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Releases: appbaseio/abc

Fix config file params issue

13 Sep 19:44
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  • Fix: Import params can be picked up from the config file.

Implements fix for ssl flag

11 Sep 21:18
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creates patch release

Add support for SSL

11 Sep 19:15
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Release Notes

  • Adds a fix in the --tail flag,
  • Adds support for --ssl flag to enable SSL connection to the source.

Fix tailing behavior for Elasticsearch

05 Sep 15:35
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Use the --tail flag in Elasticsearch to sync data continuously when it is read continuously from the source.

Fixes MongoDB tail and resume tail

28 Aug 22:35
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  • Fixes the behavior of MongoDB tail and adds resume tail - #91.

Import perf improvements

23 Aug 20:57
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  • 10-20% perf improvements for bulk indexing data to Elasticsearch
  • fixes a bug where bulk indexing constraints set by user weren't followed.

Docker image is available here.

Import improvements and bug fixes

20 Aug 22:13
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Adds a new adaptor for importing data from Firestore #95 and makes improvements to the Elasticsearch import process #100, allowing to configure # of documents / request size to index in one bulk request. Also includes improvements to the JSON importer for handling large JSON files.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes app creation command #98
  • A small typo fix #96

Patch: Fix support for multiple tables in MySQL

12 Jun 19:05
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  • Adds a fix to support importing multiple tables from a MySQL database

New kafka adaptor

27 Jan 09:23
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This version adds a new kafka adaptor which can tail data from one or more topics in realtime.

There's a new abc license command which details the license and credits project from which the abc import command is derived.

You can use the platform specific release binaries or get the docker image. 🍾

Patch Release

14 Nov 20:03
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  • Adds a helpful message for a non-logged in user trying the abc login command.