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737 lines (548 loc) · 28.5 KB

File metadata and controls

737 lines (548 loc) · 28.5 KB



The sidekick provides helper tools for authors.


elemAttr : Object.<string, string>

The name and value of the attribute to set on an element.

elemLstnr : Object.<string, function()>

The event name and listener to register on an element.

elemConfig : Object

The configuration of an element to add.

pluginButton : Object

The configuration for a plugin button. This can be used as a shorthand for elemConfig.

plugin : Object

The plugin configuration.

viewCallback : function

A callback function to render a view.

viewConfig : Object

A custom view configuration.

helpStep : Object

The definition of a help step inside a helpTopic.

helpTopic : Object

The definition of a help topic.

sidekickConfig : Object

The sidekick configuration.


window.hlx.sidekickConfig : sidekickConfig

The global variable holding the initial sidekick configuration.

window.hlx.sidekick : Sidekick

The global variable referencing the Sidekick singleton.

window.hlx.sidekickScript : Element


element which loaded the sidekick module.


Initializes the sidekick and stores a reference to it in window.hlx.sidekick.

Sidekick ⇐ HTMLElement

The sidekick provides helper tools for authors.

Kind: global class
Extends: HTMLElement

new Sidekick(cfg)

Creates a new sidekick.

Param Type Description
cfg sidekickConfig The sidekick config

sidekick.fetchStatus() ⇒ Sidekick

Fetches the status for the current resource.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick
Emits: statusfetched

sidekick.loadContext(cfg) ⇒ Sidekick

Loads the sidekick configuration and retrieves the location of the current document.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick
Emits: contextloaded

Param Type Description
cfg sidekickConfig The sidekick config

sidekick.checkPushDownContent() ⇒ Sidekick

Recalculates the height of the sidekick and pushes down the page content by that amount to make room for the sidekick.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick ⇒ Sidekick

Shows the sidekick.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick
Emits: shown

sidekick.hide() ⇒ Sidekick

Hides the sidekick.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick
Emits: hidden

sidekick.toggle() ⇒ Sidekick

Shows/hides the sidekick.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick

sidekick.add(plugin) ⇒ HTMLElement

Adds a plugin to the sidekick.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: HTMLElement - The plugin

Param Type Description
plugin plugin The plugin configuration.

sidekick.get(id) ⇒ HTMLElement

Returns the sidekick plugin with the specified ID.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: HTMLElement - The plugin

Param Type Description
id string The plugin ID

sidekick.remove(id) ⇒ Sidekick

Removes the plugin with the specified ID from the sidekick.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick

Param Type Description
id string The plugin ID

sidekick.isEditor() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the current location is an editor URL (SharePoint or Google Docs).

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: boolean - true if editor URL, else false

sidekick.isDev() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the current location is a development URL.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: boolean - true if development URL, else false

sidekick.isInner() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the current location is an inner CDN URL.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: boolean - true if inner CDN URL, else false

sidekick.isOuter() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the current location is an outer CDN URL.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: boolean - true if outer CDN URL, else false

sidekick.isProd() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the current location is a production URL.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: boolean - true if production URL, else false

sidekick.isFranklin() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the current location is a configured Franklin URL.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: boolean - true if Franklin URL, else false

sidekick.isHelix() ⇒ boolean


Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: boolean - true if Franklin URL, else false

sidekick.isContent() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the current location is a content URL.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: boolean - true if content URL, else false

sidekick.isAuthenticated() ⇒ boolean

Checks if the user is logged in.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: boolean - true if user is logged in (or does not need to be), else false

sidekick.isAuthorized(feature, permission) ⇒ boolean

Checks if the user is allowed to use a feature.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: boolean - true if user is allowed, else false

Param Type Description
feature string The feature to check
permission string The permission to require

sidekick.notify(message, level)


Displays a non-sticky notification.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick

Param Type Default Description
message string | Array.<string> The message (lines) to display
level number 2 error (0), warning (1), of info (2)


Displays a sticky notification asking the user to wait.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick

sidekick.showModal(msg, sticky, level, callback) ⇒ Sidekick

Displays a modal notification.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick
Emits: Sidekick#event:modalshown

Param Type Description
msg object | string | Array.<string> The message (object or lines)
msg.message string The message
msg.css string The CSS class to add
msg.sticky boolean true if message should be sticky (optional)
msg.level number error (0), warning (1), of info (2, default)
msg.callback function The function to call when the modal is hidden again
sticky boolean true if message should be sticky (optional)
level number error (0), warning (1), of info (2, default)
callback function The function to call when the modal is hidden again

sidekick.hideModal() ⇒ Sidekick

Hides the modal if shown.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick
Emits: Sidekick#event:modalhidden

sidekick.showHelp(topic, step) ⇒ Sidekick

Displays a balloon with help content.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick

Param Type Default Description
topic helpTopic The topic
step number 0 The step number to display (starting with 0)

sidekick.loadCSS(path) ⇒ Sidekick

Loads the specified default CSS file, or a sibling of the current JS or HTML file. E.g. when called without argument from /foo/bar.js, it will attempt to load /foo/bar.css.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick

Param Type Description
path string The path to the CSS file (optional)

sidekick.switchEnv(targetEnv, open) ⇒ Sidekick

Switches to (or opens) a given environment.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick
Emits: envswitched

Param Type Default Description
targetEnv string One of the following environments:
open boolean false
if environment should be opened in new tab

sidekick.update() ⇒ Response

Updates the preview or code of the current resource.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Response - The response object
Emits: updated

sidekick.delete() ⇒ Response

Deletes the preview or code of the current resource.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Response - The response object
Emits: deleted

sidekick.publish(path) ⇒ Response

Publishes the page at the specified path if
is defined.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Response - The response object
Emits: published

Param Type Description
path string The path of the page to publish

sidekick.unpublish() ⇒ Response

Unpublishes the current page.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick
Returns: Response - The response object
Emits: unpublished

sidekick.addEventListener(type, listener, opts)

Sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified sidekick event is fired.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick

Param Type Description
type string The event type
listener function The function to call
opts object options

sidekick.removeEventListener(type, listener)

Removes an event listener previously registered with addEventListener.

Kind: instance method of Sidekick

Param Type Description
type string The event type
listener function The function to remove


This event is fired when the sidekick has been shown.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when the sidekick has been hidden.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when a sidekick plugin has been used.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick

Name Type Description
id string The plugin ID
button Element The button element


This event is fired when the context has been loaded.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick

Name Type Description
config sidekickConfig The sidekick configuration
location Location The sidekick location


This event is fired when the status has been fetched.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when the environment has been switched

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick

Name Type Description
sourceUrl string The URL of the source environment
targetUrl string The URL of the target environment


This event is fired when a path has been updated.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when a path has been deleted.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when a path has been published.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when a path has been unpublished.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when a user has logged in.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when a user has logged out.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when a user clicks next on a help dialog.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when a help dialog has been dismissed.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when a help dialog has been acknowledged.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick


This event is fired when a user decides to opt out of help content.

Kind: event emitted by Sidekick

elemAttr : Object.<string, string>

The name and value of the attribute to set on an element.

Kind: global typedef

elemLstnr : Object.<string, function()>

The event name and listener to register on an element.

Kind: global typedef

elemConfig : Object

The configuration of an element to add.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
tag string The tag name (mandatory)
text string The text content (optional)
attrs Array.<elemAttr> The attributes (optional)
lstnrs Array.<elemLstnr> The event listeners (optional)

pluginButton : Object

The configuration for a plugin button. This can be used as a shorthand for elemConfig.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
text string The button text
action function The click listener
isPressed function false Determines whether the button is pressed
isEnabled function true Determines whether to enable the button
isDropdown boolean false Determines whether to turn this button into a dropdown

plugin : Object

The plugin configuration.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
id string The plugin ID (mandatory)
button pluginButton A button configuration object (optional)
container string The ID of a dropdown to add this plugin to (optional)
override boolean false Determines whether to replace an existing plugin
elements Array.<elemConfig> An array of elements to add (optional)
condition function Determines whether to show this plugin (optional). This function is expected to return a boolean when called with the sidekick as argument.
advanced function Show this plugin only in advanced mode (optional). This function is expected to return a boolean when called with the sidekick as argument.
callback function A function called after adding the plugin (optional). This function is called with the sidekick and the newly added plugin as arguments.

viewCallback : function

A callback function to render a view.

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
viewContainer HTMLELement The view container
data Object The data to display

viewConfig : Object

A custom view configuration.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
js string | viewCallback The URL of a JS module or a function to render this view
path string The path or globbing pattern where to apply this view
css string The URL of a CSS file or inline CSS to render this view (optional)

helpStep : Object

The definition of a help step inside a helpTopic.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
message string The help message
selector string The CSS selector of the target element

helpTopic : Object

The definition of a help topic.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
id string The ID of the help topic
steps Array.<helpStep> An array of helpSteps

sidekickConfig : Object

The sidekick configuration.

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Default Description
owner string The GitHub owner or organization (mandatory)
repo string The GitHub owner or organization (mandatory)
ref string "main" The Git reference or branch (optional)
mountpoint string The content source URL (optional)
project string The name of the Franklin project used in the sharing link (optional)
plugins Array.<plugin> An array of plugin configurations (optional)
outerHost string The outer CDN's host name (optional)
host string The production host name to publish content to (optional)
byocdn boolean false
if the production host is a 3rd party CDN
devMode boolean false Loads configuration and plugins from the developmemt environment
pushDown boolean false
to have the sidekick push down page content
pushDownSelector string The CSS selector for absolute elements to also push down
specialViews Array.<viewConfig> An array of custom view configurations (optional)
adminVersion number The specific version of admin service to use (optional)

window.hlx.sidekickConfig : sidekickConfig

The global variable holding the initial sidekick configuration.

Kind: global external

window.hlx.sidekick : Sidekick

The global variable referencing the Sidekick singleton.

Kind: global external

window.hlx.sidekickScript : Element


element which loaded the sidekick module.

Kind: global external

window.hlx.initSidekick ⇒ Sidekick

Initializes the sidekick and stores a reference to it in window.hlx.sidekick.

Kind: global external
Returns: Sidekick - The sidekick

Param Type Description
cfg sidekickConfig The sidekick configuration (extends window.hlx.sidekickConfig)