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__typename field missing in suspense queries #256

ThePatriczek opened this issue Mar 26, 2024 · 22 comments · Fixed by #257

__typename field missing in suspense queries #256

ThePatriczek opened this issue Mar 26, 2024 · 22 comments · Fixed by #257


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In version 0.8.0: __typename in every type by default
In version 0.9.0: __typename missing by default, it's included only when specific type has explicit __typename field to resolve in operation

even with cache config option addTypename: true.

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That's very curious, thank you for the report.

I can see the __typename added in SSR requests, but not in the browser.
I'll investigate.

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Could you please try this release and report back if it fixes your issue?

npm i @apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support@0.0.0-commit-4875530

It's the end of my day now, but I'll pick this back up tomorrow and your feedback would be very valuable to me!

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Could you please try this release and report back if it fixes your issue?

npm i @apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support@0.0.0-commit-4875530

It's the end of my day now, but I'll pick this back up tomorrow and your feedback would be very valuable to me!

Looks like it's fixed.
Thank you!

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One thing that has come up by investigating that I wanted to run by you:

This code path has not changed since 0.8.0. What has changed is when it is executed:

In 0.8.0 it would be executed if:

  • the connection has closed before a result could be streamed over

In 0.9.0 it would be executed it:

  • the connection has closed before a result could be streamed over
  • a query has resulted in an error during SSR

So, this should only happen in "fallback" situations.

Are you seeing this all the time in your code? If yes, could you please give an example on how you use the library, or maybe even a reproduction of this happening?

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ThePatriczek commented Mar 27, 2024

@phryneas – it happens every time with version 0.9.0

Deps version

"@apollo/client": "^3.9.9",
"@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support": "^0.9.0",

"@graphql-codegen/cli": "^5.0.2",
"@graphql-codegen/fragment-matcher": "^5.0.2",
"@graphql-codegen/near-operation-file-preset": "^3.0.0",
"@graphql-codegen/schema-ast": "^4.0.2",
"@graphql-codegen/typed-document-node": "^5.0.6",
"@graphql-codegen/typescript": "^4.0.6",
"@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations": "^4.2.0",

log from server console

  client: <ref *1> NextSSRApolloClient {
    resetStoreCallbacks: [],
    clearStoreCallbacks: [],
    link: ApolloLink {
      request: [Function (anonymous)],
      left: [ApolloLink],
      right: [HttpLink]
    cache: InMemoryCache {
      assumeImmutableResults: true,
      getFragmentDoc: [Function],
      watches: [Set],
      addTypenameTransform: [DocumentTransform],
      makeVar: [Function: makeVar],
      txCount: 0,
      config: [Object: null prototype],
      addTypename: true,
      policies: [Policies],
      data: [Root],
      optimisticData: [Stump],
      storeReader: [StoreReader],
      storeWriter: [StoreWriter],
      maybeBroadcastWatch: [Function],
      evict: [Function (anonymous)],
      modify: [Function (anonymous)],
      reset: [Function (anonymous)]
    disableNetworkFetches: false,
    queryDeduplication: true,
    defaultOptions: { query: [Object], watchQuery: [Object], mutate: [Object] },
    typeDefs: undefined,
    watchQuery: [Function: bound watchQuery],
    query: [Function: bound ],
    mutate: [Function: bound ],
    resetStore: [Function: bound ],
    reFetchObservableQueries: [Function: bound ],
    version: '3.9.9',
    localState: LocalState {
      selectionsToResolveCache: [WeakMap],
      cache: [InMemoryCache],
      client: [Circular *1]
    queryManager: QueryManager {
      clientAwareness: [Object],
      queries: [Map],
      fetchCancelFns: [Map],
      transformCache: [WeakCache],
      queryIdCounter: 5,
      requestIdCounter: 4,
      mutationIdCounter: 1,
      inFlightLinkObservables: [Trie],
      cache: [InMemoryCache],
      link: [ApolloLink],
      defaultOptions: [Object],
      queryDeduplication: true,
      localState: [LocalState],
      ssrMode: false,
      assumeImmutableResults: true,
      documentTransform: [DocumentTransform],
      defaultContext: [Object: null prototype] {},
      onBroadcast: undefined,
      [Symbol(apollo.hook.wrappers)]: [Object]
    watchQueryQueue: { push: [Function: push], register: [Function: register] },
    [Symbol(apollo.suspenseCache)]: SuspenseCache {
      queryRefs: [Trie],
      options: [Object: null prototype] {}
  data: {
    node: {
      __typename: 'TableView',
      name: 'All',
  error: undefined,
  networkStatus: 1,
  fetchMore: [Function (anonymous)],
  refetch: [Function (anonymous)],
  subscribeToMore: [Function (anonymous)]

graphql operation (separated in graphql file, generated typedNode via gql codegen)

query tableViewWithConfig($id: ID!) {
    node(id: $id) {

fragment Node on Node {

fragment DatasetView on DatasetView {

fragment Property on Property {

fragment TextProperty on TextProperty {

fragment DateProperty on DateProperty {

fragment SelectOption on SelectOption {

fragment SingleSelectProperty on SingleSelectProperty {
    options {

fragment MultiSelectProperty on MultiSelectProperty {
    options {

fragment RelationProperty on RelationProperty {
    relation {

fragment RollupProperty on RollupProperty {
    relation {
    property {

fragment Properties on Property {

fragment TableViewWithConfig on TableView {
    config {
        properties {
            options {
                property {

gql codegen config

const config: CodegenConfig = {
  schema: [
      [`${process.env.BACKEND_URL}/graphql`]: {
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
  documents: ['app/**/*.graphql'],
  generates: {
    'app/_graphql': {
      preset: 'near-operation-file',
      presetConfig: {
        extension: '.generated.ts',
        baseTypesPath: 'schema.generated.ts',
      plugins: ['typescript-operations', 'typed-document-node'],
      config: {
        scalars: codegenScalars,
    'app/_graphql/introspection.generated.json': {
      plugins: ['fragment-matcher'],
      config: {
        scalars: codegenScalars,

response in browser __typename missing


Apollo devtools field config is missing

inmemory cache config

export const defaultCacheConfig: InMemoryCacheConfig = {
  possibleTypes: introspection.possibleTypes,
  addTypename: true,
  dataIdFromObject(responseObject) {
    if (typeof === 'string') {
      return //? Global Object Identification

    return defaultDataIdFromObject(responseObject)
  typePolicies: {
    Workspace: {
      fields: {
        datasets: {
          read: (existing: Dataset[] | undefined, { canRead }) =>
    Record: {
      fields: {
        properties: (existing: PropertyValue[] | undefined, { canRead }) =>
          existing?.filter((propertyValue) => canRead(,
    TableView: {
      fields: {
        data: relayStylePagination(),
    AttachmentValue: {
      fields: {
        attachments: {
          read: (existing: Attachment[] | undefined, { canRead }) =>
    RelationValue: {
      fields: {
        records: {
          read: (existing: Record[] | undefined, { canRead }) =>
    PropertySettings: {
      fields: {
        options: (existing: ViewOption[] | undefined, { canRead }) =>
          existing?.filter((option) => canRead(,
    Dataset: {
      fields: {
        records: {
          read: (existing: Record[] | undefined, { canRead }) =>

export const createCache = () => new NextSSRInMemoryCache(defaultCacheConfig)

apollo wrapper

'use client'
// ^ this file needs the "use client" pragma

import { ApolloLink, HttpLink, split } from '@apollo/client'
import {
} from '@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr'
import { GraphQLWsLink } from '@apollo/client/link/subscriptions'
import { createClient } from 'graphql-ws'
import { Kind, OperationTypeNode } from 'graphql/language'
import { getMainDefinition } from '@apollo/client/utilities'
import { loadDevMessages, loadErrorMessages } from '@apollo/client/dev'
import { setVerbosity } from 'ts-invariant'
import { createCache } from '@/_graphql/apollo/createCache'
import { getApolloClientDefaultOptions } from '@/_graphql/apollo/getApolloClientDefaultOptions'
import { getGraphqlWsUri } from '../utils/getGraphqlWsUri'
import { getGraphqlHttpUri } from '../utils/getGraphqlHttpUri'
import { getAuthLink } from './getAuthLink'
import { getErrorLink } from './getErrorLink'

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {

// have a function to create a client for you
const makeClient = (cookie: string) => () => {
  const errorLink = getErrorLink()
  const authLink = getAuthLink()
  const httpLink = new HttpLink({
    uri: getGraphqlHttpUri(),
    fetchOptions: { cache: 'no-store' },
    credentials: 'include',
    headers: {

  return new NextSSRApolloClient({
    // use the `NextSSRInMemoryCache`, not the normal `InMemoryCache`
    connectToDevTools: typeof window !== 'undefined',
    cache: createCache(),
    defaultOptions: getApolloClientDefaultOptions(),
      typeof window === 'undefined'
        ? ApolloLink.from([
            // in a SSR environment, if you use multipart features like
            // @defer, you need to decide how to handle these.
            // This strips all interfaces with a `@defer` directive from your queries.
            new SSRMultipartLink({
              stripDefer: true,
        : ApolloLink.from([
              ({ query }) => {
                const mainDefinition = getMainDefinition(query)
                return (
                  mainDefinition.kind === Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION &&
                  mainDefinition.operation === OperationTypeNode.SUBSCRIPTION
              new GraphQLWsLink(
                  url: getGraphqlWsUri(),
                  keepAlive: 10_000,
                  connectionParams: () => ({
                    // Authorization: getCookie(cookie, 'accessToken'),

// you need to create a component to wrap your app in
export const ApolloWrapper = ({
}: React.PropsWithChildren<{ cookie: string }>) => {
  return (
    <ApolloNextAppProvider makeClient={makeClient(cookie)}>

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@phryneas Maybe could be problem with my cache config and dataIdFromObject?

  dataIdFromObject(responseObject) {
    if (typeof === 'string') {
      return //? Global Object Identification

    return defaultDataIdFromObject(responseObject)

I use the node interface and rely on the fact that objects can be identified just by ID (Global object identification standard, relay like)

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Could you set the log level to debug and see what it logs you in the browser?

import { setVerbosity } from "ts-invariant";

Also, which hooks are you using in your components?

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ThePatriczek commented Mar 27, 2024

received data from the server

    "rehydrate": {
        ":R6uuulsmukq:": {
            "data": {},
            "complete": false,
            "missing": "Dangling reference to missing RGF0YXNldDoyNzI4Y2NlNC0yMjQxLTRhM2MtYjM0MS1lNTFmODlkN2M4M2E object"
        ":R2muuulsmukq:": {
            "data": {},
            "complete": false,
            "missing": "Dangling reference to missing RGF0YXNldDoyNzI4Y2NlNC0yMjQxLTRhM2MtYjM0MS1lNTFmODlkN2M4M2E object"
        ":R1d5auuulsmukq:": {
            "loading": true,
            "networkStatus": 1,
            "called": true
        ":Rnjfeuuulsmukq:": {
            "data": {
                "node": {
                    "__typename": "TableView",
                    "name": "All",
                    "id": "VGFibGVWaWV3OjNmOTg1MzM1LTVkZGQtNGE2OC04YjJkLTNhMWUxMTk1NjAyYw"
            "networkStatus": 7
        ":R1njfeuuulsmukq:": {
            "data": {
                "node": {
                    "__typename": "TableView",
                    "name": "All",
                    "id": "VGFibGVWaWV3OjNmOTg1MzM1LTVkZGQtNGE2OC04YjJkLTNhMWUxMTk1NjAyYw"
            "networkStatus": 1
        ":R1njfeuuulsmukqH1:": {
            "data": {
                "node": {
                    "__typename": "TableView",
                    "recordCount": 4,
                    "id": "VGFibGVWaWV3OjNmOTg1MzM1LTVkZGQtNGE2OC04YjJkLTNhMWUxMTk1NjAyYw"
            "loading": true,
            "networkStatus": 1,
            "called": true
        ":R1njfeuuulsmukqH2:": {
            "data": {
                "node": {
                    "__typename": "Dataset",
                    "name": "suspense test",
                    "id": "RGF0YXNldDoyNzI4Y2NlNC0yMjQxLTRhM2MtYjM0MS1lNTFmODlkN2M4M2E"
            "loading": true,
            "networkStatus": 1,
            "called": true
        ":Rquuulsmukq:": {
            "data": {
                "node": {
                    "__typename": "Dataset",
                    "views": [
                            "__typename": "TableView",
                            "recordCount": 4,
                            "name": "All",
                            "id": "VGFibGVWaWV3OjNmOTg1MzM1LTVkZGQtNGE2OC04YjJkLTNhMWUxMTk1NjAyYw"
                    "name": "suspense test",
                    "members": [
                            "__typename": "Member",
                            "user": {
                                "__typename": "User",
                                "name": "Szewczyk Patrik",
                                "email": "",
                                "id": "VXNlcjowNWY2MjRjMC1lYzEwLTExZTktYThlNC05OWY4ZjRkODZmMzA"
                            "permission": "FULL_ACCESS"
                    "id": "RGF0YXNldDoyNzI4Y2NlNC0yMjQxLTRhM2MtYjM0MS1lNTFmODlkN2M4M2E"
            "networkStatus": 7
    "events": [
            "type": "started",
            "options": {
                "variables": {
                    "datasetId": "RGF0YXNldDoyNzI4Y2NlNC0yMjQxLTRhM2MtYjM0MS1lNTFmODlkN2M4M2E",
                    "includeMembers": true
                "fetchPolicy": "cache-first",
                "query": {
                    "kind": "Document",
                    "definitions": [
                            "kind": "OperationDefinition",
                            "operation": "query",
                            "name": {
                                "kind": "Name",
                                "value": "datasetViews"
                            "variableDefinitions": [
                                    "kind": "VariableDefinition",
                                    "variable": {
                                        "kind": "Variable",
                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
                                            "value": "datasetId"
                                    "type": {
                                        "kind": "NonNullType",
                                        "type": {
                                            "kind": "NamedType",
                                            "name": {
                                                "kind": "Name",
                                                "value": "ID"
                                    "kind": "VariableDefinition",
                                    "variable": {
                                        "kind": "Variable",
                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
                                            "value": "includeMembers"
                                    "type": {
                                        "kind": "NonNullType",
                                        "type": {
                                            "kind": "NamedType",
                                            "name": {
                                                "kind": "Name",
                                                "value": "Boolean"
                                    "defaultValue": {
                                        "kind": "BooleanValue",
                                        "value": false
                            "selectionSet": {
                                "kind": "SelectionSet",
                                "selections": [
                                        "kind": "Field",
                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
                                            "value": "node"
                                        "arguments": [
                                                "kind": "Argument",
                                                "name": {
                                                    "kind": "Name",
                                                    "value": "id"
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                                                    "kind": "Variable",
                                                    "name": {
                                                        "kind": "Name",
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                                                    "kind": "InlineFragment",
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                                                        "kind": "NamedType",
                                                        "name": {
                                                            "kind": "Name",
                                                            "value": "Dataset"
                                                    "selectionSet": {
                                                        "kind": "SelectionSet",
                                                        "selections": [
                                                                "kind": "FragmentSpread",
                                                                "name": {
                                                                    "kind": "Name",
                                                                    "value": "Dataset"
                                                                "kind": "FragmentSpread",
                                                                "name": {
                                                                    "kind": "Name",
                                                                    "value": "DatasetWithMembers"
                                                                "directives": [
                                                                        "kind": "Directive",
                                                                        "name": {
                                                                            "kind": "Name",
                                                                            "value": "include"
                                                                        "arguments": [
                                                                                "kind": "Argument",
                                                                                "name": {
                                                                                    "kind": "Name",
                                                                                    "value": "if"
                                                                                "value": {
                                                                                    "kind": "Variable",
                                                                                    "name": {
                                                                                        "kind": "Name",
                                                                                        "value": "includeMembers"
                                                                "kind": "Field",
                                                                "name": {
                                                                    "kind": "Name",
                                                                    "value": "views"
                                                                "selectionSet": {
                                                                    "kind": "SelectionSet",
                                                                    "selections": [
                                                                            "kind": "FragmentSpread",
                                                                            "name": {
                                                                                "kind": "Name",
                                                                                "value": "DatasetView"
                                                                            "kind": "Field",
                                                                            "name": {
                                                                                "kind": "Name",
                                                                                "value": "recordCount"
                            "kind": "FragmentDefinition",
                            "name": {
                                "kind": "Name",
                                "value": "Node"
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                                "name": {
                                    "kind": "Name",
                                    "value": "Node"
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                                "kind": "SelectionSet",
                                "selections": [
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                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
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                            "name": {
                                "kind": "Name",
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                                "name": {
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                                    "value": "Dataset"
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                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
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                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
                                            "value": "name"
                            "kind": "FragmentDefinition",
                            "name": {
                                "kind": "Name",
                                "value": "User"
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                                "name": {
                                    "kind": "Name",
                                    "value": "User"
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                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
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                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
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                                        "name": {
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                            "name": {
                                "kind": "Name",
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                                "name": {
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                                        "name": {
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                                        "name": {
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                                                    "name": {
                                                        "kind": "Name",
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                                                        "selections": [
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                                                                "name": {
                                                                    "kind": "Name",
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                                                    "name": {
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                                                        "value": "permission"
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                            "name": {
                                "kind": "Name",
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                                "name": {
                                    "kind": "Name",
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                                            "kind": "Name",
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                                        "kind": "Field",
                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
                                            "value": "name"
                "notifyOnNetworkStatusChange": false
            "id": "1"
            "type": "started",
            "options": {
                "variables": {
                    "id": "VGFibGVWaWV3OjNmOTg1MzM1LTVkZGQtNGE2OC04YjJkLTNhMWUxMTk1NjAyYw"
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                "query": {
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                    "definitions": [
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                            "name": {
                                "kind": "Name",
                                "value": "datasetView"
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                                    "kind": "VariableDefinition",
                                    "variable": {
                                        "kind": "Variable",
                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
                                            "value": "id"
                                    "type": {
                                        "kind": "NonNullType",
                                        "type": {
                                            "kind": "NamedType",
                                            "name": {
                                                "kind": "Name",
                                                "value": "ID"
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                                "selections": [
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                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
                                            "value": "node"
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                                                "kind": "Argument",
                                                "name": {
                                                    "kind": "Name",
                                                    "value": "id"
                                                "value": {
                                                    "kind": "Variable",
                                                    "name": {
                                                        "kind": "Name",
                                                        "value": "id"
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                                            "kind": "SelectionSet",
                                            "selections": [
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                                                    "name": {
                                                        "kind": "Name",
                                                        "value": "DatasetView"
                            "kind": "FragmentDefinition",
                            "name": {
                                "kind": "Name",
                                "value": "Node"
                            "typeCondition": {
                                "kind": "NamedType",
                                "name": {
                                    "kind": "Name",
                                    "value": "Node"
                            "selectionSet": {
                                "kind": "SelectionSet",
                                "selections": [
                                        "kind": "Field",
                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
                                            "value": "id"
                            "kind": "FragmentDefinition",
                            "name": {
                                "kind": "Name",
                                "value": "DatasetView"
                            "typeCondition": {
                                "kind": "NamedType",
                                "name": {
                                    "kind": "Name",
                                    "value": "DatasetView"
                            "selectionSet": {
                                "kind": "SelectionSet",
                                "selections": [
                                        "kind": "FragmentSpread",
                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
                                            "value": "Node"
                                        "kind": "Field",
                                        "name": {
                                            "kind": "Name",
                                            "value": "name"
                "notifyOnNetworkStatusChange": false
            "id": "3"
            "type": "data",
            "id": "3",
            "result": {
                "data": {
                    "node": {
                        "__typename": "TableView",
                        "name": "All",
                        "id": "VGFibGVWaWV3OjNmOTg1MzM1LTVkZGQtNGE2OC04YjJkLTNhMWUxMTk1NjAyYw"
            "type": "complete",
            "id": "3"
            "type": "data",
            "id": "1",
            "result": {
                "data": {
                    "node": {
                        "__typename": "Dataset",
                        "views": [
                                "__typename": "TableView",
                                "recordCount": 4,
                                "name": "All",
                                "id": "VGFibGVWaWV3OjNmOTg1MzM1LTVkZGQtNGE2OC04YjJkLTNhMWUxMTk1NjAyYw"
                        "name": "suspense test",
                        "members": [
                                "__typename": "Member",
                                "user": {
                                    "__typename": "User",
                                    "name": "Szewczyk Patrik",
                                    "email": "",
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phryneas commented Mar 27, 2024

streaming connection closed before server query could be fully transported, rerunning:

This should be an exception, not the norm every time you render a component or page - it should only happen if you use useBackgroundQuery without running useReadQuery on the queryRef. Is that the case here? What (hook?) is triggering these queries?

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ThePatriczek commented Mar 27, 2024

Nope, I use useSuspenseQuery

 const result = useSuspenseQuery(TableViewWithConfigDocument,{
    variables: { id },

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phryneas commented Mar 27, 2024

It looks like your datasetViews and datasetView queries are correctly transported over, but then the rendering of your React tree ends (and thus, the connection closes) before tableViewWithConfig can finish transporting to the browser.

Do you have any possible explanation for this, e.g. components triggering an error and triggering an error boundary during SSR? (Or is tableViewWithConfig maybe triggered from something that's not useSuspenseQuery?)

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ThePatriczek commented Mar 27, 2024

I have no errors in browser console nor in server console or even error boundaries in code, 0 fallbacks to Error.tsx in routing, Apollo error link – nothing...

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And with logging enabled, do you get that same

streaming connection closed before server query could be fully transported, rerunning:

in 0.8.0?

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@phryneas There is no any verbose logs in version 0.8.0

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Nothing? That seems wrong, even in a 100% success, it should log something.

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@phryneas phryneas reopened this Mar 27, 2024
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This should not have autoclosed, I'm just getting #257 released as 0.9.1 on the side, because that's definitely a necessary bugfix regardless if we find something on top of it here :)

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ThePatriczek commented Mar 27, 2024

Nothing? That seems wrong, even in a 100% success, it should log something.


I can't see any logs related with apollo/react, 0 verbose

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phryneas commented Mar 27, 2024

They should come out as debug level - you should definitely be hitting this line in the 0.8.0 release:

invariant.debug(`received data from the server:`, parsed);

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Problem is: I'd love to help you further with this, but it's the end of my day again and I'll be away for the next 5 days.

As for now, I've published the __typename fix as 0.9.1 as that's all I can do.

It would be great if in the meantime you could provide me with some kind of reproduction for that early-closing stream that you are seeing, as I can't reproduce that here in any of our integration tests.

I'd love to dig deeper into this as soon as I'm back.

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ThePatriczek commented Mar 28, 2024

I found the problem of why an unnecessary query was called in the browser and data was missing on the server, a node query with the same __typename was processed somewhere outside the Component that called useSuspenseQuery hook, and because of returnPartialData: true in my client config, incomplete data was pulled from the cache on the server in the suspense query of that node of course...

My mistake, I'm sorry, but the hotfix 0.9.1 with the __typename in the browser operation was still necessary.

import type { DefaultOptions } from '@apollo/client'

export const getApolloClientDefaultOptions = (): DefaultOptions => ({
  query: {
    errorPolicy: 'all',
    returnPartialData: true, // config field missing on server problem
    fetchPolicy: 'cache-first',
  watchQuery: {
    errorPolicy: 'all',
    returnPartialData: true, // config field missing on server problem
    fetchPolicy: 'cache-first',
  mutate: {
    errorPolicy: 'all',
    onQueryUpdated: (observableQuery) => observableQuery.refetch(),

So I set the field returnPartialData to typeof window !== 'undefined'

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Great that you found it!

I just got another idea that might add a puzzle piece here, so I'm writing from my vacation account 😅

Before 0.9.0, you needed to use the hooks imported from "@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr" - if you didn't do that, the package couldn't transport data over.

Since 0.9.0, you just need to create the NextSSRApolloClient/InMemoryCache from the "@apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr" package - and it also works if you use the hooks imported from @apollo/client.

So my guess here why you don't see any logs when going back to 0.8.0 would be: did you maybe import the hooks from the (back then) wrong package?

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