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Weekly Digest (22 September, 2019 - 29 September, 2019) #19053

weekly-digest bot opened this issue Sep 29, 2019 · 1 comment

Weekly Digest (22 September, 2019 - 29 September, 2019) #19053

weekly-digest bot opened this issue Sep 29, 2019 · 1 comment


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weekly-digest bot commented Sep 29, 2019

Here's the Weekly Digest for ant-design/ant-design:


Last week 113 issues were created.
Of these, 103 issues have been closed and 10 issues are still open.


💚 #19048 Pass any component inside editable Paragraph in Ant Design, by deadcoder0904
💚 #19030 ConfigProvider 引用了moment,但是项目中没用到了,能不能moment单独配置呢?, by gitHber
💚 #19015 Tabs组件的新增左右滑动功能, by cqiang1993
💚 #19013 DatePicker日期选择框缺陷, by wang-qiqi
💚 #19006 Filters in a scrolling table with selectable rows render behind rows in Internet Explorer 11, by keithort
💚 #18985 Pagination simple input 0, by drmflying
💚 #18975 support drawer wrapper body style and header style., by vipcxj
💚 #18968 Breadcrumb warning with react-router 4, by ouyuran
💚 #18951 Input 的 onChange 能否增加输入法检测, by czjxy881
💚 #18940 fix: Vertical tabs active width fix, by sosohime


❤️ #19051 Tooltip configuration, by dimitrov-adrian
❤️ #19050 Select and autocomplete issue with react-fastclick, by dimitrov-adrian
❤️ #19049 chore: Merge master into feature, by afc163
❤️ #19047 es6 modules do not work with the jest, by DenysVuika
❤️ #19046 how to check table render args is invalided, by xgqfrms
❤️ #19045 Fix/detect antd button by static, by jaredleechn
❤️ #19044 fix: IE11 syntax error, by shaodahong
❤️ #19043 【feature】message.loading 的返回提供message 实例以及类似modal.update的方法, by kanweiwei
❤️ #19042 fix: detect antd button by children.type.[staticProperty] instead of the same class, by jaredleechn
❤️ #19041 test: add test case for Collapse, by afc163
❤️ #19040 feat: TreeSelect use virtual scroll, by zombieJ
❤️ #19039 ant design pro table title 国际化切换语言需要手动刷新, by well-monkey
❤️ #19038 windows 环境下,upload 组件拖拽上传,上传不了 accept 参数对应文件格式的文件, by lz-lee
❤️ #19037 PropTypes warning when passing array format prop to RangePicker, by mobiware
❤️ #19036 Table组件表头固定,如何结合react-custom-scrollbars给Table内容做自定义滚动条的效果? , by wo-de-ping-er
❤️ #19035 Table组件表头固定,如何结合react-custom-scrollbars给内容做自定义滚动条的效果?, by wo-de-ping-er
❤️ #19034 ant-design 中Modal怎么拖动?, by ddxm1994
❤️ #19033 autoFocusButton not working in Modal, by chinhoe
❤️ #19032 Form下Input.Password eye Icon 错位, by theDoinb
❤️ #19031 test: ✅ Add more test cases for DatePicker, by afc163
❤️ #19029 fix: ssr should not render string at first, by zombieJ
❤️ #19028 WeekPicker showed there was a problem, by SherryWu7
❤️ #19027 table 扩展图标, by DragonT
❤️ #19026 Overwrite Tooltip arrow css, by agnesching19
❤️ #19025 Input.tsx的otherProps为什么不去掉size, by ahauzq
❤️ #19024 【Bug】The Select Component can not move follow with the scroll bar when used in the Drawer, by shirley5li
❤️ #19023 配合AutoComplete组件如何屏蔽掉Input组件中回车事件,想调用自己写的回车事件?, by liufenghua808
❤️ #19022 使用上传功能,限制文件类型,修改文件后缀beforeUpload事件返回的file.type还是文件原来的类型, by Judyya
❤️ #19021 @table-header-bg isn't working on Table if a size is set., by gbreux
❤️ #19020 在锁列的情况下使用 position: sticky 无法实现表头吸顶, by Wiolem
❤️ #19019 createPortal 和 ant design form的问题, by rodchen-king
❤️ #19018 table设置了scroll.y之后出现了错位, by Jkanon
❤️ #19017 ssr下avatar内部文字初始渲染变形, by Fled8617
❤️ #19016 Tabs组件的在手机端默认选中某个tabs的时候,没有出现在tabs的中间, by cqiang1993
❤️ #19014 Rename to, by fkysly
❤️ #19012 feat: Add sortColumn to title render, by swillis12
❤️ #19011 test: ✅ add more test cases for Transfer, by afc163
❤️ #19010 Radio component is unclickable in IE 11, by Mongkii
❤️ #19009 你们的代码demo不好理解啊,能每一个组件说明的同属易懂吗?代码demo特别是listView组件看不懂,可能我太菜了, by xiesantao
❤️ #19008 Add sortColumn to title render, by swillis12
❤️ #19007 Table Title render function does not have enough information about the current column that is sorted, by swillis12
❤️ #19005 Documentation site has broken functionality in Internet Explorer 11 due to a syntax error, by keithort
❤️ #19004 documentation needs to be update, by ermanzohre
❤️ #19003 fix: 🗑 Remove useless prop searchValue, by afc163
❤️ #19002 引入与Icon组件相关的任何组件都会报错,但引入与Icon无关的组件则没有报错, by warmWarmHeart
❤️ #19001 documentation needs to be update, by ermanzohre
❤️ #19000 InputNumber组件在validateTrigger: 'onBlur'情况下的问题, by Yu-Rain
❤️ #18999 循环依赖警告, by warmWarmHeart
❤️ #18998 Select 里面使用自定义的dropdownRender怎么控制显示在选择框的值。, by frankqiu0219
❤️ #18997 Select 里面使用自定义的dropdownRender怎么控制显示在选择框的值。, by frankqiu0219
❤️ #18996 Select 里面使用自定义的dropdownRender怎么控制显示在选择框的值。, by frankqiu0219
❤️ #18995 Select在对选中内容的长度处理, by lLeahDizon
❤️ #18994 fix: Button.Group large="size" icon only style, by afc163
❤️ #18993 Icon of Button used in large GroupButton is skewed, by zcmgyu
❤️ #18992 希望 TreeSelect 提供 API,支持设置鼠标 hover 输入框时显示的内容, by yangchch6
❤️ #18991 Table miss some columns when have so much columns and some columns are fixed, by cuongw
❤️ #18990 chore: Put origin img size to fill the box, by zombieJ
❤️ #18989 照片墙初始化图片长度过大,其显示效果和上传同样图片的显示效果不同, by theprimone
❤️ #18988 chore: Merge master into feature, by afc163
❤️ #18987 test: ✅ react-router@5.1 cannot work in React 15, by afc163
❤️ #18986 RadioGroup onChange twice, by monkeylp
❤️ #18984 Wrong placement of icon when using hasFeedback, by davidpanzarella
❤️ #18983 Form as a dependency to useEffect causes infinite loop, by ayayalar
❤️ #18982 AutoComplete Options are also not supporting value as integer., by storesbuzz
❤️ #18981 树形table扩展的时候,设置childrenColumnName后index.js:1 Warning: React does not recognize the noStyle prop on a DOM element., by Jeason123
❤️ #18980 expanded Table ,warning info: Warning: React does not recognize the noStyle prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase nostyle instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element., by Jeason123
❤️ #18979 feat: Grid support row vertical gutter, by sosohime
❤️ #18978 Tree组件无法点击文本选中复选框, by lemondreamtobe
❤️ #18977 docs: fix API link, by hsuanxyz
❤️ #18976 表头选择框高度和表头不等高, by lLeahDizon
❤️ #18974 Table组件单页数据500复选框很慢, by ksh033
❤️ #18973 Form.Item label position on right, by ggepenyan
❤️ #18972 在给表头分组之后,选择框的高度没有和表头高度保持一致, by lLeahDizon
❤️ #18971 table的树形数据展示demo如果设置scroll属性,有一列数据过多,表格不对齐, by ahauzq
❤️ #18970 feat: Row support vertical gutter, by sosohime
❤️ #18969 对于固定比例整体缩放的页面, by SongJuXin
❤️ #18967 Merge pull request #1 from ant-design/master, by tdida
❤️ #18966 Form item input validate error when entered (đ, ê, ô, ơ, ...). Out messages validate empty, by vanphudhsp2015
❤️ #18965 setFieldsValue的key是个变量, by lhm96762186
❤️ #18964 feat(actions): Automatic Rebase, by orzyyyy
❤️ #18963 How to import Ant Design components without default class names?, by amerllica
❤️ #18962 How can I change the state of Switch Programatically?, by mdsadique2
❤️ #18961 Merge pull request #1 from ant-design/master, by czqn8
❤️ #18960 Select Multiple does not show options, by lcorniglione
❤️ #18959 Modal.confirm 中的按钮移除空格不生效, by crazyurus
❤️ #18958 希望支持表单组件的呈现态, by janryWang
❤️ #18957 推荐插件:webpack-variable-replacer-plugin, by eaTong
❤️ #18956 最新的chrome浏览器 兼容问题, by Lhlfuture
❤️ #18955 [table] resizable-column conflict with sorter/ 【表格控件】可伸缩列与排序器冲突, by p2227
❤️ #18954 Button组件的icon属性,可否支持ReactNode类型?, by 303394539
❤️ #18953 refactor: remove deprecated lifecycle methods in Table, by afc163
❤️ #18952 chore: merge master into feature, by afc163
❤️ #18950 Select and Cascader allow set arrow position, by ilp64
❤️ #18949 fix: TreeSelect removeIcon and clearIcon not working, by sosohime
❤️ #18948 DatePicker default selected dates, by thomasbarone
❤️ #18947 chore: merge master into feature, by afc163
❤️ #18946 RowAligns add 'stretch' value, by handycode
❤️ #18945 install antd 3.23.4 , css Issue What's wrong with doing nothing help, by a985951420
❤️ #18944 getFieldDecorator 第一个参数 id,可以写嵌套的,我想问源码中哪里是解析成 'a[0].b' => {d:[{b}]} 这种的方法, by qq645381995
❤️ #18943 ConfigProvider supports configuration of global dark mode?, by ppbl
❤️ #18941 feat: Breadcrumb support data against, by sosohime
❤️ #18939 Select does not scroll on keyboard events, by smajl
❤️ #18938 form 自定义radios组合组件 rules不受控, by liangchaofei


👍 #18953 refactor: remove deprecated lifecycle methods in Table, by afc163
It received 👍 x0, 😄 x0, 🎉 x1 and ❤️ x1.


🔈 #18983 Form as a dependency to useEffect causes infinite loop, by ayayalar
It received 11 comments.


Last week, 41 pull requests were created, updated or merged.


Last week, 12 pull requests were updated.
💛 #18940 fix: Vertical tabs active width fix, by sosohime
💛 #18909 feat(Progress): add new prop orientation to display vertically, by Larissagilliane
💛 #18855 style: dark theme site, by chenshuai2144
💛 #18853 Remove the polyfill of matchMedia, by ztplz
💛 #18746 add: Typography mixins. add: Created typography variables (margin, fo…, by mucluck
💛 #18706 The background for the disabled menu item is made important, so that it does not change when hover, by alxkosov
💛 #18397 Move openAnimation out of defaultProps, by lukevella
💛 #18006 feat: added rtl direction to cascader, by saeedrahimi
💛 #17826 [Types] [Form] improve def setFieldsValue, by pierre-H
💛 #16739 feat(Table): maxSelection supported, by caosm
💛 #16591 Make Modal closeIcon customizable, by MrBr
💛 #14949 Hotfix/cascader placeholder, by mraiguo


Last week, 29 pull requests were merged.
💜 #19049 chore: Merge master into feature, by afc163
💜 #19045 Fix/detect antd button by static, by jaredleechn
💜 #19044 fix: IE11 syntax error, by shaodahong
💜 #19042 fix: detect antd button by children.type.[staticProperty] instead of the same class, by jaredleechn
💜 #19041 test: add test case for Collapse, by afc163
💜 #19040 feat: TreeSelect use virtual scroll, by zombieJ
💜 #19031 test: ✅ Add more test cases for DatePicker, by afc163
💜 #19029 fix: ssr should not render string at first, by zombieJ
💜 #19025 Input.tsx的otherProps为什么不去掉size, by ahauzq
💜 #19014 Rename to, by fkysly
💜 #19012 feat: Add sortColumn to title render, by swillis12
💜 #19011 test: ✅ add more test cases for Transfer, by afc163
💜 #19003 fix: 🗑 Remove useless prop searchValue, by afc163
💜 #18994 fix: Button.Group large="size" icon only style, by afc163
💜 #18990 chore: Put origin img size to fill the box, by zombieJ
💜 #18988 chore: Merge master into feature, by afc163
💜 #18987 test: ✅ react-router@5.1 cannot work in React 15, by afc163
💜 #18979 feat: Grid support row vertical gutter, by sosohime
💜 #18977 docs: fix API link, by hsuanxyz
💜 #18964 feat(actions): Automatic Rebase, by orzyyyy
💜 #18953 refactor: remove deprecated lifecycle methods in Table, by afc163
💜 #18952 chore: merge master into feature, by afc163
💜 #18949 fix: TreeSelect removeIcon and clearIcon not working, by sosohime
💜 #18946 RowAligns add 'stretch' value, by handycode
💜 #18941 feat: Breadcrumb support data against, by sosohime
💜 #18937 feat: upload should not be aborted until handleRemove is resolved, by ladjzero
💜 #18829 fix: Tree switcherIcon prop not working when showLine, by MrHeer
💜 #18726 feat: Flipping table to automatically scroll to the top, by MrHeer
💜 #18678 feat: support updating message content with a unique key, by wendzhue


Last week there were 32 commits.
🛠️ [Fix/detect antd button by static (#19045) * fix: detect antd button by children.type.[staticProperty] instead of same class for HOC case

close #18847](7961bb3) by afc163
🛠️ 🐛 Fix Button.Group large="size" icon only style close #18993 by afc163
🛠️ chore: Put origin img size to fill the box (#18990) by zombieJ
🛠️ ✅ update select test snapshot by afc163
🛠️ ✅ react-router@5.1 cannot work in React 15 by afc163
🛠️ 📝 Add instruction for dropdownRender by afc163
🛠️ 📝 Add recommendation for Visualization by afc163
🛠️ docs: fix API link by hsuanxyz
🛠️ 🔧 update typescript definites of third libs by afc163
🛠️ 🆙 upgrade stylelint-config-prettier by afc163
🛠️ feat(actions): Automatic Rebase by orzyyyy
🛠️ Delete publish-to-github-package.yml by orzyyyy
🛠️ 💄 improve home page button style by afc163
🛠️ 👌 add use case by MrHeer
🛠️ 🐛 fix Tree switcherIcon prop not working when showLine close #18810 by MrHeer
🛠️ [fix: TreeSelect removeIcon and clearIcon not working (#18949) * add tree-select async demo


Last week there were 12 contributors.
👤 jaredleechn
👤 shaodahong
👤 afc163
👤 zombieJ
👤 ahauzq
👤 fkysly
👤 Lyndon001
👤 hsuanxyz
👤 orzyyyy
👤 MrHeer
👤 sosohime
👤 handycode


Last week there were no stargazers.


Last week there was 1 release.
🚀 4.0.0-alpha.5 4.0.0-alpha.5

That's all for last week, please 👀 Watch and Star the repository ant-design/ant-design to receive next weekly updates. 😃

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