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import { :util } from 'mauss/web';


Homemade baked cookies for server and client side usage.


This namespace extends the Navigator object, make sure to execute the function in environments where window.navigator exists.

export function copy(
	data: string | ClipboardItem,
	handler: {
		accept?(): void | Promise<void>;
		reject?(): void | Promise<void>;
	} = {},
): void;

export function item(
	type: string,
	data: string | Blob,
	options?: ClipboardItemOptions,
): ClipboardItem;

export function paste(type: 'blob'): Promise<ClipboardItems>;
export function paste(type: 'text'): Promise<string>;
export function paste(type: 'blob' | 'text');


Query string encoder (qse) encodes key-value pairs from an object into a query string. It optionally accepts a second argument for a transformer function that will be applied to the final value if it exists, else an empty string will be returned.

type BoundValues = Nullish | Primitives;
export function qse<T extends object>(
	bound: T[keyof T] extends BoundValues | readonly BoundValues[] ? T : never,
	transformer = (final: string) => `?${final}`,
): string;

The first parameter bound only accepts an object with nullish and primitive literals or an array of those values.

Transformer function is useful in cases where we want to add a leading ? when the query string exists but not when it's empty, or when we would like to append another existing query string after only if the output of qse exists.


let query = 'anything'; // a reactive variable
const type = 1;

const updated = qse({ q: query, type });
history.replaceState({}, '', updated);

With SvelteKit in <script> tag:

import { browser } from '$app/env';
import { goto } from '$app/navigation';
$: shareable = qse({ q: query });
$: browser && goto(shareable, { replaceState: true });