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Add Whiley Lexer (#628)
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This is a fairly simple lexer for Whiley which covers the main things (e.g.
keywords, literals, etc).
  • Loading branch information
DavePearce committed Apr 22, 2022
1 parent 44d1d23 commit 073a30b
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Showing 3 changed files with 742 additions and 0 deletions.
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions lexers/embedded/whiley.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
<state name="root">
<rule pattern="\n">
<token type="Text"/>
<rule pattern="\s+">
<token type="Text"/>
<rule pattern="\\\n">
<token type="Text"/>
<rule pattern="/[*](.|\n)*?[*]/">
<token type="CommentMultiline"/>
<rule pattern="//.*?\n">
<token type="CommentSingle"/>
<rule pattern="(function|import|from|method|property|type|with|variant)\b">
<token type="KeywordDeclaration"/>
<rule pattern="(assert|assume|all|break|case|continue|debug|default|do|else|ensures|export|fail|final|for|if|in|is|native|no|new|private|protected|public|return|requires|skip|some|switch|unsafe|where|while)\b">
<token type="Keyword"/>
<rule pattern="(true|false|null)\b">
<token type="KeywordConstant"/>
<rule pattern="(bool|byte|int|void)\b">
<token type="KeywordType"/>
<rule pattern="0b(?:_?[01])+">
<token type="LiteralNumberBin"/>
<rule pattern="0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+">
<token type="LiteralNumberHex"/>
<rule pattern="(0|[1-9][0-9]*)">
<token type="LiteralNumberInteger"/>
<rule pattern="[a-zA-Z_]\w*">
<token type="Name"/>
<rule pattern="[+%=&gt;&lt;|^!?/\-*&amp;~:]">
<token type="Operator"/>
<rule pattern="[{}()\[\],.;\|]">
<token type="Punctuation"/>
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions lexers/testdata/whiley.actual
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@

import uint from std::integer
import uinteger from js::core
import random from js::math
import Document, Window, CanvasRenderingContext2D from w3c::dom
import Element,HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLImageElement, MouseEvent from w3c::dom

import model
import view

* Add a given number of bombs to the board.
method add_random_bombs(model::Board board, uint n) -> model::Board:
uinteger remaining = |board.squares|
// Use Knuth's algorithm S
for x in 0..board.width:
for y in 0..board.height:
// Flip a coin (so-to-speak)
if random(remaining) < n:
// create bomb square
model::Square s = model::HiddenSquare(true,false)
// Update board
board = model::set_square(board,(uint) x, (uint) y,s)
// Reduce number of bombs to place
n = n - 1
// Reduce remaining options
remaining = remaining - 1
// return updated board
return board

* Handle a mouse event on the canvas
method onclick_handler(MouseEvent e, &view::State state, Window window):
// Convert from view to world coordinates
uint x = e->offsetX / state->gridsize
uint y = e->offsetY / state->gridsize
// Update board
if e->shiftKey:
state->board = model::flag_square(state->board,x,y)
state->board = model::expose_square(state->board,x,y)
// Render initial board
// Finally determine game status
(bool gameOver, bool winner) = model::is_gameover(state->board)
// Check whether game over
if gameOver:
// Yes, but win or lose?
if winner:
window->alert("Well done --- You Found all the Mines!")
window->alert("Game Over --- You Lost!")
// Done

* Create a new game of Minesweeper
public export method main(uint width, uint height, uint bombs, Window window, HTMLCanvasElement canvas, HTMLImageElement[] images)
// Requires at least 9 images
requires |images| == 13:
Document document = window->document
// NOTE: following should not be required!
Element c = document->getElementById("myCanvas")
// Create a standard sized board
model::Board board = model::Board(width,height)
// Add bombs
board = add_random_bombs(board,bombs)
// Initialise the view state
&view::State state = new view::init(document,canvas,board,images)
// Render initial board
// Configure mouse click listener
c->addEventListener("click",&(MouseEvent e -> onclick_handler(e,state,window)))

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