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base repository: aws/aws-sdk-js-v3
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base: v3.600.0
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head repository: aws/aws-sdk-js-v3
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compare: v3.602.0
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  • 19 commits
  • 173 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jun 19, 2024

  1. feat(client-direct-connect): Add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests…

    … trait for SDK testing.
    awstools committed Jun 19, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    00b2422 View commit details
  2. feat(client-cost-and-usage-report-service): Add v2 smoke tests and sm…

    …ithy smokeTests trait for SDK testing.
    awstools committed Jun 19, 2024


    This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
    0x326 John Meyer
    Copy the full SHA
    8f6aed8 View commit details
  3. feat(client-artifact): This release adds an acceptanceType field to t…

    …he ReportSummary structure (used in the ListReports API response).
    awstools committed Jun 19, 2024


    This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
    0x326 John Meyer
    Copy the full SHA
    1d233bf View commit details
  4. feat(client-elastic-transcoder): Add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeT…

    …ests trait for SDK testing.
    awstools committed Jun 19, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    78789c4 View commit details
  5. feat(client-athena): Add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests trait f…

    …or SDK testing.
    awstools committed Jun 19, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    7b7b5ec View commit details
  6. feat(client-opensearch): This release enables customers to use JSON W…

    …eb Tokens (JWT) for authentication on their Amazon OpenSearch Service domains.
    awstools committed Jun 19, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    145a976 View commit details
  7. Copy the full SHA
    a8b4514 View commit details
  8. Publish v3.601.0

    awstools committed Jun 19, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    622edd0 View commit details

Commits on Jun 20, 2024

  1. docs(client-dynamodb): Doc-only update for DynamoDB. Fixed Important …

    …note in 6 Global table APIs - CreateGlobalTable, DescribeGlobalTable, DescribeGlobalTableSettings, ListGlobalTables, UpdateGlobalTable, and UpdateGlobalTableSettings.
    awstools committed Jun 20, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    249cd33 View commit details
  2. feat(client-bedrock-runtime): This release adds document support to C…

    …onverse and ConverseStream APIs
    awstools committed Jun 20, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    7f5bfb9 View commit details
  3. feat(client-glue): Fix Glue paginators for Jobs, JobRuns, Triggers, B…

    …lueprints and Workflows.
    awstools committed Jun 20, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    8741cd4 View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    e0f0232 View commit details
  5. feat(client-sagemaker): Adds support for model references in Hub serv…

    …ice, and adds support for cross-account access of Hubs
    awstools committed Jun 20, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    1048205 View commit details
  6. feat(client-cost-optimization-hub): This release enables AWS Cost Opt…

    …imization Hub to show cost optimization recommendations for Amazon RDS MySQL and RDS PostgreSQL.
    awstools committed Jun 20, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    52a0e8f View commit details
  7. feat(client-ivs-realtime): IVS Real-Time now offers customers the abi…

    …lity to record individual stage participants to S3.
    awstools committed Jun 20, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    b3374d1 View commit details
  8. feat(client-compute-optimizer): This release enables AWS Compute Opti…

    …mizer to analyze and generate optimization recommendations for Amazon RDS MySQL and RDS PostgreSQL.
    awstools committed Jun 20, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    1cf227f View commit details
  9. Copy the full SHA
    6d048ab View commit details
  10. Copy the full SHA
    f9179c6 View commit details
  11. Publish v3.602.0

    awstools committed Jun 20, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    f922dc1 View commit details
Showing with 9,878 additions and 3,382 deletions.
  1. +35 −0
  2. +19 −0 clients/client-artifact/
  3. +1 −1 clients/client-artifact/package.json
  4. +16 −0 clients/client-artifact/src/commands/GetAccountSettingsCommand.ts
  5. +20 −0 clients/client-artifact/src/commands/GetReportCommand.ts
  6. +32 −0 clients/client-artifact/src/commands/GetReportMetadataCommand.ts
  7. +18 −0 clients/client-artifact/src/commands/GetTermForReportCommand.ts
  8. +31 −0 clients/client-artifact/src/commands/ListReportsCommand.ts
  9. +18 −0 clients/client-artifact/src/commands/PutAccountSettingsCommand.ts
  10. +6 −0 clients/client-artifact/src/models/models_0.ts
  11. +1 −0 clients/client-artifact/src/protocols/Aws_restJson1.ts
  12. +11 −0 clients/client-bedrock-runtime/
  13. +1 −1 clients/client-bedrock-runtime/package.json
  14. +28 −0 clients/client-bedrock-runtime/src/commands/ConverseCommand.ts
  15. +14 −0 clients/client-bedrock-runtime/src/commands/ConverseStreamCommand.ts
  16. +125 −0 clients/client-bedrock-runtime/src/models/models_0.ts
  17. +58 −0 clients/client-bedrock-runtime/src/protocols/Aws_restJson1.ts
  18. +11 −0 clients/client-codeartifact/
  19. +6 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/
  20. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/package.json
  21. +6 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/Codeartifact.ts
  22. +6 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/CodeartifactClient.ts
  23. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/AssociateExternalConnectionCommand.ts
  24. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/CopyPackageVersionsCommand.ts
  25. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/CreateRepositoryCommand.ts
  26. +2 −2 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/DeletePackageCommand.ts
  27. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/DeletePackageVersionsCommand.ts
  28. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/DeleteRepositoryCommand.ts
  29. +2 −2 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/DescribePackageCommand.ts
  30. +2 −2 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/DescribePackageVersionCommand.ts
  31. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/DescribeRepositoryCommand.ts
  32. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/DisassociateExternalConnectionCommand.ts
  33. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/DisposePackageVersionsCommand.ts
  34. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/GetAssociatedPackageGroupCommand.ts
  35. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/GetPackageVersionAssetCommand.ts
  36. +2 −2 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/GetPackageVersionReadmeCommand.ts
  37. +6 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/GetRepositoryEndpointCommand.ts
  38. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/ListAssociatedPackagesCommand.ts
  39. +2 −2 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/ListPackageVersionAssetsCommand.ts
  40. +2 −2 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/ListPackageVersionDependenciesCommand.ts
  41. +2 −2 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/ListPackageVersionsCommand.ts
  42. +2 −2 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/ListPackagesCommand.ts
  43. +2 −2 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/PublishPackageVersionCommand.ts
  44. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/PutPackageOriginConfigurationCommand.ts
  45. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/UpdatePackageVersionsStatusCommand.ts
  46. +1 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/commands/UpdateRepositoryCommand.ts
  47. +6 −1 clients/client-codeartifact/src/index.ts
  48. +43 −38 clients/client-codeartifact/src/models/models_0.ts
  49. +11 −0 clients/client-compute-optimizer/
  50. +24 −0 clients/client-compute-optimizer/
  51. +1 −1 clients/client-compute-optimizer/package.json
  52. +70 −0 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/ComputeOptimizer.ts
  53. +18 −0 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/ComputeOptimizerClient.ts
  54. +1 −1 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/DeleteRecommendationPreferencesCommand.ts
  55. +1 −1 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/DescribeRecommendationExportJobsCommand.ts
  56. +1 −1 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/ExportAutoScalingGroupRecommendationsCommand.ts
  57. +1 −1 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/ExportEBSVolumeRecommendationsCommand.ts
  58. +1 −1 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/ExportEC2InstanceRecommendationsCommand.ts
  59. +148 −0 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/ExportRDSDatabaseRecommendationsCommand.ts
  60. +17 −17 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/GetAutoScalingGroupRecommendationsCommand.ts
  61. +5 −5 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/GetEBSVolumeRecommendationsCommand.ts
  62. +10 −10 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/GetEC2InstanceRecommendationsCommand.ts
  63. +12 −12 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/GetECSServiceRecommendationsCommand.ts
  64. +5 −5 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/GetLambdaFunctionRecommendationsCommand.ts
  65. +143 −0 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/GetRDSDatabaseRecommendationProjectedMetricsCommand.ts
  66. +250 −0 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/GetRDSDatabaseRecommendationsCommand.ts
  67. +2 −2 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/GetRecommendationPreferencesCommand.ts
  68. +1 −1 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/GetRecommendationSummariesCommand.ts
  69. +1 −1 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/PutRecommendationPreferencesCommand.ts
  70. +3 −0 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/commands/index.ts
  71. +1,449 −218 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/models/models_0.ts
  72. +432 −0 clients/client-compute-optimizer/src/protocols/Aws_json1_0.ts
  73. +11 −0 clients/client-cost-optimization-hub/
  74. +1 −1 clients/client-cost-optimization-hub/package.json
  75. +36 −2 clients/client-cost-optimization-hub/src/commands/GetRecommendationCommand.ts
  76. +1 −1 clients/client-cost-optimization-hub/src/commands/ListRecommendationSummariesCommand.ts
  77. +1 −1 clients/client-cost-optimization-hub/src/commands/ListRecommendationsCommand.ts
  78. +175 −2 clients/client-cost-optimization-hub/src/models/models_0.ts
  79. +52 −0 clients/client-cost-optimization-hub/src/protocols/Aws_json1_0.ts
  80. +8 −0 clients/client-dynamodb/
  81. +1 −1 clients/client-dynamodb/package.json
  82. +2 −7 clients/client-dynamodb/src/commands/CreateGlobalTableCommand.ts
  83. +2 −7 clients/client-dynamodb/src/commands/DescribeGlobalTableCommand.ts
  84. +2 −7 clients/client-dynamodb/src/commands/DescribeGlobalTableSettingsCommand.ts
  85. +2 −7 clients/client-dynamodb/src/commands/ListGlobalTablesCommand.ts
  86. +2 −7 clients/client-dynamodb/src/commands/UpdateGlobalTableCommand.ts
  87. +2 −7 clients/client-dynamodb/src/commands/UpdateGlobalTableSettingsCommand.ts
  88. +11 −0 clients/client-ivs-realtime/
  89. +1 −1 clients/client-ivs-realtime/package.json
  90. +12 −0 clients/client-ivs-realtime/src/commands/CreateStageCommand.ts
  91. +3 −0 clients/client-ivs-realtime/src/commands/GetParticipantCommand.ts
  92. +6 −0 clients/client-ivs-realtime/src/commands/GetStageCommand.ts
  93. +2 −0 clients/client-ivs-realtime/src/commands/ListParticipantsCommand.ts
  94. +12 −0 clients/client-ivs-realtime/src/commands/UpdateStageCommand.ts
  95. +132 −11 clients/client-ivs-realtime/src/models/models_0.ts
  96. +17 −0 clients/client-ivs-realtime/src/protocols/Aws_restJson1.ts
  97. +11 −0 clients/client-opensearch/
  98. +1 −1 clients/client-opensearch/package.json
  99. +12 −0 clients/client-opensearch/src/commands/CreateDomainCommand.ts
  100. +6 −0 clients/client-opensearch/src/commands/DeleteDomainCommand.ts
  101. +6 −0 clients/client-opensearch/src/commands/DescribeDomainCommand.ts
  102. +6 −0 clients/client-opensearch/src/commands/DescribeDomainConfigCommand.ts
  103. +6 −0 clients/client-opensearch/src/commands/DescribeDomainsCommand.ts
  104. +6 −0 clients/client-opensearch/src/commands/DescribeDryRunProgressCommand.ts
  105. +12 −0 clients/client-opensearch/src/commands/UpdateDomainConfigCommand.ts
  106. +74 −2 clients/client-opensearch/src/models/models_0.ts
  107. +6 −0 clients/client-opensearch/src/protocols/Aws_restJson1.ts
  108. +11 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/
  109. +16 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/
  110. +1 −1 clients/client-sagemaker/package.json
  111. +46 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/SageMaker.ts
  112. +12 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/SageMakerClient.ts
  113. +3 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/BatchDescribeModelPackageCommand.ts
  114. +3 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/CreateAlgorithmCommand.ts
  115. +2 −1 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/CreateCodeRepositoryCommand.ts
  116. +0 −3 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/CreateHubCommand.ts
  117. +102 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/CreateHubContentReferenceCommand.ts
  118. +6 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/CreateModelCommand.ts
  119. +9 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/CreateModelPackageCommand.ts
  120. +0 −3 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DeleteHubCommand.ts
  121. +1 −4 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DeleteHubContentCommand.ts
  122. +85 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DeleteHubContentReferenceCommand.ts
  123. +3 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DescribeAlgorithmCommand.ts
  124. +1 −4 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DescribeHubCommand.ts
  125. +5 −5 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DescribeHubContentCommand.ts
  126. +4 −4 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DescribeInferenceRecommendationsJobCommand.ts
  127. +6 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DescribeModelCommand.ts
  128. +9 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DescribeModelPackageCommand.ts
  129. +2 −1 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DescribeMonitoringScheduleCommand.ts
  130. +1 −1 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/DescribeNotebookInstanceCommand.ts
  131. +1 −4 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/ImportHubContentCommand.ts
  132. +5 −5 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/ListHubContentVersionsCommand.ts
  133. +5 −5 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/ListHubContentsCommand.ts
  134. +0 −3 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/ListHubsCommand.ts
  135. +4 −4 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/ListInferenceRecommendationsJobStepsCommand.ts
  136. +1 −1 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/ListMonitoringAlertHistoryCommand.ts
  137. +1 −2 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/ListMonitoringAlertsCommand.ts
  138. +9 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/SearchCommand.ts
  139. +0 −3 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/UpdateHubCommand.ts
  140. +6 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/UpdateModelPackageCommand.ts
  141. +2 −0 clients/client-sagemaker/src/commands/index.ts
  142. +18 −11 clients/client-sagemaker/src/models/models_0.ts
  143. +63 −39 clients/client-sagemaker/src/models/models_1.ts
  144. +100 −317 clients/client-sagemaker/src/models/models_2.ts
  145. +328 −153 clients/client-sagemaker/src/models/models_3.ts
  146. +154 −3 clients/client-sagemaker/src/models/models_4.ts
  147. +121 −11 clients/client-sagemaker/src/protocols/Aws_json1_1.ts
  148. +8 −0 clients/client-securityhub/
  149. +1 −1 clients/client-securityhub/package.json
  150. +84 −2 clients/client-securityhub/src/models/models_1.ts
  151. +6 −0 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/artifact.json
  152. +14 −1 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/athena.json
  153. +121 −0 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/bedrock-runtime.json
  154. +33 −27 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/codeartifact.json
  155. +3,840 −2,286 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/compute-optimizer.json
  156. +14 −1 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/cost-and-usage-report-service.json
  157. +126 −2 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/cost-optimization-hub.json
  158. +27 −1 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/direct-connect.json
  159. +6 −6 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/dynamodb.json
  160. +14 −1 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/elastic-transcoder.json
  161. +8 −0 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/glue.json
  162. +187 −3 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/ivs-realtime.json
  163. +96 −2 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/opensearch.json
  164. +275 −35 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/sagemaker.json
  165. +2 −2 codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/securityhub.json
  166. +44 −0 ...ypescript-codegen/src/main/resources/software/amazon/smithy/aws/typescript/codegen/endpoints.json
  167. +1 −1 lerna.json
  168. +8 −0 lib/lib-dynamodb/
  169. +1 −1 lib/lib-dynamodb/package.json
  170. +8 −0 packages/util-dynamodb/
  171. +1 −1 packages/util-dynamodb/package.json
  172. +8 −0 private/aws-middleware-test/
  173. +1 −1 private/aws-middleware-test/package.json
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,6 +3,41 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.

# [3.602.0]( (2024-06-20)

### Features

* **client-bedrock-runtime:** This release adds document support to Converse and ConverseStream APIs ([7f5bfb9](
* **client-codeartifact:** Add support for the Cargo package format. ([6d048ab](
* **client-compute-optimizer:** This release enables AWS Compute Optimizer to analyze and generate optimization recommendations for Amazon RDS MySQL and RDS PostgreSQL. ([1cf227f](
* **client-cost-optimization-hub:** This release enables AWS Cost Optimization Hub to show cost optimization recommendations for Amazon RDS MySQL and RDS PostgreSQL. ([52a0e8f](
* **client-glue:** Fix Glue paginators for Jobs, JobRuns, Triggers, Blueprints and Workflows. ([8741cd4](
* **client-ivs-realtime:** IVS Real-Time now offers customers the ability to record individual stage participants to S3. ([b3374d1](
* **client-sagemaker:** Adds support for model references in Hub service, and adds support for cross-account access of Hubs ([1048205](
* **clients:** update client endpoints as of 2024-06-20 ([f9179c6](

# [3.601.0]( (2024-06-19)

### Features

* **client-artifact:** This release adds an acceptanceType field to the ReportSummary structure (used in the ListReports API response). ([1d233bf](
* **client-athena:** Add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests trait for SDK testing. ([7b7b5ec](
* **client-cost-and-usage-report-service:** Add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests trait for SDK testing. ([8f6aed8](
* **client-direct-connect:** Add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests trait for SDK testing. ([00b2422](
* **client-elastic-transcoder:** Add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests trait for SDK testing. ([78789c4](
* **client-opensearch:** This release enables customers to use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication on their Amazon OpenSearch Service domains. ([145a976](
* **clients:** update client endpoints as of 2024-06-19 ([a8b4514](

# [3.600.0]( (2024-06-18)

19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions clients/client-artifact/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,6 +3,25 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.

# [3.602.0]( (2024-06-20)

**Note:** Version bump only for package @aws-sdk/client-artifact

# [3.601.0]( (2024-06-19)

### Features

* **client-artifact:** This release adds an acceptanceType field to the ReportSummary structure (used in the ListReports API response). ([1d233bf](

# [3.600.0]( (2024-06-18)

**Note:** Version bump only for package @aws-sdk/client-artifact
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion clients/client-artifact/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "@aws-sdk/client-artifact",
"description": "AWS SDK for JavaScript Artifact Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native",
"version": "3.600.0",
"version": "3.602.0",
"scripts": {
"build": "concurrently 'yarn:build:cjs' 'yarn:build:es' 'yarn:build:types'",
"build:cjs": "tsc -p tsconfig.cjs.json",
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions clients/client-artifact/src/commands/GetAccountSettingsCommand.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -77,6 +77,22 @@ export interface GetAccountSettingsCommandOutput extends GetAccountSettingsRespo
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from Artifact service.</p>
* @public
* @example Invoke GetAccountSettings operation
* ```javascript
* // Get the current account settings.
* const input = {};
* const command = new GetAccountSettingsCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* /* response ==
* {
* "accountSettings": {
* "notificationSubscriptionStatus": "SUBSCRIBED"
* }
* }
* *\/
* // example id: example-1
* ```
export class GetAccountSettingsCommand extends $Command
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions clients/client-artifact/src/commands/GetReportCommand.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -79,6 +79,26 @@ export interface GetReportCommandOutput extends GetReportResponse, __MetadataBea
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from Artifact service.</p>
* @public
* @example Invoke GetReport operation on the latest version of a specific report
* ```javascript
* // The GetReport operation is invoked on a reportId and on a optional version.
* // Callers must provide a termToken, which is provided by the GetTermForReport
* // operation. If callers do not provide a version, it will default to the
* // report's latest version
* const input = {
* "reportId": "report-1hVFddebtfDNJAUf",
* "termToken": "term-token-gPFEGk7CF4wS901w7ppYclt7"
* };
* const command = new GetReportCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* /* response ==
* {
* "documentPresignedUrl": "<Presigned S3 URL>"
* }
* *\/
* // example id: example-1
* ```
export class GetReportCommand extends $Command
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions clients/client-artifact/src/commands/GetReportMetadataCommand.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -96,6 +96,38 @@ export interface GetReportMetadataCommandOutput extends GetReportMetadataRespons
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from Artifact service.</p>
* @public
* @example Invoke GetReportMetadata operation on the latest version of a specific report
* ```javascript
* // The GetReportMetadata operation is invoked on a reportId and on a optional version.
* // If callers do not provide a version, it will default to the report's latest version.
* const input = {
* "reportId": "report-bqhUJF3FrQZsMJpb"
* };
* const command = new GetReportMetadataCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* /* response ==
* {
* "reportDetails": {
* "version": 1,
* "name": "Name of report",
* "arn": "arn:aws:artifact:us-east-1::report/report-bqhUJF3FrQZsMJpb:1",
* "category": "Artifact Category",
* "companyName": "AWS",
* "createdAt": "2022-05-27T23:17:00.343940Z",
* "description": "Description of report",
* "id": "report-bqhUJF3FrQZsMJpb",
* "periodEnd": "2022-04-01T20:32:04Z",
* "periodStart": "2022-04-01T20:32:04Z",
* "productName": "Product of report",
* "series": "Artifact Series",
* "state": "PUBLISHED",
* "termArn": "arn:aws:artifact:us-east-1::term/term-gLJGG12NyPtYcmtu:1"
* }
* }
* *\/
* // example id: example-1
* ```
export class GetReportMetadataCommand extends $Command
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions clients/client-artifact/src/commands/GetTermForReportCommand.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -79,6 +79,24 @@ export interface GetTermForReportCommandOutput extends GetTermForReportResponse,
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from Artifact service.</p>
* @public
* @example Invoke GetTermForReport operation on the latest version of a specific report
* ```javascript
* // The GetTermForReport operation is invoked on a reportId and on a optional version.
* // If callers do not provide a version, it will default to the report's latest version.
* const input = {
* "reportId": "report-bqhUJF3FrQZsMJpb"
* };
* const command = new GetTermForReportCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* /* response ==
* {
* "documentPresignedUrl": "<Presigned S3 URL>",
* "termToken": "term-token-gPFEGk7CF4wS901w7ppYclt7"
* }
* *\/
* // example id: example-1
* ```
export class GetTermForReportCommand extends $Command
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions clients/client-artifact/src/commands/ListReportsCommand.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ export interface ListReportsCommandOutput extends ListReportsResponse, __Metadat
* // companyName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // productName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // statusMessage: "STRING_VALUE",
* // acceptanceType: "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // ],
* // nextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
@@ -93,6 +94,36 @@ export interface ListReportsCommandOutput extends ListReportsResponse, __Metadat
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from Artifact service.</p>
* @public
* @example Invoke ListReports operation
* ```javascript
* // The ListReports operation returns a collection of report resources.
* const input = {};
* const command = new ListReportsCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* /* response ==
* {
* "nextToken": "gPFEGk7CF4wS901w7ppYclt7gPFEGk7CF4wS901w7ppYclt7gPFEGk7CF4wS901w7ppYclt7",
* "reports": [
* {
* "version": 1,
* "name": "Name of report",
* "arn": "arn:aws:artifact:us-east-1::report/report-bqhUJF3FrQZsMJpb",
* "category": "Artifact Category",
* "companyName": "AWS",
* "description": "Description of report",
* "id": "report-bqhUJF3FrQZsMJpb",
* "periodEnd": "2022-04-01T20:32:04Z",
* "periodStart": "2022-04-01T20:32:04Z",
* "productName": "Product of report",
* "series": "Artifact Series",
* "state": "PUBLISHED"
* }
* ]
* }
* *\/
* // example id: example-1
* ```
export class ListReportsCommand extends $Command
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions clients/client-artifact/src/commands/PutAccountSettingsCommand.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -79,6 +79,24 @@ export interface PutAccountSettingsCommandOutput extends PutAccountSettingsRespo
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from Artifact service.</p>
* @public
* @example Invoke PutAccountSettings operation
* ```javascript
* // Set the account settings.
* const input = {
* "notificationSubscriptionStatus": "SUBSCRIBED"
* };
* const command = new PutAccountSettingsCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* /* response ==
* {
* "accountSettings": {
* "notificationSubscriptionStatus": "SUBSCRIBED"
* }
* }
* *\/
* // example id: example-1
* ```
export class PutAccountSettingsCommand extends $Command
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions clients/client-artifact/src/models/models_0.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -737,6 +737,12 @@ export interface ReportSummary {
* @public
statusMessage?: string;

* <p>Acceptance type for report.</p>
* @public
acceptanceType?: AcceptanceType;

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions clients/client-artifact/src/protocols/Aws_restJson1.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -523,6 +523,7 @@ const de_ReportsList = (output: any, context: __SerdeContext): ReportSummary[] =
const de_ReportSummary = (output: any, context: __SerdeContext): ReportSummary => {
return take(output, {
acceptanceType: __expectString,
arn: __expectString,
category: __expectString,
companyName: __expectString,
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions clients/client-bedrock-runtime/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,6 +3,17 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.

# [3.602.0]( (2024-06-20)

### Features

* **client-bedrock-runtime:** This release adds document support to Converse and ConverseStream APIs ([7f5bfb9](

# [3.600.0]( (2024-06-18)

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion clients/client-bedrock-runtime/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime",
"description": "AWS SDK for JavaScript Bedrock Runtime Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native",
"version": "3.600.0",
"version": "3.602.0",
"scripts": {
"build": "concurrently 'yarn:build:cjs' 'yarn:build:es' 'yarn:build:types'",
"build:cjs": "node ../../scripts/compilation/inline client-bedrock-runtime",
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions clients/client-bedrock-runtime/src/commands/ConverseCommand.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -60,6 +60,13 @@ export interface ConverseCommandOutput extends ConverseResponse, __MetadataBeare
* bytes: new Uint8Array(), // e.g. Buffer.from("") or new TextEncoder().encode("")
* },
* },
* document: { // DocumentBlock
* format: "pdf" || "csv" || "doc" || "docx" || "xls" || "xlsx" || "html" || "txt" || "md", // required
* name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* source: { // DocumentSource Union: only one key present
* bytes: new Uint8Array(), // e.g. Buffer.from("") or new TextEncoder().encode("")
* },
* },
* toolUse: { // ToolUseBlock
* toolUseId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
@@ -77,6 +84,13 @@ export interface ConverseCommandOutput extends ConverseResponse, __MetadataBeare
* bytes: new Uint8Array(), // e.g. Buffer.from("") or new TextEncoder().encode("")
* },
* },
* document: {
* format: "pdf" || "csv" || "doc" || "docx" || "xls" || "xlsx" || "html" || "txt" || "md", // required
* name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* source: {// Union: only one key present
* bytes: new Uint8Array(), // e.g. Buffer.from("") or new TextEncoder().encode("")
* },
* },
* },
* ],
* status: "success" || "error",
@@ -153,6 +167,13 @@ export interface ConverseCommandOutput extends ConverseResponse, __MetadataBeare
* // bytes: new Uint8Array(),
* // },
* // },
* // document: { // DocumentBlock
* // format: "pdf" || "csv" || "doc" || "docx" || "xls" || "xlsx" || "html" || "txt" || "md", // required
* // name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // source: { // DocumentSource Union: only one key present
* // bytes: new Uint8Array(),
* // },
* // },
* // toolUse: { // ToolUseBlock
* // toolUseId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
@@ -170,6 +191,13 @@ export interface ConverseCommandOutput extends ConverseResponse, __MetadataBeare
* // bytes: new Uint8Array(),
* // },
* // },
* // document: {
* // format: "pdf" || "csv" || "doc" || "docx" || "xls" || "xlsx" || "html" || "txt" || "md", // required
* // name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // source: {// Union: only one key present
* // bytes: new Uint8Array(),
* // },
* // },
* // },
* // ],
* // status: "success" || "error",
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -67,6 +67,13 @@ export interface ConverseStreamCommandOutput extends ConverseStreamResponse, __M
* bytes: new Uint8Array(), // e.g. Buffer.from("") or new TextEncoder().encode("")
* },
* },
* document: { // DocumentBlock
* format: "pdf" || "csv" || "doc" || "docx" || "xls" || "xlsx" || "html" || "txt" || "md", // required
* name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* source: { // DocumentSource Union: only one key present
* bytes: new Uint8Array(), // e.g. Buffer.from("") or new TextEncoder().encode("")
* },
* },
* toolUse: { // ToolUseBlock
* toolUseId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
@@ -84,6 +91,13 @@ export interface ConverseStreamCommandOutput extends ConverseStreamResponse, __M
* bytes: new Uint8Array(), // e.g. Buffer.from("") or new TextEncoder().encode("")
* },
* },
* document: {
* format: "pdf" || "csv" || "doc" || "docx" || "xls" || "xlsx" || "html" || "txt" || "md", // required
* name: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* source: {// Union: only one key present
* bytes: new Uint8Array(), // e.g. Buffer.from("") or new TextEncoder().encode("")
* },
* },
* },
* ],
* status: "success" || "error",