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Google Cloud Platform workshop

An introductory workshop in GCP with Terraform

Getting started

Required tools

For this workshop you'll need:

On macOS, with brew, you can run brew install google-cloud-sdk terraform.

Authenticating in the browser

You will receive access through a google account connected to your (work) email address.

  1. Go to

  2. If you're not logged in:

    1. Log in with your (work) email address.
  3. If you're logged in:

    1. Verify that your work account is selected in the top-right corner. If not, click "Add account" and log in.
  4. When you're logged in and have selected the correct account, verify that you have the cloud-labs-workshop-project selected in the top navigation bar (left hand side).

  5. You should now be good to go!

Authenticating in the terminal

We will use the gcloud CLI tool to log in:

  1. Run gcloud init from the command line.

    1. If you've previously logged in with the CLI, select the same email you used in the browser, or "Log in with a new account".
  2. Select the correct account in the browser, and authorize access to "Google Cloud SDK" when prompted.

  3. In the terminal, select the project with ID cloud-labs-workshop-42clws.

  4. Check that the new account is set as active, by running gcloud auth list.

    1. If you have a previously used configuration set as active, run gcloud config set account <account>.
  5. Run gcloud auth application-default login and complete the steps in the browser to create a credentials file that can be used by the google Terraform provider.


This repository has two folders for this workshop: frontend_dist/ contains some pre-built frontend files that we'll upload and infra/ will contain our terraform code. All files should be created here, and all terraform commands assume you're in this folder, unless something else is explicitly specified.

The infra/ folder, does not contain many files yet:

  • contains provider configuration. A provider is a plugin or library used by the terraform core to provide functionality. The google provider we will use in this workshop provides the definition of GCP resources and translates to correct API requests when you apply your configuration.

Let's move on to running some actual commands 🚀

  1. Before you can provision infrastructure, you have to initialize the providers from You can do this by running terraform init (from the infra/ folder!).

    This command will not do any infrastructure changes, but will create a .terraform/ folder, a .terraform.lock.hcl lock file. The lock file can (and should) be committed. ⚠️ The .terraform/ folder should not be committed, because it can contain secrets.

  2. Create a file (in infra/) and add the following code, replacing <yourid42> with a random string containing only lowercase letters and numbers, no longer than 8 characters. The id is used to create unique resource names and subdomains, so ideally at least 6 characters should be used to avoid collisions.

    locals {
      id = "<yourid42>"
  3. Take a look at at

    • The terraform block is used to declare providers and their versions. In this case, we use the hashicorp/google, the default provider for Google Cloud Platform.
    • The provider block defines the project, region and zone we'll work in. You should not need to touch this. A project is a billing unit, used to isolate environments and apps. Regions and zones decided where our resources will be located by default (see the docs for more information).
    • A google_client_openid_userinfo data block, giving us read access to the client used to invoke Terraform, and a corresponding output block which outputs the email of the client.
    • A check block to validate the id set in the previous step. Checks are a part of the Terraform language to validate infrastructure, and will output warnings if the assert fail.
  4. Run terraform apply. Confirm that you don't get a warning from the check, and take a look at the current_user_email output.


We'll create a PostgreSQL database for our application. Cloud SQL can be used for MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and more. It is fully managed and based on open standards, providing well-known interfaces. In this workshop we'll simplify the setup by allowing traffic from the public internet. This is generally not recommended, but is ok for this workshop.

  1. Create a new file in the infra/ directory.

  2. Create the database and the database instance by adding the following code:

     resource "google_sql_database" "database" {
       name     = "db-todo-${}"
       instance =
       deletion_policy = "ABANDON"
    resource "google_sql_database_instance" "postgres" {
      name             = "db-todo-${}"
      region           = "europe-west1"
      database_version = "POSTGRES_14"
      settings {
          tier = "db-f1-micro"
          # Allow access for all IP addresses
          ip_configuration {
            authorized_networks {
                value = ""
      deletion_protection = "false"

    deletion_policy is set to ABANDON. This is useful for Cloud SQL Postgres, where databases cannot be deleted from the API if there are users other than the default postgres user with access. The tier property decides the pricing tier. db-f1-micro is the cheapest option, giving the database 0.6 GB of RAM and shared CPU. The ip_configuration allows access from any IP-address on the public internet. This should not be done in production. The deletion_protection property is set to false, to allow us to delete the database instance through Terraform later on.

  3. We need to create a root user for our database. We'll start creating a password. Add the Random provider to the required_providers block in, followed by terraform init to initialize the provider.

    random = {
      source = "hashicorp/random"
      version = "3.5.1"

    Now, we can create a random_password resource to generate our password. Add the following code to

    resource "random_password" "root_password" {
      length  = 24
      special = false

    This will create a random, 24-character password, which by default will contain uppercase, lowercase and numbers. We can reference the password by using the result attribute: random_password.root_password.result. This password will be stored in the terraform state file, and will not be regenerated every time terraform apply is run.

  4. Lastly we will create the actual user. Add the following code to

    resource "google_sql_user" "root" {
       name     = "root"
       instance =
       password = random_password.root_password.result
       deletion_policy = "ABANDON"

    deletion_policy is set to ABANDON. This is useful for Postgres Cloud SQL, where users cannot be deleted from the API if they have been granted SQL roles.

  5. Run terraform apply to create the database and the database instance. This will take several minutes. While you wait, you can read the next task, Verify that the database is created in the GCP console. The simplest way to find it, is to search for "SQL" or for <yourid42>.


The backend is a pre-built Docker image uploaded in the GCP Artifact Registry. We'll run it using Cloud Run which pulls the image and runs it as a container.

GCP Cloud run is a fully managed platform for containerized applications. It allows you to run your frontend and backend services, batch jobs, and queue processing workloads. Cloud Run aims to provide the flexibility of containers with the simplicity of serverless. You can use buildpacks to enable you to deploy directly from source code, or you can upload an image. Cloud Run supports pull images from the Docker image Registry and GCP Artifact Registry.

  1. Create a new file, (still in infra/)

  2. We'll create a new resource of type google_cloud_run_v2_service, named cloudrun-service-<yourid42>. Like this:

    resource "google_cloud_run_v2_service" "backend" {
      name     = "cloudrun-service-${}"
      location = "europe-west1"
      ingress  = "INGRESS_TRAFFIC_ALL"
      template {
        scaling {
          max_instance_count = 1
        containers {
          image = ""
          ports {
            container_port = 3000
          env {
            name  = "DATABASE_URL"
            value = "postgresql://${}:${random_password.root_password.result}@${google_sql_database_instance.postgres.public_ip_address}:5432/${}"
  3. Run terraform apply. By doing this the Cloud Run resource will be created and pull the image specified in the image. Cloud Run resources are autoscaling, by setting max_instance_count to 1 we limit the service to only have one instance running.

  4. Verify that the Cloud Run resource is created correctly in the GCP console.

  5. By default, users are not allowed to run code on a Cloud Run services. To allow all users to run code, and access the endpoints in our backend, we will give all users the invoker role on our backend service. Add the following to and run terraform apply:

    data "google_iam_policy" "noauth" {
      binding {
        role    = "roles/run.invoker"
        members = [
    resource "google_cloud_run_service_iam_policy" "noauth" {
      location    = google_cloud_run_v2_service.backend.location
      project     = google_cloud_run_v2_service.backend.project
      service     =
      policy_data = data.google_iam_policy.noauth.policy_data
  6. Find the Cloud Run URL in the console, or by adding an backend_url output block printing google_cloud_run_v2_service.backend.uri. Navigate to <url>/healthcheck in your browser (or by using curl or equivalent) and verify that you get a message stating that the database connection is ok. The app is then running ok, and has successfully connected to the database.


We will use Google cloud storage service to store the web site. A cloud storage bucket can store any type of data object. An object can be a text file (HTML, javascript, txt), an image, a video or any other file, and can also be used to host static websites. We will also use terraform to upload the files in the frontend_dist/ folder.

In order to serve the website content a custom domain, we will also need a CDN with a load balancer. The CDN will use a backend bucket with a storage bucket as the origin server for sourcing our content. The key part here is enabling CDN by setting the “enable_cdn=true” attribute on the backend bucket.

  1. Create the bucket. Add this to a new file,

    resource "google_storage_bucket" "frontend" {
      name     = "storage-bucket-${}"
      location = "EUROPE-WEST1"
      website {
        main_page_suffix = "index.html"
      force_destroy = true

    The force_destroy property is set to true to allow us to delete the bucket later on. We also use the website block to enable the website feature on the bucket. This will allow us to serve the content in the bucket as a static website.

    If we now go to the GCP console and click in the menu for "Cloud Storage", we should see the bucket we just created.

  2. To upload files to the bucket, Terraform must track the files in the frontend_dist/ directory. We also need some MIME type information that is not readily available, so we will create a map that we can use to look up the types later. We will create local helper variables to help us out:

    locals {
      frontend_dir   = "${path.module}/../frontend_dist"
      frontend_files = fileset(local.frontend_dir, "**")
      mime_types = {
        ".js"   = "application/javascript"
        ".html" = "text/html"

    path.module is the path to the infra/ directory. fileset(directory, pattern) returns a list of all files in directory matching pattern.

  3. Now we want to store all of these files as a object in our bucket. In order to create multiple resources, terraform provides a for_each meta-argument as a looping mechanism. We assign the frontend_files list to it, and can use each.value to refer to an element in the list.

    resource "google_storage_bucket_object" "frontend" {
      for_each = local.frontend_files
      bucket =
      source = "${local.frontend_dir}/${each.value}"
      content_type = lookup(local.mime_types, regex("\\.[^.]+$", each.value), null)
      name = each.value
      detect_md5hash = filemd5("${local.frontend_dir}/${each.value}")

    The code snippet performs a regex search to look up the correct content type. The filemd5 calculates a hash of the file content, which is used to determined whether a file need to be re-uploaded. Without the hash, terraform would not be able to detect a file change (only new/deleted/renamed files).

    After we now run terraform apply, we should be able to see the cloud storage bucket with it's files in the GCP console.

    But we are not able to browse the website yet. We need to set up access to the bucket, in our case enable public access to the bucket. We'll create a new IAM policy for the bucket. There are three of these, you can read more about them here. We will use the google_storage_bucket_iam_member. Add the following to

    resource "google_storage_bucket_iam_member" "member" {
      bucket =
      role   = "roles/storage.objectViewer"
      member = "allUsers"

    If you navigate to index.html file in the bucket, we should see the contents of the file has a "Public URL". And you should be able to navigate to the website. The URL should be similar to<yourid42>/index.html.


In order to get a custom domain up and running, we'll create a CDN with a load balancer in front. The load balancer will be assigned a public IP which we can point a DNS record towards.

  1. Create a new file and add the CDN:

    resource "google_compute_backend_bucket" "cdn_bucket" {
      name        = "cdn-bucket-${}"
      description = "Backend bucket for serving static content through CDN"
      bucket_name =
      enable_cdn  = true

    The CDN acts as a load balancing backend service that serves content a cloud storage bucket. The key part here is enabling CDN by setting the enable_cdn=true attribute on the backend bucket. Provisioning the CDN doesn't do much, but find your CDN instance in the GCP console anyway.

  2. Reserve an external IP for the load balancer in front of the CDN. Add the following to

    resource "google_compute_global_address" "cdn_public_address" {
      name     = "cdn-public-address-${}"

    You can find your IP by finding it in the GCP console, or adding an output:

    output "cdn_public_ip" {
      value = google_compute_global_address.cdn_public_address.address
  3. Time to set up the load balancer:

    resource "google_compute_url_map" "lb" {
      name            = "cdn-url-map-${}"
      default_service = google_compute_backend_bucket.cdn_bucket.self_link
    resource "google_compute_target_http_proxy" "frontend" {
      name    = "http-proxy-${}"
      url_map =
    resource "google_compute_global_forwarding_rule" "frontend" {
      name       = "frontend-forwarding-rule-${}"
      target     =
      port_range = "80"
      load_balancing_scheme = "EXTERNAL"
      ip_address = google_compute_global_address.cdn_public_address.address

    In our case, a HTTP(S) load balancer requires a backend service to serve requests. Cloud CDN requires a global load balancer, either a "global external application load balancer" or a premium tier "classic application load balancer" (see the docs). The load_balancing_scheme is set to EXTERNAL, giving us a classic application load balancer (changing to EXTERNAL_MANAGED will provision a global external application load balancer instead, see the docs).


We will use for this workshop. It is already configured in a manged DNS zone. You can find it by searching for Cloud DNS in the GCP console. We will configure two records, api.<yourid42> for the backend, and <yourid42> for the frontend CDN.

  1. To define subdomains, we'll need a reference to the managed DNS zone in our Terraform configuration. We will use the Terraform data block. A data block is very useful to refer to resources created externally, including resources created by other teams or common platform resources in an organization (such as a DNS zone). Most resources have a corresponding data block.

    Create and add the following data block:

    data "google_dns_managed_zone" "cloudlabs_gcp_no" {
      name = "cloudlabs-gcp-no-dns"
  2. Add the IP to the DNS zone:

    resource "google_dns_record_set" "frontend" {
      name         = "${}.${data.google_dns_managed_zone.cloudlabs_gcp_no.dns_name}"
      type         = "A"
      ttl          = 60
      managed_zone =
      rrdatas      = [google_compute_global_address.cdn_public_address.address]

    Verify that the DNS record is created in the GCP console. And go to the newly created address http://<your-id> The propagation of the address can take some time. Try using dig @ <your-id> to see if the address is ready. Look for ;; ANSWER SECTION:, and find a line that looks like <your-id> 60 IN A If you can't find the answer section, the DNS record might not be propagate yet (should not take more than a couple of minutes), or an error happened.


Frontend HTTPS

To enable HTTPS for the CDN we need to create a certificate. Managed SSL certificates are only available using the google-beta provider. Luckily, it's included by default in the google provider, so iwe'll just add another provider block and add provider = google-beta to our resource blocks, but additional configuration is possible.

  1. Add the provider block to

    provider "google-beta" {
      project     = "cloud-labs-workshop-42clws"
      region      = "europe-west1"
      zone        = "europe-west1-b"
  2. Make a new file called and add the following to create a certificate:

    resource "google_compute_managed_ssl_certificate" "frontend" {
      provider = google-beta
      name     = "frontend-certificate-${}"
      managed {
        domains = []
  3. Now we need to add it to the https proxy.

    resource "google_compute_target_https_proxy" "frontend" {
      name             = "frontend-target-proxy-https-${}"
      url_map          =
      ssl_certificates = [google_compute_managed_ssl_certificate.frontend.self_link]
  4. And then add it to the forwarding rule

    resource "google_compute_global_forwarding_rule" "frontend_https" {
      name                  = "frontend-forwarding-rule-https-${}"
      load_balancing_scheme = "EXTERNAL"
      ip_address            = google_compute_global_address.cdn_public_address.address
      ip_protocol           = "TCP"
      port_range            = "443"
      target                = google_compute_target_https_proxy.frontend.self_link
  5. Run terraform apply and to start the provisioning of the certificate. Provisioning a Google-managed certificate might take up to 60 minutes from the moment your DNS and load balancer configuration changes have propagated across the internet. If you have updated your DNS configuration recently, it can take a significant amount of time for the changes to fully propagate. Sometimes propagation takes up to 72 hours worldwide, although it typically takes a few hours. But if you go to the "Load balancing" and in to your load balancing in the GCP console you should see that HTTPS in the list of the frontend tab.

Backend custom domain name

To get a custom domain for the GCR instance, the recommended way is to use a global external Application Load Balancer. We could create a new load balancer, but for the purposes of this workshop we're going to share a load balancer for the frontend and backend and use rules to direct the traffic.

  1. You'll need to create a google_compute_region_network_endpoint_group that contains the Google Cloud Run service previously created. Then, create a google_compute_backend_service using the network endpoint group (NEG). The google_compute_backend_service plays a similar role to the google_compute_backend_bucket we created for the frontend.

  2. Create a new public IP address and DNS record for the backend, similar to what we did for the frontend. The backend should use api.<yourid42> You can verify using dig or similar tools.

  3. Set up a google_compute_target_http_proxy and google_compute_global_forwarding_rule for the backend, similar to what was done for the frontend. After applying these changes, the load balancer won't direct traffic properly until the next step is completed.

  4. Modify the previously created load balancer to create host_rules and path_matcher. You should route based on host name (domain name) only, the path_matchers are required, but should match all paths. Refer to google_compute_url_map documentation. Please note: These changes can take a couple of minutes to propagate, meaning it can be hard to test. Using the test block on the URL map will let you verify that paths are properly redirected when you run apply.

Backend HTTPS for custom domain name

Create a google_compute_managed_ssl_certificate, google_compute_target_https_proxy and google_compute_global_forwarding_rule similar to what was done for the frontend.