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area: packaging
area: packaging
Issues related to Angular's creation of npm packages
area: performance
area: performance
area: security
area: security
Issues related to built-in security features, such as HTML sanitation
area: server
area: server
Issues related to server-side rendering
area: service-worker
area: service-worker
Issues related to the @angular/service-worker package
area: testing
area: testing
Issues related to Angular testing features, such as TestBed
area: upgrade
area: upgrade
Issues related to AngularJS β†’ Angular upgrade APIs
breaking changes
breaking changes
browser: chrome
browser: chrome
browser: edge
browser: edge
browser: firefox
browser: firefox
browser: safari
browser: safari
This issue represents a canonical design issue in Angular.
cla: no
cla: no
common: async pipe
common: async pipe
common: image directive
common: image directive
compiler: extended diagnostics
compiler: extended diagnostics
compiler: jit
compiler: jit
compiler: linker
compiler: linker
compiler: parser
compiler: parser
compiler: template pipeline
compiler: template pipeline
compiler: template type-checking
compiler: template type-checking
core: basic template syntax
core: basic template syntax
core: binding & interpolation
core: binding & interpolation
Issue related to property/attribute binding or text interpolation
core: bootstrap
core: bootstrap
core: change detection
core: change detection