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153 lines (100 loc) · 12.9 KB

Report for assignment 3

This is the report for assignment 3 of the DD2480 course.


OpenCensus is a telemetry framework. This is the Java library. Its main use is collecting metrics about the use of a program and exporting them.

Onboarding experience

Project had build instructions in Following them with Java 13 gave an error. The file mentioned that the project uses Java 6, which isn't supported anymore. openjdk-8-jdk seemed to work, though. The local build then took 20 minutes on a laptop, but gave no errors.

Problems with mockito was discovered when trying to assemble the program, errors generated was java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0,000100" this was solved by running the command: 'export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=" -Duser.language=en"' which change locale.



lizard --CCN 8 --languages java --sort cyclomatic_complexity --exclude "*/contrib/*" opencensus-java/

in a clean repo gives

  NLOC    CCN   token  PARAM  length  location  
      20     14    124      1      20 Tracestate::validateKey@231-250@opencensus-java/api/src/main/java/io/opencensus/trace/
      37     13    277      2      42 StackdriverExportUtils::setResourceForBuilder@510-551@opencensus-java/exporters/stats/stackdriver/src/main/java/io/opencensus/exporter/stats/stackdriver/
      47     12    383      2      53 TraceContextFormat::extract@111-163@opencensus-java/impl_core/src/main/java/io/opencensus/implcore/trace/propagation/
      31     11    176      2      32 Metric::checkTypeMatch@105-136@opencensus-java/api/src/main/java/io/opencensus/metrics/export/
      49     10    351      1      49 VarInt::getVarLong@216-264@opencensus-java/impl_core/src/main/java/io/opencensus/implcore/internal/
      39     10    232      1      44 ServerStatsEncoding::parseBytes@81-124@opencensus-java/api/src/main/java/io/opencensus/common/
     104     10    742      4     113 PrometheusExportUtils::getSamples@148-260@opencensus-java/exporters/stats/prometheus/src/main/java/io/opencensus/exporter/stats/prometheus/
      56     10    542      2      56 JsonConversionUtils::convertToJson@111-166@opencensus-java/exporters/trace/elasticsearch/src/main/java/io/opencensus/exporter/trace/elasticsearch/
      51     10    466      1      52 InstanaExporterHandler::convertToJson@125-176@opencensus-java/exporters/trace/instana/src/main/java/io/opencensus/exporter/trace/instana/
      32      9    227      1      39 BinaryFormatImpl::fromByteArray@109-147@opencensus-java/impl_core/src/main/java/io/opencensus/implcore/trace/propagation/
      30      9    217      1      30 TagContext::equals@63-92@opencensus-java/api/src/main/java/io/opencensus/tags/
      23      9    144      2      23 Duration::create@53-75@opencensus-java/api/src/main/java/io/opencensus/common/
      43      9    408      2      52 ZipkinExporterHandler::generateSpan@105-156@opencensus-java/exporters/trace/zipkin/src/main/java/io/opencensus/exporter/trace/zipkin/

We had three group members count the cyclomatic complexity of 4 methods. Our results varied, both among ourselves and compared to Lizard. We are not sure how that happened. It looks like Lizard might ignore throw, where some of us counted it as an exit point and deducted 1.

L 1 2 3
generateSpan() 9 9 6 9
create() 9 4 2 4
equals() 9 9 7 7
fromByteArray() 9 4 4 4

OpenCensus can upload data to various backends. ZipkinExporterHandler contains static methods to aid in doing so for Zipkin. generateSpan() is one of them. It generates a span, something like a single query, for the Zipkin library using the appropriate data. This method is undocumented. Could move out some checking.

Duration represents a span of time (not to be confused with the other span). Its static method create() instantiates one. This is done with a static method instead of a constructor because the AutoValue code generator is used. The documentation clearly states why an Exception might occur. Could improve complexity by using library methods.

TagContext is used to contain metadata about operations. equals() is a standard override comparing contained keys and values. The documentation clearly states that it will return true if they are the same and false otherwise.

BinaryFormatImpl is a helper class for SpanContext. SpanContext represents the associated state for a Span. fromByteArray() generates one from a byte array. The method is undocumented, but the method it overrides contains documentation explaining succinctly when Exceptions are thrown.

ServerStatsEncoding is a class that encodes/decodes ServerStats (a representation of stats measured on the server side). The method parseBytes() decodes a serialized byte array. If the decoding succeed it returns the decoded value, otherwise null. The documentation clearly states the return value, but isn't clear on when the method throws exceptions.

Tracestate is a class that carries tracing-system specific context in a list of key-value pairs. The method validateKey() verifies that a key is valid, i.e. follows a set of pre-defined rules. This is clear from the method name, but not further documented.

Metric is a class that represent a datamodel for what exporters takes as input. The method checkTypeMatch() check that the different arguments are of the correct type, i.e. Long, Double etc. The method is undocumented.

Instana is a APM that can be used for automatic visualization and performance analysis. The class InstanaExporterHandler handles a Span and exports its data in different formats. The class contains the function convertToJson() that converts the data to a JSON string. The method is undocumented but always returns a JSON string as expected.

None of the methods are outrageously long, but all of them except for create() could feasibly be shortened. Our opinion is that this project is mostly well factored already, with only small improvements possible.



Adding the logging for DIY coverage was easy. However, the settings to show the logs were mistakenly added to the wrong build.gradle, which required some debugging. Because August had some experience using Unix tools, the processing of the logs went quickly.


The lines added are shown in commits fe6eaa8 and 30393ab.


./gradlew cleanTest test > logs

followed by

grep -E -- 'validateKey|setResourceForBuilder|extract|checkTypeMatch|getVarLong|parseBytes|getSamples|convertToJson|convertToJson|fromByteArray|equals|create|generateSpan' logs | sort -u > results

followed by some minor processing results in results, which can be manually inspected to see what branches are missing.

The uncovered branches found are as following:

Method Uncovered %
checkTypeMatch None 100%
convertToJson (InstanaExporterHandler) 2, 3, 5, 8 5/9
create None 100%
equals None 100%
extract None 100%
fromByteArray None 100%
generateSpan 7 7/8
getSamples 2--6 1/6
convertToJson (JsonConversionUtils) 1, 3, 6, 7, 11 6/11
parseBytes None 100%
setResourceForBuilder 1, 6, 8, 9 12/16
validateKey None 100%


Logging was added to if, while, catch and for branches. Empty else blocks were added where needed. No attempt was made to log logical branches (|| and &&). There were no ternary operations in the covered methods.

The two limitations to the tool is that it doesn't cover all kinds of branches and (mainly) that it is not really automatic.

Yes, the results of our tools are consistent with the existing coverage tools. Test cases for branches which are uncovered previously are added without disturbing the original test cases. Therefore, the coverage rate has been improved. For example, regarding convertToJson (JsonConversionUtils), the previous test cases leave out branches 1, 3, 6, 7 and 11. By using the newly added test cases, braches 1, 3 and 6 can be tested.

Coverage improvement

Show the comments that describe the requirements for the coverage.

Report of old coverage: results

Report of new coverage: results2

Test cases added are available in the following commits:


In the refactorization of the methods generateSpan() & create() we rewrote some branching statements to lower the CCN as well as moving them to a new methods which gets called instead of being built in.

extract() is refactored by extracting a complicated logical compound statement into a separate method. This reduces the CC of the method and makes the code more self-documenting, ideally. Because the statement is only moved, it is however arguable if it makes much difference for the CC. The method becomes easier to read, but if it's important to see the exact check you need to scroll down.

The function equals() can be refactored into a smaller function by moving the second while loop to a new method which executes the same instructions. The method would take the HashMap tags as input and return either false or tags.

The benefit of refactoring a function is that it provides a simple and effective way to decrease the CCN, which in turn facilitates writing test cases to achieve full coverage of the function. Other pros of refactoring is that it could improve the design of the software, make the software simpler to understand and generate overall improvement.

The cons however of refactoring by oursourcing to new methods is that those methods requires new test cases to be made in order to achieve full coverage. With refactoring you also run the risk of introducing new bugs which could be time consuming to solve, and time spent inefficiently could be costly.

When refactoring one should strive for reusing code as much as possible, this will facilitate the development since it will be easier to manage and achieve a high coverage.

Overall experience

We learned the difficulty of supporting different Java versions. One takeaway is that Google code generators (AutoValue) may have a lot of benefits, but also increase the threshold to get started in a project.

We think this project is a lot more complicated than some other projects, with lots of submodules, dependencies and requirements. We managed to dive into this project even so, and even though the code was well factored in the first place, we think we managed to make valuable refactorings. We think that should be counted for P+.