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File metadata and controls

264 lines (197 loc) · 8.62 KB
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Bazel works alongside your existing package manager, either npm or yarn. You manage your package.json file, editing by hand or by running commands like npm install or yarn add. The package manager will also write a lock file, indicating exact versions for all transitive dependencies, which keeps your build hermetic and reproducible. Bazel will run the package manager when the package.json or *lock.json files change, but you can also run the package manager yourself.

Bazel-managed vs self-managed dependencies

You have two options for managing your node_modules dependencies: Bazel-managed or self-managed.

With the Bazel-managed dependencies approach, Bazel is responsible for making sure that node_modules is up to date with your package[-lock].json or yarn.lock files. This means Bazel will set it up when the repository is first cloned, and rebuild it whenever it changes. With the yarn_install or npm_install repository rules, Bazel will setup your node_modules for you in an external workspace named after the repository rule. For example, a yarn_install(name = "npm", ...) will setup an external workspace named @npm with the node_modules folder inside of it as well as generating targets for each root npm package in node_modules for use as dependencies to other rules.

For Bazel to provide the strongest guarantees about reproducibility and the fidelity of your build, it is recommended that you use Bazel-managed dependencies. This approach also allows you to use the generated fine-grained npm package dependencies which can significantly reduce the number of inputs to actions, making Bazel sand-boxing and remote-execution faster if there are a large number of files under node_modules.

Using Bazel-managed dependencies

To have Bazel manage its own copy of node_modules, which is useful to avoid juggling multiple toolchains, you can add one of the following to your WORKSPACE file:

Using Yarn (preferred):

load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "yarn_install")

    name = "npm",
    package_json = "//:package.json",
    yarn_lock = "//:yarn.lock",

Using NPM:

load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "npm_install")

    name = "npm",
    package_json = "//:package.json",
    package_lock_json = "//:package-lock.json",

If you don't need to pass any arguments to node_repositories, you can skip calling that function. yarn_install and npm_install will do it by default.

symlink_node_modules and managed_directories

The managed_directories feature is being removed from Bazel. See bazelbuild/bazel#15463. Using managed_directories is not recommended.

Furthermore, as of rules_nodejs 5.0, symlink_node_modules defaults to False. We've found that the benefits of using symlink_node_modules, which allows Bazel to use a node_modules directory that is in the user workspace, do not outweigh the downsides of the repository rule not defining all of their inputs and of having to re-run the repository rule if the user's node_modules folder is deleted. On persistent CI machines, that will delete the node_modules folder when cleaning the clone between jobs, the repository rule will run for every job when symlink_node_modules is enabled. With symlink_node_modules disabled, the repository rule will only re-run if its inputs change between jobs.

The remaining documentation in this section is for legacy usage only.

Set symlink_node_modules to True to configure npm_install and/or yarn_install to install node_modules inside the user workspace and have Bazel use the node_modules folder in the user workspace for the build via a symlink to the user's node_modules in the external repository it creates.

load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "npm_install")

    name = "npm",
    package_json = "//:package.json",
    package_lock_json = "//:package-lock.json",
    symlink_node_modules = True,

You should now add the @npm workspace to the managed_directories option in the workspace rule at the top of the file. This tells Bazel that the node_modules directory is special and is managed by the package manager. Add the workspace rule if it isn't already in your /WORKSPACE file.

    name = "my_wksp",
    managed_directories = {"@npm": ["node_modules"]},

yarn_install vs. npm_install

yarn_install is the preferred rule for setting up Bazel-managed dependencies for a number of reasons:

  • yarn_install will use the global yarn cache by default which will improve your build performance (this can be turned off with the use_global_yarn_cache attribute)
  • npm has a known peer dependency hoisting issue that can lead to missing peer dependencies in some cases (see #416)

Fine-grained npm package dependencies

You can then reference individual npm packages in your BUILD rules via:

load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "nodejs_binary")

    name = "bar",
    data = [

In this case, the bar nodejs_binary depends only the foo and baz npm packages and all of their transitive deps.

For other rules such as jasmine_node_test, fine grained npm dependencies are specified in the deps attribute:

    name = "test",
    deps = [

Multiple sets of npm dependencies

If your workspace has multiple applications, each with their own package.json and npm deps, yarn_install (or npm_install) can be called separately for each.

workspace(name = "my_wksp")

    name = "app1_npm",
    package_json = "//app1:package.json",
    yarn_lock = "//app1:yarn.lock",

    name = "app2_npm",
    package_json = "//app2:package.json",
    yarn_lock = "//app2:yarn.lock",

Your application would then reference its deps as (for example) @app1_npm//lodash, or @app2_npm//jquery.

Fine-grained npm package nodejs_binary targets

If an npm package lists one or more bin entry points in its package.json, nodejs_binary targets will be generated for these.

For example, the protractor package has two bin entries in its package.json:

  "bin": {
    "protractor": "bin/protractor",
    "webdriver-manager": "bin/webdriver-manager"

These will result in two generated nodejs_binary targets in the @npm//protractor/bin package (if your npm deps workspace is @npm):

  • @npm//protractor/bin:protractor
  • @npm//protractor/bin:webdriver-manager

These targets can be used as executables for actions in custom rules or can be run by Bazel directly. For example, you can run protractor with the following:

$ bazel run @npm//protractor/bin:protractor

Note: These targets are in the protractor/bin package so they don't conflict with the targets to use in deps[]. For example, @npm//protractor:protractor is target to use in deps[] while @npm//protractor/bin:protractor is the binary target.

Coarse node_modules dependencies

Using fine grained npm dependencies is recommended to minimize the number of inputs to your rules. However, for backward compatibility there are also filegroups defined by yarn_install and npm_install that include all packages under node_modules and which can be used with the node_modules attribute of nodejs rules.

  • @npm//:node_modules includes all packages under node_modules as well as the .bin folder
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "nodejs_binary")

    name = "bar",
    node_modules = "@npm//:node_modules",

Using Bazel provisioned node, npm & yarn

To run the version of node fetched by Bazel which defined in your WORKSPACE you can use:

$ bazel run @nodejs//:node -- <arguments passed to node>

For example,

$ bazel run @nodejs//:node -- --version

This will run node in the current working directory.

To run the Bazel fetched npm and/or yarn you can use:

$ bazel run @yarn//:yarn -- <arguments passed to yarn>
$ bazel run @nodejs//:npm -- <arguments passed to npm>

This will run yarn/npm in the current working directory.

For example, to add a package with the yarn add command you would run:

$ bazel run @yarn//:yarn -- add <package>

Note: the arguments passed to bazel run after -- are forwarded to the executable being run.