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Releases: apache/dolphinscheduler


17 Dec 03:44
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Bug fix

[#7039] fix that the hive data source connection failed when using Kerberos
[#7338] repairing standalone service startup failed
[#7215] fix the problem that the alarm group display cannot be displayed
[#7152] fix the problem of abnormal file upload
[#7083] fix the problem that the switch task failed to run
[#7070] fix the failure of workflow timeout policy
[#6809] fix the problem that the SQL task cannot send mail
[#7004] fix master still work when it lose zookeeper connection


[#6772] optimized the operation of some APIs
[#7166] speed up the loading of workflow instance pages
[#6934] optimize the display information of the workflow relationship page


13 Dec 06:29
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[#6597] supports dolphinscheduler upgrade from 1.x to 2.0
[#6812] speed up the site loading when project exists multi process definitions
[#6763] remove the detection of dumplicate task names
[#6655] remove the registry monitor

Bug Fix:
[#6613] fix bug in task retry mechanism
[#6707] fix error when set up the global parameters in process defintion
[#6882] fix process cannt finish and its status always be running
[#6771] fix failover worker interrupt
[#6658] fix task code in bulk definition
[#6737] fix event handle twice in two thread pool
[#6682] replace task name with task code
[#6653] fix netty client create too many channels
[#6640] fix PROCESS_HOST_UPDATE_REQUST command donot be supported.
[#6591] fix improt process definition error


26 Oct 16:08
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New Features:
[#3961]Create registry center plug-in to support different type of registry components
[#4325]Propose for process definition json split
[#5077]Add parameter transfer function between tasks
[#4355]Propose for master refactor and scheduler module
[#6417]add 'read log' in the task instance right-click context menu
[#6499]report busy state when worker is overload
[#6471]Cache process definition in master
[#6483]upgrade the druid and mysql connector version
[#4878]Add task plug-in function to support more custom task types
[#5273]Add switch task node
[#5098]Remove deduplicate logs in controllers
[#5083]Refactored data source creation
[#5172]add timing online/offline marking color
[#3805]The implement of passing variables between tasks
[#3049]Add alarm plug-in function to support more custom alarm components
[#4463]add an option to the UI page for saving the workflow definition: whether to go online? online by default First-time contributor good first issue new feature
[#3222]Store password in ciphertext instead
[#3191]add query top n process instance order by running duration

[#6550]The list of environments in the DAG task pop-up window is not updated
[#6506]Fix for DS 2.0 and add comment to install_config.conf
[#6497]Shell task can not use user defined environment correctly
[#6478]Missing history data in complement data mode
[#6352]override the old process definition when I use the copy workflow feature
[#6342]Task instance page date backfill bug
[#5701]When deleting a user, the accessToken associated with the user should also be deleted
[#4809]cannot get application status when kerberos authentication is enabled
[#4450]Hive/Spark data sources do not support multi-tenancy when Kerberos authentication is enabled bug

1.3.9 Release Notes

22 Oct 09:56
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[Feature#6022]Add standalone server module to make it easier to develop and run

[Bug#6429] [UI] sub_process node open sub_task show empty page bug
[Fix#6337][Task] sql limit param no default value

1.3.8 Release Notes

07 Sep 04:24
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[#5405] [Improvement]Docker & K8s Improvement Plan Round 2
[#5858][Improvement][Docker] Docker image should support multi-arch like arm64 in docker-compose
[#5706][Improvement][common] Upgrade the version of fastjson from 1.2.61 to 1.2.75
[#5577][Improvement][UI] Add Project Name in Project Page
[#5567][Improvement][UI] Add project id in web ui url for sharing
[#5475][Improvement][Api] Upload resource to remote failed, the local tmp file need to be cleared
[#5468][Improvement][Net]Optimize IP acquisition in complex network environment
[#5467][Improvement][UI] UI cannot be displayed normally in some browsers

[#6007][Bug][Worker] fix Wrong complement date
[#5719][Bug][K8s] Ingress ERROR io.k8s.api.networking.v1beta1.IngressSpec.tls: got "map", expected "array" On TLS enabled
[#5701][Bug][UI][DAO]When deleting a user, the accessToken associated with the user should also be deleted
[#5699][Bug][UI] Update user error in user information
[#5596][Bug][Python] Conflict between python_home and datax_home configuration in
[#5559][Bug][Master Server] Master Server was shutdown but the process still in system
[#5581][Bug][Mysql] Specific key was too long, max key length is 767 bytes for varchar(256) in some mysql with innodb_large_prefix=OFF
[#5578][Bug][Master] ServerNodeManager WorkerGroupListener capture data change and get data failed
[#5570][Bug][Worker] worker.groups in is still commented after installation in 1.3.6
[#5550][Bug][Master] remove check with executePath when kill yarn job
[#5549][Bug][Worker] SqlTask NPE
[#5431][Bug][K8s] Master and worker cannot get the right address with custom DNS in 1.3.6

1.3.6 Release Notes

28 Apr 06:48
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[#5062][Feature][Worker Group] Create/Edit/Delete Worker Group in Web UI
[#5175][Improvement][Server] Optimize and reduce worker group queries of database and zookeeper
[#4852][Feature] Support SkyWalking agent plugin
[#4837][Improvement][Docker/K8s] Docker & K8s Improvement Plan #4843 #4732 #4871 #4881 #4804 #4886 #2687 #4897 #3124 #5155 #5068 #5100 #2584 #4905 #5351
[#5023][Improvement][Docker/K8s] Improve docker and k8s #2584 #2687 #4732 #4871 #4886 #4897
[#5158][Improvement][Docker/K8s] Support more configs, more service access, skywalking configs, improve image for python, update faq and add support matrix #5155 #5068 #5141 #402 #403
[#5068][Improvement][Docker/K8s] Task support matrix and solution on docker/k8s
[#5195][Improvement][Docker/K8s] Improve feedback #5309 #5310
[#5100][Feature][K8s] Support task scalability on K8s such as Spark, Flink and DataX
[#5224][Improvement][Docker] Add workdir for dockerfile and remove redundant container_name and dolphinscheduler-postgresql-initdb
[#5310][Improvement][Server] The log "load is too high or availablePhysicalMemorySize(G) is too low" is not clear
[#5028][Feature][MR] Support MapReduce name
[#4960][Feature][Spark] Support spark name
[#4285][Feature] Add Flink job name
[#4976][Feature][Flink] Support name and parallelism input
[#4805][Improvement][SQL] Place the upgraded schema to the correct version directory and check schema errors
[#4751][Improvement][API] Improvement the duration field modify the display to a time-based minute-second format (e.g. 1d 10h 20m 1s)
[#4740][Improvement][UI] Set the default Tenant as default or the first existing tenant in the save process
[#403][Feature]The memory of worker, master, and other services does not need to be the same
[#174][Improvement][SqlTask] Add a switch to send mail and print head logs in SqlTask
[#5187][Build] Optimize long release name and remove unused nginx release
[#5087][Feature][SqlTask] Add a switch to send mail and print head logs in SqlTask
[#4624][Improvement][Server] When the server exist in the dead server list of zk,need stop service byself
[#4969][Improvement][UI] Support more file types in file detail page
[#2619][Improvement][API] /dolphinscheduler/projects/create doesn't return project ID when create successful
[#4270][Feature]support distributed tracing


[#5309][Bug][Common] memoryUsage is -33%
[#4843][Bug][Docker] 1.3.5 release compose file config error WORKER_GROUP
[#4651][Bug][Docker] Random PSQLException in docker bug
[#5351][Bug][K8s] Quartz cron task cannot take effect
[#4905][Bug][K8s] Incorrect host problem in minikube
[#5176][Bug][Server] Wrong excludeFilters cause the worker server to start the master's beans and threads like LowerWeightHostManager and RefreshResourceTask
[#5132][Bug][server] when an exception occurs in the taskExecuteThread, task cannot stop immediately
[#5115][Bug][Server] The registered address of a server is the loopback address
[#5150][Bug][Server] DB transaction failure
[#5103][Bug][Resource] The file name of File and UDF resource not changed and cannot re-upload after renaming name
[#5349][Bug][master] Manually kill the task that fails to be retried. After the parallel task succeeds, the workflow status is always running
[#5328][Bug][Bug][MasterServer] process contain depend on task is always running
[#5199][Bug][api] When sleep is included in a shell task, cannot kill the task
[#5063][SQL] Fix MySQL datasource jdbc connect parameters
[#5048][Bug][Api] Delete the stopped workflow without deleting the corresponding subprocess, the workflow instance name is not displayed in the subprocess
[#5044][Bug][Master] Fix First master fault tolerance when startup
[#5037][Bug][Server] Both the master and the worker is hanging after restarting and stopping
[#4866][Bug][Common] Not loaded hdfs-site.xml causes the client to fail to access the datanode
[#4862][Bug][Server] Kill yarn application command won't be executed when killing error bug
[#4840][Bug][Master] Master cannot fault-tolerant when multiple Masters start at the same time
[#4816][Bug][API] The API calls the workflow instance query interface and queries all the data when the time parameter is wrong
[#4738][Bug][Mail] Send mail failed instead of execute sql error
[#4760][Bug][Api] init dolphinscheduler-postgre.sql error
[#4705][Bug][API] KeeperException$NoNodeException
[#4674][Bug][UI] The tips error when login with username and without password
[#4650][Bug][Api] Process definition create, update and copy error in PostgreSQL bug
[#4716][Bug][Master,Worker] The task execution path should be calculated by the worker, not the master
[#4617][Bug][LoggerServer] task log can not refresh in time

1.3.5 Release Notes

14 Feb 06:17
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[K8s] Support resource storage when fs.defaultFS=file:///
[Docker] Update readme
[UI] Improve parameter name
[UI] download url resolve and security page disappear delay problem under GENERAL_USER
[API]enable response resources gzip compression
[#703]Docker image optimization
[#4439][API] Cors inteceptor problems
[#4418][login controller] Need password when open in new tab

[#3237][Docker] the file requirements.yaml in helm mode has error flag
[#3298][K8s]when recreate or upgrade helm release, the host ip changed
[#4691][UDF] udf jar path not exist when fs.defaultFS starts with file:///
[#4640][UI] Fixed a 404 error when the project name contains "HTTP"
[#4648][UI] TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined in createUser
[#4566][Worker] worker-server logback partial logs are not printed
[#4526][Worker] worker server doesn't work fine in K8s
[#4472][DataSource] Hive JDBC partial permission parameter concatenation JDBC URL error
[#4247][API] When schedulertime is empty, rerun the workflow, the time of the global parameter is not the latest
[#4449][API] Update workflow instance to report null point exception
[#4455]kill task error because of shell output truncation
[#4271][Logger] IOException or NoSuchFileException in logger server
[#4162][UI]fix re-login problem in new tab and state synchronization problem in multiple tabs
[#3457][Flink] fix flink args build problem

1.3.4 Release Notes

30 Dec 09:27
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[#2925][server] init TaskLogger in TaskExecuteProcessor
[ambari-update] change version from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4
[sqoop-update] modify sqoop task param when upgrade ds to 1.3.4
[#4143][quartz-update] upgrade quartz version to 2.3.0

[#2917 #4034 #4104 #4135][sqoop] sqoop optimization and bug fix
[#3177] task time parameter parsing error
[#3457][flink] fix flink args build problem
[#4034][server] fix sqoop import fail
[#3900][server] kill multi yarn app in one job
[#4054][api] fix The last week of the month for adding/editing timing, preview and save timing will report an error
[#4054][ui] Repair the last Sunday of each month
[#4084][server] fix taskInstance state change error
[#4104] fix sqoop task jdbc string contains special char
[#4135][worker] fix sqoop import hive error
[#4114][server] fix clear task execute path is related to master.
[#4084][master] fix taskInstance state change error
[#4090][dao] execute a single task in workflow throw NullPointerException
[#4190][dao] when the amount of json data is large, the process list page display slowly.
[#4218][bug] start from the setting nodes with NODE_PRE would be NPE
[#4223][ui] fix dag node name verification

1.3.3 Release Notes

09 Nov 10:02
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[#3615] [master] After the task is executed successfully, but the next task has not been submitted, stop the master,the workflow will fail
[#4010] [master] When the condition node fails, the process status is failed after fault tolerance
[#3929] [master/worker] After the master and worker are fault-tolerant, the process instance fails after the task instance is successfully executed
[#3994] [Sql] Failed to import SQL file of sql/dolphinscheduler_mysql.sql
[#3964] [api/ui] The timeout warning of sub_process does not take effect
[#3974] [api/worker] The child process does not inherit the worker group of the parent process
[#3966] [master] The timeout warning does not take effect in sub_process
[#3958] [api] files should not be created successfully in the directory of the authorized file
[#3618] [worker] Too many files will be opened because of task executed fininished but not release the file handle.
[#3615] [master] After the task is executed successfully, but the next task has not been submitted, stop the master,the workflow will fail.
[#3843] [api] When the update workflow definition name already exists, the prompt is not friendly.
[#3924] [ui] When saving the workflow definition, if the backend verification is not successful, the save popup will not close.
[#3789] [remote] support netty heart beat to resolve channel time out.
[#3836] [API] verifyProcessDefinitionName error message
[#3702] [api] Resource file reupload does not overwrite the original file. This button is an invalid one
[#3621] [master] After batch deleting the executing process instances, the master cannot get the worker feedback results
[#3617] [master] After subtask fault tolerance, 2 task instances are generated,The process instance status always is executing
[#3616] [master] When the master receives the result from the worker, the master just stops. After the master restarts, the workflow status is always executing
[#3573] [dao] potential horizontal unauthorized access
[#3887] [ui] The English version of the resource file list and UDF list data is not displayed
[#3702] [api] Resource file reupload does not overwrite the original file. This button is an invalid one
[#3487] [API] Creating folders with multiple threads will result in multiple identical folders
[#3493] [api] worker group manage ui could not display createtime and updatetime
[#3549] [Server][sqlTask]The alias column in the query SQL does not take effect
[#3792] [ui] The pie chart on the project homepage does not adapt to the screen size
[#3719] [api] The task resource could not be deleted
[#3548] [UI] Monitor gauge chart display blank with same pid bug
[#3707] [ui] The batch delete function in the workflow definition and workflow instance pages cannot be canceled if selected
[#3553] [ui] when edit the work flow,the selected connecting line has no style change,but the others have get bigger
[#3238] [docker] Can not create folder in docker with standalone mode
[#3713] [common] catfile method Stream not closed
[#3258] [api] Connot get create time and update time,report DateTimeParseException

[#3720] [ui] js mailbox verification
[#3843] [api] When the update workflow definition name already exists, the prompt is not friendly
[#3131] [api] When the new tenant already exists, the prompt is incorrect

1.3.2 Release Notes

01 Sep 07:20
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New Feature
[#2815] One worker server can set multiple worker groups
[#3370] JVM parameter optimization
[#3223] Click DAG connection to add label function

[#3536] If user didn't have tenant,create resource will NPE
[#3480] zookeeper multi directories, tasks cannot be assigned
[#3431] After the resource is re-uploaded, the deleted resource directory displayed in the workflow definition is incorrect
[#3463] rename the udf resource file associated with the udf function, Failed to execute hive task
[#3058] The task running order in the process instance does not follow the topological order in the process definition
[#3423] 1.2.0 upgrade to 1.3.2, rename the resource file, view the resource in workflow definition, the file cannot be found
[#3469] The program type of spark node is selected as PYTHON, how should the main jar package be selected
[#3462] The admin user cannot view the UDF functions created by ordinary users in the workflow definition
[#3256] admin account modify report error, caused by mobile phone
[#3364] After update the version from 1.2.0 to 1.3.1,running the spark task fail because the can't find the jar
[#3433] Release the imported process definition which version is below 1.3.0 will be failure
[#3413] shell setting form display error
[#3397] Upgrade from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0,Run the spark task, the error is "spark task params is not valid"
[#1336] Dependent execution fails after task performs serial complement
[#3390] Run hive task, udf resource path is incorrect
[#3357] Select the dag connection to pop up the label edit box
[#3258] [Worker group manage] Connot get create time and update time,report DateTimeParseException
[#3209] ambari plugin the config options which unit doesn't write into config file
[#3255] Click Cancel, the node data is restored to the original data
[#3259] Delete the pid of the master and worker processes
[#3261] When modifying the dag, if the DAG is not saved, it cannot be formatted
[#3272] Default assignment of delete condition judgment node
[#3269] Fix the problem that the label of DAG creation task is not displayed, the workflow cannot be formatted after saving, and the drawer style is global
[#3393] view the log of the subtask, prompt "task instance does not exist"

[#3351] process_definition_json contains definitionList,but this definitionList is not use
[#3327] resource file content update
[#3347] The new shell script is used to view the server processes of nodes

[#3176] optimize #3165 Gets the value of this property “”, Comparison with enumerated types