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Releases: angular/angular-cli


13 Dec 13:59
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17.0.7 (2023-12-13)


Commit Description
fix - 3df3e583c baseHref with trailing slash causes server not to be accessible without trailing slash
fix - ef1178188 allow vite to serve JavaScript and TypeScript assets
fix - 385eb77d2 cache loading of component resources in JIT mode
fix - 4b3af73ac ensure browser-esbuild is used in dev server with browser builder and forceEsbuild
fix - d1b27e53e ensure port 0 uses random port with Vite development server
fix - f2f7d7c70 file is missing from the TypeScript compilation with JIT
fix - 7b8d6cddd handle updates of an npm link library from another workspace when preserveSymlinks is true
fix - c08c78cb8 inlining of fonts results in jagged fonts for Windows users
fix - 930024811 retain symlinks to output platform directories on builds
fix - 3623fe911 update ESM loader to work with Node.js 18.19.0


06 Dec 20:13
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v17.1.0-next.1 Pre-release

17.1.0-next.1 (2023-12-06)


Commit Description
feat - b513d89b7 add optional migration to use application builder
fix - e2f92ab95 enable TypeScript skipLibCheck in new workspace


Commit Description
feat - 364a16b7a move browser-sync as optional dependency
fix - e3ad8c42a app-shell generation incorrect content when using the application builder
fix - 8e9b67513 check namespaced Sass variables when rebasing URLs
fix - dcc60c6ce correctly align error/warning messages when spinner is active
fix - 7ccc21007 handle watch updates on Mac OSX when using native FSEvents API
fix - 4bcee3167 improve file watching on Windows when using certain IDEs
fix - 9906ab7b4 normalize asset source locations in Vite-based development server
fix - f0c032dc5 normalize locale tags with Intl API when resolving in application builder
fix - ffa2d07c8 watch symlink when using preserveSymlinks option
perf - b10d2a7bb only enable advanced optimizations with script optimizations


06 Dec 19:41
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17.0.6 (2023-12-06)


Commit Description
fix - da5d39471 enable TypeScript skipLibCheck in new workspace


Commit Description
fix - 048512874 app-shell generation incorrect content when using the application builder
fix - f9e982c44 check namespaced Sass variables when rebasing URLs
fix - a1e8ffa9d correctly align error/warning messages when spinner is active
fix - 46d88a034 handle watch updates on Mac OSX when using native FSEvents API
fix - 4594407ae improve file watching on Windows when using certain IDEs
fix - aa9e7c615 normalize locale tags with Intl API when resolving in application builder
fix - a8dbf1da2 watch symlink when using preserveSymlinks option
perf - e3820cb6c only enable advanced optimizations with script optimizations


29 Nov 22:37
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v17.1.0-next.0 Pre-release

17.1.0-next.0 (2023-11-29)


Commit Description
feat - e0b274b8f add option to retain CSS special comments in global styles
feat - 4784155bd add wildcard option for allowedCommonJsDependencies
feat - 3b93df42d allow configuring loaders for custom file extensions in application builder
feat - ccba849e4 support keyboard command shortcuts in application dev server
fix - 6473b0160 ensure all configured assets can be served by dev server


29 Nov 23:36
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17.0.5 (2023-11-29)


29 Nov 18:37
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17.0.4 (2023-11-29)


Commit Description
fix - 7a2823080 remove CommonModule import from standalone components


Commit Description
fix - 0634a4e40 avoid native realpath in application builder
fix - 22880d9cb correct set locale when using esbuild based builders
fix - a0680672f correctly watch files when app is in a directory that starts with a dot
fix - bbbe13d67 improve file watching on Windows when using certain IDEs
fix - 27e7c2e1b propagate localize errors to full build result
fix - 7455fdca0 serve assets from the provided serve-path
fix - 657a07bd6 treeshake unused class that use custom decorators
fix - 77474951b use workspace real path when not preserving symlinks


21 Nov 23:48
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17.0.3 (2023-11-21)


Commit Description
fix - 450dd29a1 default to watching project root on Windows with application builder
fix - 8072b8574 ensure service worker hashes index HTML file for application builder
perf - d99870740 only create one instance of postcss when needed


20 Nov 19:00
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17.0.2 (2023-11-20)


Commit Description
fix - 023645185 always normalize AOT file reference tracker paths
fix - 3b99980bd emit root files when localize is enabled when using the esbuild based builders
fix - ef3e3abb8 ensure watch file paths from TypeScript are normalized
fix - d11b36fe2 normalize paths in ssr sourcemaps to posix when using vite
fix - 62d51383a only include vendor sourcemaps when using the dev-server when the option is enabled
fix - d28ba8a73 remove browser-esbuild usage warning


15 Nov 22:08
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17.0.1 (2023-11-15)


Commit Description
fix - d9f7d439e add helper script to spawn SSR server from dist
fix - a80926cdb html indentation
fix - f7f62c9d6 remove downlevelIteration from tsconfig.json for new workspaces
fix - 7cb57317d use href property binding for links
fix - 731917cd0 use styleUrl


Commit Description
fix - 5267e6055 handle packages with no version


Commit Description
fix - 15dd71aba deleteOutputPath when using esbuild-builder
fix - fa4d8ff31 add actionable error when file replacement is missing
fix - 160a91160 add support for vendor sourcemaps when using the dev-server
fix - 5623c193e cache stylesheet load errors with application builder
fix - 1a5538e0c disable Worker wait loop for TS/NG parallel compilation in web containers
fix - 883771946 do not process ssr entry-point when running ng serve
fix - d3b549167 empty output directory instead of removing
fix - 596f7639a ensure compilation errors propagate to all bundle actions
fix - d900a5217 maintain current watch files after build errors
fix - 21549bdeb prerender default view when no routes are defined
fix - 4c251647b rewire sourcemap back to original source root


08 Nov 13:06
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Commit Description
fix - f4e7fa873 add @angular/ssr as part of the ng update packageGroup
fix - 1f7156b11 add Node.js 20 as supported version
fix - 4b9a87c90 ignore peer mismatch when updating @nguniversal/builders
fix - f66f9cf61 remove Node.js 16 from supported checks


Commit Description
feat - 741cca73c add ng new --ssr
feat - 3938863b9 add migration to migrate from @nguniversal to @angular/ssr
feat - dc6b6eaf6 add migration to replace usages of @nguniversal/builders
feat - 6979eba3c enable hydration when adding SSR, SSG or AppShell
feat - 1a6a139aa enable routing by default for new applications
feat - ac0db6697 enable standalone by default in new applications
feat - a189962a5 generate functional interceptors by default
feat - ae45c4ab8 update ng new generated application
feat - 3f8aa9d8c update ng new to use the esbuild application builder based builder
fix - 03a1eaf01 account for new block syntax in starter template
fix - eb0fc7434 add missing express REQUEST and RESPONSE tokens
fix - ecdcff2db add missing icons in ng-new template
fix - 175944672 do not add unnecessary dependency on @angular/ssr during migration
fix - 23c4c5e42 enable TypeScript esModuleInterop by default for ESM compliance
fix - d60a6e86a noop workspace config migration when already executed
fix - e516a4bdb pass ssr option to application schematics
fix - 419b5c191 remove baseUrl from tsconfig.json
fix - 0368b23f2 use @types/node v18
refactor - b15e82758 remove deprecated appId option


Commit Description
feat - c48982dc1 add buildTarget option to dev-server and extract-i18n builders
feat - 1fb0350eb add initial support for bundle budgets to esbuild builders
feat - 8168ae2a8 apply global CSS updates without a live-reload when using vite
feat - 91019bde2 enable localize support for SSR with application builder
feat - 3c0719bde initial i18n extraction support for application builder
feat - 8bce80b91 initial support for application Web Worker discovery with esbuild
feat - 49f07a84d standardize application builder output structure
feat - c3a87a60e support basic web worker bundling with esbuild builders
feat - 9e425308a support component style budgets in esbuild builders
feat - 771e036d5 support deploy URL option for browser-esbuild builder
feat - c5f3ec71f support i18n inlining with esbuild-based builder
feat - fd62a9315 support i18n with service worker and app-shell with esbuild builders
feat - 5898f72a9 support namedChunks option in application builder
feat - 8f9a0d70c support standalone apps route discovery during prerendering
fix - 6b08efa6f account for arrow function IIFE
fix - 2f299fc7b account for styles specified as string literals and styleUrl
fix - 9994b2dde add a maximum rendering timeout for SSR and SSG during development
fix - da4e19145 address a path concatenation on Windows
fix - 9d4d11cc4 allow SSR compilation to work with TS allowJs option
fix - e3c5b91e8 automatically include known packages in vite prebundling
fix - ca38ee34c avoid binary content in architect results with browser-esbuild
fix - 657f78292 avoid dev server update a...
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