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Weekly Digest (12 May, 2019 - 19 May, 2019) #16663

weekly-digest bot opened this issue May 19, 2019 · 1 comment

Weekly Digest (12 May, 2019 - 19 May, 2019) #16663

weekly-digest bot opened this issue May 19, 2019 · 1 comment


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weekly-digest bot commented May 19, 2019

Here's the Weekly Digest for ant-design/ant-design:


Last week 129 issues were created.
Of these, 108 issues have been closed and 21 issues are still open.


💚 #16659 Allow className / style to be passed in to the message functions. , by thisissami
💚 #16657 TimePicker In IE browser, in the case of the selection value or the default value, it will flash in the upper left corner of the page when opened., by zhanghonghncs
💚 #16656 Modal 快速打开关闭后页面无法滚动, by 593273894
💚 #16653 use AutoComplete in Form with get getFieldDecorator can not set validateTrigger as ['onFocus'], by Xuyuey
💚 #16651 DatePicker shouldn't have min-width as inline style, by rinick
💚 #16648 Error when using HRM with less and antd (typescript), by EricAdonis
💚 #16641 feat: Allow users to define where tooltips should appear on slider marks, by cmaster11
💚 #16635 [WIP - Next] feat: Col support flex prop, by zombieJ
💚 #16610 Clicking a Slider inside a Popover closes Popover automatically on mobile, by inconduit
💚 #16609 Precision decimals losing trailing zero , by IndProgo
💚 #16607 Try axe-core to improve accessibility, by afc163
💚 #16605 docs: Add width attr to the table's grouping columns demo, by zjffun
💚 #16599 Props.form and Effects Usage Problems, by raybooysen
💚 #16591 Make Modal closeIcon customizable, by MrBr
💚 #16571 Cannot set custom attribute for testing in range picker, by patrycjakretkiewicz-epm
💚 #16570 Upload prop onRemove: allow Promise as return type, by christophehurpeau
💚 #16568 Press Enter key on DatePicker submits the form, by dsumer
💚 #16547 通过 ConfigProvider 配置的 prefixCls,在Icon组件不生效, by soguagirl
💚 #16542 svg icon not align vertical center, by SoYoung210
💚 #16535 feat: New calendar apis, renderHeader and small prop, by abgaryanharutyun
💚 #16533 Slider doesnt work in range mode, by shlomyba


❤️ #16661 Ability to switch between a dark or light theme, by andmev
❤️ #16660 default time of DatePicker should also sync millisecond, by rinick
❤️ #16658 Press Enter key - form in modal not working, by mbohovic
❤️ #16655 close #11628, by jljsj33
❤️ #16654 DatePicker在iphone6 的浏览器上选择后无法再次选择, by djl0415
❤️ #16652 使用next.js 按需加载时transition多次加载后会出现这个组件闪烁的现象,怎么处理呢, by xiaofengbai
❤️ #16650 其他脚手架使用@import '~antd/XXX.less'报错cannot resolve @import '~antd/lib/style/themes/default.less';, by birdycn
❤️ #16649 tree组件的showLine设置后,switcherIcon失效,无法自定义展开收起icon, by lymahrm
❤️ #16647 Error when using HRM with less and antd (typescript), by EricAdonis
❤️ #16646 style: unified Cascader selected style with Select, by afc163
❤️ #16645 antd table 当设置 size=samll 且添加勾选列时,勾选列遮挡了表格第一列, by yunxifd
❤️ #16644 Modal.confirm footer, by yichenw7
❤️ #16643 fix close animation, by jljsj33
❤️ #16642 table使用时,columns的第一项未设置dataIndex时,会导致的报warnging, by wuyandefeixue
❤️ #16640 Typo, by comerc
❤️ #16639 Format, by ztplz
❤️ #16638 fix: Tree.onDragEnter function parameter, by eruca
❤️ #16637 Fix docs, by ztplz
❤️ #16636 (Table)How to choose the order of the row selection column., by 1998MaxChykalo
❤️ #16634 Select Component does not remove invalid tags when options changes, by ayqy
❤️ #16633 ant design table 报错:Component definition is missing display name, by SUH11
❤️ #16632 Select Component does not remove invalid tags when options changes, by ayqy
❤️ #16631 ant design table 报错:Component definition is missing display name, by SUH11
❤️ #16630 Column onFilter value parameter undefined, by ArrieAgilite
❤️ #16629 Close open drawer component using keyboard escape key, by sagar7993
❤️ #16628 Add Validation to Typography, by DavidSichau
❤️ #16627 DatePicker选择日期后能不能自动切换到时间面板?, by Orangec765
❤️ #16626 DatePicker选择日期后能不能自动切换到时间, by Orangec765
❤️ #16625 DatePicker选择日期后能不能自动切换到时间选择?, by Orangec765
❤️ #16624 Fix incorrect tree type, by ztplz
❤️ #16623 docs: Update icons list logic, by zombieJ
❤️ #16622 InputNumber handle onChange when onBlur. But it is not change., by cxyxc
❤️ #16621 Update, by zytjs
❤️ #16620 当我在使用select组件的multiple mode的时候,可以支持自定义value的格式么, by JokerOng
❤️ #16619 docs: Change changelog format in PR template, by afc163
❤️ #16618 interface AntTreeNodeMouseEvent is wrong, by mengxiong10
❤️ #16617 Antd React Upload component adding extra content into files, by spider58
❤️ #16616 fix: 🐞 Fix selectedRows missing when there is childrenColumnName in Table, by afc163
❤️ #16615 chore: Fix affix navigator lost current class after click hashtag anchor., by gxvv
❤️ #16614 Table 设置 childrenColumnName,选择子结构好的行数据,时候selectedRows没有, by zhanghuai
❤️ #16613 Modal 是否支持拖拽及最大化功能呢?, by YvonneZh128
❤️ #16612 incorrect peer dependency for icons, by pdeva
❤️ #16611 chore: Refactor Form Layout, by zombieJ
❤️ #16608 Show table scroll by default, by aditya-padhi-kbl
❤️ #16606 table 所有列都固定宽度,内容过长时会跟表头不对齐, by Hansuku
❤️ #16604 mention组件如何清除输入的内容?, by LiuynTo
❤️ #16603 Input.Search blur 事件失效, by 434451580
❤️ #16602 after v.3.16.6 value in checkbox group is missing when use with form, by wattanapongjack
❤️ #16601 Filled and twoTone icons are missing., by ibesty
❤️ #16600 根据文档使用babel-plugin-import按需加载antd,但是npm run build 之后的包依然有600kb, by DemoHu
❤️ #16598 Table 组件在onChange 事件中 通过sorter 手动对dataSource 进行排序 dataSource顺序和渲染的顺序不能对应, by soeyi
❤️ #16597 Update, by zytjs
❤️ #16596 RangePicker时间选择结算时间月份错误, by yylink0208
❤️ #16595 [WIP] feat: Change Form margin-bottom from 32px to 24px, by zombieJ
❤️ #16594 fix: Update List typescript definition, by zombieJ
❤️ #16593 Provide a css version that supports CSS Varaibles, by qiu8310
❤️ #16592 fix: Call Carousel force update when children lenght changed, by zombieJ
❤️ #16590 the Tree onDragEnter typescript definition is wrong, by eruca
❤️ #16589 cannot set Input value when use it with AutoComplete, by Zhaojing0987
❤️ #16588 rc-calendar 依赖版本修改,3.18.1版包中并未成功修改, by ZY2071
❤️ #16587 Should the prop 'renderItem' of List component be optional in TypeScript interface, or the example code in the Document has a bug?, by ElizurHz
❤️ #16586 test: ✅ Fix snapshots, by afc163
❤️ #16585 如何在content中加入Menu组件结合Link效果, by KirySen
❤️ #16584 Prevent negative margin-bottom for form items with help (e.g. validation errors), by sbusch
❤️ #16583 Carousel lost slick dot active status after request, by rdmclin2
❤️ #16582 forwardRef error, by Vermouth1995
❤️ #16581 validateStatus, by vivilauge
❤️ #16580 select的option全部显示不要滚动条 , by vuvivian
❤️ #16579 select的option全部显示不要滚动条 , by vuvivian
❤️ #16578 select的option全部显示不要滚动条 , by vuvivian
❤️ #16577 fix(Form): improve onFieldsChange params type defs, by SylvanasGone
❤️ #16576 When the table can control the column width by dragging and dropping, if the rightmost column is fixed, there will be a blank area between the last column and the penultimate column., by SilenceOfNight
❤️ #16575 antd-react Slider组件 dots属性与step属性共同设置造成浏览器卡死, by ahwgs
❤️ #16574 能不能在 validateFields 方法中拿到 format 后的值, by qq645381995
❤️ #16573 Removing or replacing antd specific css prefix, by javahemans
❤️ #16572 Awkward navigation of AutoComplete when defaultActiveFirstOption=false and no values are selected, by ymzong
❤️ #16569 fix: Spin size not correct when set fontSize, by zombieJ
❤️ #16567 chore: feature merge master, by zombieJ
❤️ #16566 打包部署在阿里云服务器报Unexpected token export, by zyj0424
❤️ #16565 打包部署在阿里云服务器报Unexpected token export, by zyj0424
❤️ #16564 Update package.json, by afc163
❤️ #16563 FormItem中触发Form提交事件时拿到的数据错误, by gonenoob
❤️ #16562 建议在Table使用scroll属性, 且遇到空数据时, 默认隐藏水平滚动条, by VoliBearCat
❤️ #16560 Update rc-calendar to latest, by susiwen8
❤️ #16559 docs: Add changelog, by zombieJ
❤️ #16558 Ant Design 在服务端渲染的时候报 ReferenceError: window is not defined, by XiaoWuWeb
❤️ #16557 Select 使用 getFieldDecorator 装饰后,选中项后 Select 值展示未更新, by shuqinzhao
❤️ #16556 chore: update snapshot, by zombieJ
❤️ #16555 chore(deps): update rc-calendar requirement from ~9.12.1 to ~9.13.3, by dependabot[bot]
❤️ #16554 RangePicker设置showTime, by ght5935
❤️ #16553 RangePicker设置showTime,关于显示的月份, by ght5935
❤️ #16552 antd table filters can only set once, by dongyang19931108
❤️ #16551 fix: Space missing in button, by zombieJ
❤️ #16550 fix children's type of interface Route, by Gin-X
❤️ #16549 Transfer 虚拟化滚动, by DiamondYuan
❤️ #16548 封装Cascader以后不可使用resetFields()来清空值, by Hansuku
❤️ #16546 popconfirm控件问题, by nlx0201
❤️ #16545 docs: Fix theme less file load doc, by zombieJ
❤️ #16544 form组件每次输入的时候都会调用render方法,有什么方法不让他每次输入的时候都调用?, by RianMan
❤️ #16543 form组件每次输入都会调用render方法,这样性能是不是i很差,有什么办法不让他输入的时候render么, by RianMan
❤️ #16541 Ant calendar not support day view , by abgaryanharutyun
❤️ #16540 按照官网配置antd按需引入 打包后会多出来一个ICON/dist.js 400k左右的包, by xiaofeizao1996
❤️ #16539 docs: changelog for 3.18.0, by yutingzhao1991
❤️ #16538 Merge feature to master for 3.18.0, by yutingzhao1991
❤️ #16537 Merge master to feature, by yutingzhao1991
❤️ #16536 Dynamic change tabs attribute activeKey will cause CSS problems?, by 1049229070
❤️ #16534 docs: 📝 changelog for 3.17.1, by yutingzhao1991
❤️ #16532 feat: Add Mentions component, by zombieJ


👍 #16535 feat: New calendar apis, renderHeader and small prop, by abgaryanharutyun
It received 👍 x1, 😄 x0, 🎉 x0 and ❤️ x0.


🔈 #16648 Error when using HRM with less and antd (typescript), by EricAdonis
It received 17 comments.


Last week, 47 pull requests were created, updated or merged.


Last week, 15 pull requests were updated.
💛 #16641 feat: Allow users to define where tooltips should appear on slider marks, by cmaster11
💛 #16635 [WIP - Next] feat: Col support flex prop, by zombieJ
💛 #16605 docs: Add width attr to the table's grouping columns demo, by zjffun
💛 #16591 Make Modal closeIcon customizable, by MrBr
💛 #16570 Upload prop onRemove: allow Promise as return type, by christophehurpeau
💛 #16535 feat: New calendar apis, renderHeader and small prop, by abgaryanharutyun
💛 #16129 less variables for comment component font-size, by SamKirkland
💛 #16065 feat: Optionally hide mode switch in Calendar, by BenjaVR
💛 #15987 fix(PageHeader): Should be no wrap for header content, by dengfuping
💛 #15752 feat: add loading props, by chenshuai2144
💛 #15423 fix(date-picker): merge origin input and popup input focus, by Yangzhedi
💛 #15410 refactor: add @radio-wrapper-margin-right, @radio-checked-inner-scali…, by willc001
💛 #15399 Use em unit for align base of Badge, by zombieJ
💛 #14949 Hotfix/cascader placeholder, by mraiguo
💛 #14645 New component Descriptions, by chenshuai2144


Last week, 32 pull requests were merged.
💜 #16646 style: unified Cascader selected style with Select, by afc163
💜 #16643 fix close animation, by jljsj33
💜 #16639 Format, by ztplz
💜 #16638 fix: Tree.onDragEnter function parameter, by eruca
💜 #16637 Fix docs, by ztplz
💜 #16624 Fix incorrect tree type, by ztplz
💜 #16623 docs: Update icons list logic, by zombieJ
💜 #16621 Update, by zytjs
💜 #16619 docs: Change changelog format in PR template, by afc163
💜 #16616 fix: 🐞 Fix selectedRows missing when there is childrenColumnName in Table, by afc163
💜 #16615 chore: Fix affix navigator lost current class after click hashtag anchor., by gxvv
💜 #16597 Update, by zytjs
💜 #16594 fix: Update List typescript definition, by zombieJ
💜 #16592 fix: Call Carousel force update when children lenght changed, by zombieJ
💜 #16586 test: ✅ Fix snapshots, by afc163
💜 #16584 Prevent negative margin-bottom for form items with help (e.g. validation errors), by sbusch
💜 #16577 fix(Form): improve onFieldsChange params type defs, by SylvanasGone
💜 #16569 fix: Spin size not correct when set fontSize, by zombieJ
💜 #16567 chore: feature merge master, by zombieJ
💜 #16564 Update package.json, by afc163
💜 #16559 docs: Add changelog, by zombieJ
💜 #16556 chore: update snapshot, by zombieJ
💜 #16555 chore(deps): update rc-calendar requirement from ~9.12.1 to ~9.13.3, by dependabot[bot]
💜 #16551 fix: Space missing in button, by zombieJ
💜 #16550 fix children's type of interface Route, by Gin-X
💜 #16545 docs: Fix theme less file load doc, by zombieJ
💜 #16539 docs: changelog for 3.18.0, by yutingzhao1991
💜 #16538 Merge feature to master for 3.18.0, by yutingzhao1991
💜 #16537 Merge master to feature, by yutingzhao1991
💜 #16534 docs: 📝 changelog for 3.17.1, by yutingzhao1991
💜 #16532 feat: Add Mentions component, by zombieJ
💜 #16531 Just a spelling update, by abgaryanharutyun


Last week there were 48 commits.
🛠️ Merge pull request #16646 from ant-design/fix-cascader-style style: unified Cascader selected style with Select by afc163
🛠️ 💄 unified Cascader selected style with Select by afc163
🛠️ fix space missing in button (#16551) by zombieJ
🛠️ Merge pull request #16643 from ant-design/drawer-close-resume-animate fix close animation by afc163
🛠️ Update drawer.less by jljsj33
🛠️ fix close animation by jljsj33
🛠️ Merge pull request #16638 from eruca/master fix: Tree.onDragEnter function parameter by afc163
🛠️ == to === close #16640 by afc163
🛠️ Format (#16639) by ztplz
🛠️ Fix docs (#16637) by ztplz
🛠️ onDragEnter的函数定义缺少一个expandedKeys:string[]? 官方的示例里有expandedKeys, 可是typescript定义里没有,所以扩展一下 by eruca
🛠️ Fix incorrect tree type (#16624) by ztplz
🛠️ update icons logic (#16623) by zombieJ
🛠️ Merge pull request #16615 from gxvv/master chore: Fix affix navigator lost current class after click hashtag anchor. by afc163
🛠️ Merge pull request #16621 from zytjs/patch-2 Update by afc163
🛠️ Update by zytjs
🛠️ Merge pull request #16616 from ant-design/fix-selectedRows-bug fix: 🐞 Fix selectedRows missing when there is childrenColumnName in Table by afc163
🛠️ Merge pull request #16619 from ant-design/optimize-pr-template docs: Change changelog format in PR template by afc163
🛠️ 📝 Change changelog template by afc163
🛠️ 🐛 Fix selectedRows missing when there is childrenColumnName in Table close #16614 by afc163
🛠️ 💚🚨 Fix ci broken and remove linter error. by gxvv
🛠️ 🐛 Fix scroll to initial anchor on page load and scroll to top on router change. chore: Use destroy replace disable. by gxvv
🛠️ 🐛 Fix scrollama not working after unnecessary update. by gxvv
🛠️ 📝 Complete translation. by gxvv
🛠️ Merge pull request #16597 from zytjs/patch-1 Update by afc163
🛠️ Update by zytjs
🛠️ fix(Form): improve method onFieldsChange params type defs (#16577) by SylvanasGone
🛠️ fix: Update List ts definition (#16594) by zombieJ
🛠️ fix: Call Carousel force update when children lenght changed (#16592) by zombieJ
🛠️ Merge pull request #16586 from ant-design/fix-table-snapshot test: ✅ Fix snapshots by afc163
🛠️ ✅ Fix snapshots by afc163
🛠️ Merge pull request #16584 from sbusch/fix-form-item-with-help-negative-margin Prevent negative margin-bottom for form items with help (e.g. validation errors) by afc163
🛠️ prevent negative margin-bottom for form-item-with-help without this, value can become negative. this caused following fieldset to float to the right of the field with validation errors (cherry picked from commit 43da8a5a835904270a6ccf48859d7bd6d91e04cd) by sbusch
🛠️ 💄 Improve Table demo color style by afc163
🛠️ use 1em instead of fix size (#16569) by zombieJ
🛠️ [chore(deps): update rc-calendar requirement from ~9.12.1 to ~9.13.3 (#16555) Updates the requirements on rc-calendar to permit the latest version.

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot]](3033b50) by dependabot[bot]
🛠️ fix children's type of interface Route (#16550) by Gin-X
🛠️ Merge pull request #16564 from ant-design/afc163-patch-1 Update package.json by afc163
🛠️ Update package.json by afc163
🛠️ docs: Add changelog (#16559) by zombieJ
🛠️ update snapshot (#16556) by zombieJ
🛠️ Merge pull request #16538 from ant-design/feature Merge feature to master for 3.18.0 by zombieJ
🛠️ [docs: changelog for 3.18.0 (#16539) * docs: changelog for 3.18.0


Last week there were 12 contributors.
👤 afc163
👤 zombieJ
👤 jljsj33
👤 ztplz
👤 eruca
👤 zytjs
👤 gxvv
👤 SylvanasGone
👤 sbusch
👤 dependabot[bot]
👤 Gin-X
👤 yutingzhao1991


Last week there were no stargazers.


Last week there were 2 releases.
🚀 3.18.1 3.18.1
🚀 3.18.0 3.18.0

That's all for last week, please 👀 Watch and Star the repository ant-design/ant-design to receive next weekly updates. 😃

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