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Squoosh Webpack Plugin Logo

Squoosh Webpack Plugin

The squoosh webpack plugin allows you to integrate Squoosh into your webpack builds. Squoosh is an open source "image compression web app that reduces image sizes through numerous formats" (Squoosh Github) as well as a javascript library and command line tool.


This project is written in typescript, meaning that in most modern IDEs you will receive type hinting - even when you're in a javascript file such as webpack.config.js.

What can it do?

The squoosh webpack plugin allows you to leverage the power of squoosh in your webpack builds. It will automatically optimise any images you import in your javascript web app.

By default, it generates a unique ID for each image so as not to generate duplicates. This also means that it will only generate new images when you change the encoder options, update an image (when not using the preserveFileName option), or add/rename an image.

It supports all codecs and encoder options supported by squoosh and allows you to configure these in the same way you would when using the squoosh command line tool or API directly.

What can't it do?

The squoosh webpack plugin currently does not currently support any preprocessor options such as image resizing or rotation.

What next?

Planned features for this plugin are as follows:

  • Add support for all preprocessor options available in Squoosh.
  • Add support for per image config files so that you can customise the encoder and preprocessor options an a per image basis
  • Any suggestions for improvements? Please raise an issue on github - I'd love to hear from you!


Documentation for this project is available here.

Basic Usage

First install the plugin from yarn or npm.

npm install --save-dev squoosh-webpack-plugin

Now add the following to your webpack.config.js.

const { SquooshPlugin } = require("squoosh-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = (config, context) => {
  return {
    plugins: [
      new SquooshPlugin(),

This will initialise the plugin with default options. By default, squoosh will use the mozjpeg codec. By default, output images will be placed in the same folder as the input file.

Basic Configuration

The plugin constructor accepts an options object which allows you to configure the default behaviour.

new SquooshPlugin({

One of the first things you might want to change is the output directory. If you have a specific directory to which you wish to export your images after Squoosh has done it's magic, this can be specified with the outDir option.

new SquooshPlugin({
  outDir: 'public/images',

You can choose a codec and/or specify some encoder options as shown below.

new SquooshPlugin({
  codec: 'mozjpeg',
  encoderOptions: {
    quality: 65,


Option Type Default Description
extensions Aray | Function See extensions Extensions can be used to implement arbitrary custom behaviour.
encoderOptions object - The encoder options passed to Squoosh. Each codec has different default options.
codec string "mozjpeg" Codec used to encode images.
useWorker boolean true Invoke Squoosh from a Node child process. This is not a performance optimisation but disabling it may cause conflicts with certain other Webpack plugins.
requestPrefix string - If specified, only files starting with this prefix will be included. This option is managed internally by the BaseResolverExtension.
include RegExp /\.(jpeg|jpg|png)$/ If defined, files which match the regex pattern will be included. This option is managed internally by the BaseResolverExtension.
exclude RegExp - If defined, files which match the regex pattern will be excluded. This option is managed internally by the BaseResolverExtension.
dirs Array - If defined, only files in one of the directories will be included. This option is managed internally by the BaseResolverExtension.
outDir string - If defined, encoded images will be output to this directory. This option is managed internally by the DefaultOutputPathExtension.
uuidNamespace string - Used to produce a unique filename if preserveFileName is set to false. This option is managed internally by the DefaultOutputPathExtension.
preserveFileName boolean false If true, file names will be preserved and only the extension will change. This option is managed internally by the DefaultOutputPathExtension.

For more information on options, see the documentation and Squoosh github page.


Extensions can be used to customise the behaviour of the plugin. They are used internally to implement the default behaviour.

Setting the extensions option to an array will concatenate the extensions in the array with the default extensions:

  • BaseResolverExtension
  • BasicCacheExtension
  • DefaultOptionsExtension
  • DefaultOutputPathExtension
  • EnsureOutputDirectoryExtension

It is also possible to set the extensions option to a function. This will receive an array of the default extensions and should return an array of extensions. This is primarily useful if you wish to exclude one or more of the default extensions.

Extensions should be an object or class which implements the Extension type. It is recommended to define the name property for error logging purposes. One or more hook functions may be defined to tap into various stages of the plugins lifecycle.

The available hooks are:

  • initialize
  • request
  • prepare

If you intend to implement an extension, it is recommended to use the existing internal plugins for guidance. If you feel the functionality you are implementing should be part of the plugin, feel free to open a PR or an issue.


Want to get involved? Great! Feel free to help out by raising a bug, submitting a feature request or opening a pull request in github.