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Linux Installation Options

The kubernetes cluster will 'Evict' Pods if disk space is below 10% (see kubernetes/types.go to see the defaults). My Own Kind images take up about 3.5GB of disk space.

Either Podman or Docker must be installed frst. If both are installed mokctl will choose to use Docker.

If your distribution enables cgroups v2 then it must be disabled. Only Fedora do this right now, so for Fedora 31 or 32 run the following line then reboot:

grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"

See also: Common F31 bugs - Fedora Project Wiki.

Use a Work Container (MokBox)

As an alternative to installing mokctl, there is a container image, MokBox, that has mokctl, kubectl and docker already installed, then exec into the instance to build kubernetes clusters.

Download and run the container image, myownkind/mokbox:

docker run --rm -ti --hostname mokbox --name mokbox \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp myownkind/mokbox

Then use mokctl and kubectl in mokbox:

mokctl build image --get-prebuilt-image

mokctl create cluster myk8s --masters 1

export KUBECONFIG=/var/tmp/admin-myk8s.conf

kubectl get pods -A

Creating an Alias

Add the following to your shell startup file, for example ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

alias mokbox='docker run --rm -ti --hostname mokbox --name mokbox -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp myownkind/mokbox';

Then run the work container using: mokbox.

The base image is Fedora. Additional software can be installed using dnf, or modify my-own-kind/package/Dockerfile.mokbox and rebuild the image to have the same tools each time.

Install Mokctl using NPM

Using this method will install the mokctl command into /usr/local/bin.

Kubectl wil need to be downloaded separately.

To install from npm:

sudo npm install -g my-own-kind

Then use mokctl:

alias mokctl="sudo mokctl"
mokctl build image --get-prebuilt-image
mokctl create cluster myk8s --masters 1


sudo npm uninstall -g my-own-kind

Install from source

To build and install from source:

git clone
cd my-own-kind

Install into /usr/local/bin:

make test
sudo make install

Then use mokctl:

mokctl build image --get-prebuilt-image
mokctl create cluster myk8s 1 0


# To remove mokctl
sudo make uninstall

Also remove the docker images if required:

  • local/mokctl

  • local/mok-centos-7-v1.18.2

  • docker

  • centos