerFactory to constructor - for example:
    public class QuartzSchedulerHostedService : IHostedService
        private readonly IScheduleRunner _scheduler;
        public QuartzSchedulerHostedService(ISchedulerRunnerFactory schedulerRunnerFactory)
            _scheduler = schedulerRunnerFactory.Create();
        public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // You can configure Quartz memory-jobs here:
            // await _scheduler.ScheduleRepeatableJob<ExampleLogJobAsync>(60);
            await _scheduler.Start();
        public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return _scheduler.Stop();
  5. Configure this hosted service in your GenericHost (or WebHost) in Program.cs:
    public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) => 
            // some configurations of .NET Core Host
            .ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
                services.AddSingleton<IHostedService, QuartzSchedulerHostedService>();
            // some other configurations
  6. That is all - when the .NET Core host will be start then all implementations of IHostedService will be start too.

P.S. For configuring Quartz via config files you may need next files:

  • quartz.config with settings of Quartz scheduler;
  • *.xml file with jobs settings - you can see quartz_example.config and quartz_jobs_example.xml.


See inside examples folder.