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forms: disabling controls
forms: disabling controls
forms: DOM
forms: DOM
forms: dynamic
forms: dynamic
forms: ngModel
forms: ngModel
forms: strictly typed
forms: strictly typed
forms: template-driven
forms: template-driven
forms: validators
forms: validators
freq4: critical
freq4: critical
good first issue
good first issue
An issue that is suitable for first-time contributors; often a documentation issue.
help wanted
help wanted
An issue that is suitable for a community contributor (based on its complexity/scope).
hotlist: components team
hotlist: components team
Related to Angular CDK or Angular Material
hotlist: devrel
hotlist: devrel
hotlist: error messages
hotlist: error messages
hotlist: google
hotlist: google
Issue related to Apple's iOS operating system
memory leak
memory leak
Issue related to a memory leak
merge: caretaker note
merge: caretaker note
Alert the caretaker performing the merge to check the PR for an out of normal action needed or note
merge: fix commit message
merge: fix commit message
When the PR is merged, rewrites/fixups of the commit messages are needed
merge: preserve commits
merge: preserve commits
When the PR is merged, a rebase and merge should be performed
merge: squash commits
merge: squash commits
When the PR is merged, a squash and merge should be performed
needs: clarification
needs: clarification
This issue needs additional clarification from the reporter before the team can investigate.
needs: discussion
needs: discussion
Indicates than an issue is an open discussion
needs reproduction
needs reproduction
This issue needs a reproduction in order for the team to investigate further
needs triage
needs triage
needs: verification
needs: verification
Issue that causes an outage, breakage, or major function to be unusable, with no known workarounds